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But i didn't want to traducir francés

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I don't know whether it was management, the record company, Gil, all of the above, Dave, that wanted him to play drums and didn't want me to play drums, but him redoing the drum parts has never been explained to me.
Je ne sais pas si c'est le manager, la maison de disques, Gil, tout le monde, Dave, qui voulaient que ce soit lui et pas moi qui joue la partie de batterie. On ne m'a jamais expliqué pourquoi il devait rejouer les morceaux.
I'm sorry. I didn't want to have to tell you like this but she got killed.
Je suis désolé, je voulais pas te le dire comme ça, mais elle a été assassiné.
I didn't want to tell anyone my problem, not even Denise, but right after the initial diagnosis, Grant found me crying in the office.
Je n'ai pas voulu en parler, pas même à Denise, mais juste après le diagnostic initial, Grant m'a vu pleurer dans le bureau.
I didn't want to say anything to you because I didn't want it to skew the poly, but Horatio thinks she may have pronounced memory loss.
Je voulais rien vous dire que ça fausse pas le test, mais on pense qu'elle souffre de pertes de mémoire.
But I didn't want her to feel bad, so I went into the kitchen, and I got some of...
Je ne voulais pas la traumatiser, alors je suis allée dans la cuisine et j'ai pris les pilules que June prend pour dormir.
And I should have filed charges, but I didn't want anyone to know.
J'aurais dû porter plainte, mais je ne voulais pas que ça se sache.
We are doctors, and we all know birth control sometimes fails, and I didn't want to tell her this because I knew it would freak her out, but the doctor she went to the first time was a quack who didn't know what the hell he was doing,
On est médecins, et on sait tous que la contraception échoue parfois. Je lui ai pas dit pour pas l'effrayer, mais son 1er médecin était un charlatan qui ne savait pas ce qu'il faisait.
I didn't want to, but, uh...
Je ne voulais pas, mais...
Look, I didn't want to say too much, but, um... you've rumbled us.
D'accord, je voulais pas trop le dire, mais, euh... tu nous as démasqué.
Well, yeah, but I didn't want to have them delivered to the office. I didn't want to embarrass...
Je ne voulais pas la gêner en les envoyant ici.
I didn't want to say anything in front of Louis, but I found something
Je ne veux rien dire devant Louis, mais j'ai trouvé quelque chose...
I didn't want to do this without you, but we have to adapt.
Je ne voulais pas le faire sans toi, mais on doit s'adapter.
I didn't want to have to sell this, but, uh, I suppose I'm out of options.
Mais je suis à court d'alternative.
They invited me in, but I didn't want to debate that topic so he got the opportunity instead.
Oui, merci. Ils m'avaient invitée, mais je ne voulais pas de ce débat.
I should have, I know, but I didn't want anyone in the church to know.
J'aurais dû, mais je ne voulais pas que les paroissiens le sachent.
Chief, I know everyone thinks it's weird that I didn't get served, but I just want you to know I would never - -
Vous trouvez tous bizarre que je n'ai pas été assigné...
But I didn't want it to get to the point where I needed medical attention, so...
Mais je ne veux pas avoir besoin d'une attention médicale, donc...
I didn't want to contradict you in front of your team, but I really can't go along with this decision to withhold the true identity of the victim.
Je ne voulais pas te contredire en public, mais je n'approuve pas de cacher l'identité de la victime.
I didn't mind moving in with Tina, but I didn't want to get married again.
Je voulais bien vivre avec Tina, mais pas me remarier.
But I told you I didn't want to be seen.
Quand je vous dis : "Je veux pas qu'on me voie", vous me dites :
I was gonna go in with him, but I didn't want him to see me.
Je voulais rentrer avec lui, mais il ne devait pas me voir.
I didn't want to, but I did.
Même si je voulais pas.
My friends laughed, but I didn't want to be mean, so I...
Mes amis riaient, mais je ne voulais pas être méchante.
I didn't want to bother you in the middle of a case, but...
Je ne voulais pas te déranger au milieu d'une affaire. Mais... j'ai reçu un appel de Langley, hier.
Yeah, I thought about roses, but given the season, I didn't want the red to be misconstrued as holiday-themed.
J'y ai pensé, mais vu la saison, je voulais pas que le rouge fasse penser à Noël.
My sweet Cassie, I didn't want you to have this life, but destiny's not easy to run from.
Ma chère Cassie, je ne voulais pas que tu aies cette vie, mais ce n'est pas facile d'échapper à sa destinée.
I didn't want you to have this life, but destiny's not easy to run from.
Je ne voulais pas que tu aies cette vie. Mais il est difficile d'échapper à son destin.
I didn't want you to have this life, but destiny's not easy to run from. "
Je ne voulais pas de cette vie pour toi, Mais il n'est pas facile d'échapper au destin.
I know you didn't want to let her go, but it was the right thing to do.
Je sais que tu ne voulais pas la laisser partir, mais c'était la meilleure chose à faire.
You're never early, but I didn't want to cut it too close.
T'es jamais en avance, mais je voulais pas te louper.
We didn't want to make our fans mad. But I have something to say right now.
Comme si c'était la première fois qui est-elle?
- I didn't want you to have this job, not because I'm a racist, but because I didn't think you were up to it.
Je voulais pas que vous ayez ce poste. Pas parce que je suis raciste, mais parce que je vous y voyais mal.
I did it partly for you, and partly because... I was frightened of what was going to happen to me, but mostly mostly... I did it because Mark didn't want me around any more and I couldn't...
Je l'ai fait en partie pour toi, et en partie parce que... j'avais peur de ce qui allait m'arriver, mais surtout... surtout... je l'ai fait parce que Mark voulait que je parte et je pouvais pas...
I didn't want to worry Chuck, but I had a meeting with Verbanski yesterday.
Je ne veux pas inquiéter Chuck mais j'ai vu Verbanski, hier.
Yeah, but I didn't not want her to get in.
- Pas qu'elle soit refusée.
I know it sounds terrible, but I didn't want "Sedona" to embarrass my family, in which she most decidedly did not belong.
Ce n'est pas reluisant, mais je ne voulais pas que "Sedona" embarrasse ma famille, à laquelle elle n'appartenait décidément pas.
I didn't want to do it, but Jerry said we can't- - well, we lost the bet.
Je voulais pas, mais Jerry était sûr. On a perdu le pari.
Hey, look, I didn't want to say anything, but I just got rejected.
Hé, écoute, je ne voulais rien te dire, mais j'ai était rejeté.
Yeah, you know, I didn't want to come here, but you made me, and I'm happy you did.
Oui, tu sais je ne voulais pas venir mais tu m'as fait venir, et je suis content que tu l'ai fais.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but... after everything that happened, after the-the break-in, I-I - I didn't want to add more stress.
Désolé de ne pas te l'avoir dit... mais après tout ce qui est arrivé, après l'effraction... je ne voulais pas rajouter de stress.
Look, I... I didn't want to have to tell you this, but... she was a mistake I made when I hit rock bottom.
Ecoute, j'ai... je ne voulais pas avoir à te dire ça, mais...
I didn't want to do it but they left me with no choice.
- Je ne voulais pas faire cela. - Je sais. ... mais ils ne m'ont pas laissé le choix.
I was a patriotic lad, but I didn't want to dress like Uncle Sam.
Mais je ne me suis pas déguisé en Oncle Sam.
I didn't want to, but he told me about the lawyer, Langley, and how he would steal Jake from them.
Je ne voulais pas le faire mais il m'a parlé de l'avocat, Langley, et comment il voulait éloigner Jake d'eux.
I didn't want to, but I couldn't stop.
Je ne voulais pas mais je ne pouvais pas l'arrêter.
But I thought you didn't want to carry Jeff.
Mais je pensais que tu ne voulais pas avoir Jeff sur le dos.
Look, I know you know I slept with JP, but I want to say for the record that I didn't know him at all at the time, I'd hardly spoken to him.
Je sais que tu sais que j'ai couché avec JP mais je veux que tu saches que je le connaissais pas à ce moment, je lui avais à peine parlé.
I didn't want to say it but you've made me say it.
Je ne voulais pas le dire mais tu ne m'as pas laissé le choix.
No, I didn't want her to call'cause I thought it would be weird, but...
Je voulais pas qu'elle appelle, ça aurait été bizarre...
Because I didn't like it but didn't want to offend.
Parce que je ne l'ai pas aimée mais je ne voulais pas vous offenser.
I mean, I got offers to direct studio comedies, the crap shit that I probably didn't want to do anyway, but, you know, in my head, I was just like,
La merde que je ne veux pas faire de toute façon. j'étais genre :

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