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But i don't know anything traducir francés

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I don't know how he disappeared or why he ended up in that refrigerator or how he got that whistle down his throat, but if our investigation turns up anything of interest, I'll be sure to call you.
J'ignore comment il a disparu pourquoi il a fini congelé et comment le sifflet s'est retrouvé là, mais si notre enquête se révèle intéressante, je vous appellerai.
Even if I don't know anything else but this. Even if I don't know anything else but this.
Même si je ne connais rien d'autre.
I don't know anything about your business, Jordan. But it looks to me like it's gone to seed.
Je connais rien à vos affaires, mais ça m'a l'air branlant.
I don't know anything, but I have an order from Central.
Je l'ignore. J'obéis aux ordres.
Yes, but... I don't know anything about mannion.
Oui, mais... je ne sais rien de Mannion.
Well, I don't know anything about Chinamen, but I do know you've got a good week's work getting those figures together.
J'ignore tout des Chinois, mais je sais qu'il nous faudra une bonne semaine pour tout étudier.
I know I don't mean anything to you. I don't count. But someone ought to look after you.
Je sais que je ne suis rien pour vous, mais quelqu'un doit prendre soin de vous.
They don't know me from Eve. But they're going to, if I have anything to say about it.
Je suis totalement inconnue, mais Ça ne saurait durer!
I don't know anything, but... you know, this... Men and women are what we need.
J'en sais rien du tout, mais... tu vas voir, ici... ce qu'il manque ce sont des hommes et des femmes.
I don't know anything for sure, but you know what you should do?
Je sais rien de positif, mais tu sais ce que tu dois faire?
I'm Mrs Ford, but if'n it's about my husband I don't know anything.
Oui, mais si c'est au sujet de mon mari, je ne sais rien.
Now wait a minute, I know you've got a hangover, and you're nervous about the show, and you've got to let off steam on somebody but please, don't say anything we might both regret.
Écoute... Je sais que le spectacle te rend un peu nerveux. Mais c'est pas une raison pour dire des choses qu'on pourrait regretter.
I don't know if you've ever had anything like this happen to you, but to be poor and unknown one minute and on top of the world the next, that's a feeling nobody can take from me.
Je ne sais pas, Dr Maxford, s'il vous est déjà arrivé d'être pauvre et inconnu la minute d'avant, pour ensuite devenir le roi du monde, mais c'est une sensation que nul ne m'enlèvera.
I don't know anything about art, but I know what I like.
Je suis assez ignorante, mais je sais ce que j'aime.
Well, I don't know what she looked like, but if she looked anything like you, here's to her.
Je ne sais pas de quoi elle avait l'air, mais si elle vous ressemblait un tant soit peu, à sa santé.
Oh. Well, I don't know about anything, but I'll do my best.
Ça, je ne sais pas, mais je ferai de mon mieux.
But I don't know anything about this crime or whatever you call it.
Mais je ne sais rien à propos de ce crime, si c'est bien cela.
Any time a guy comes along, I don't know him from Adam, but anything he says do... - I do it, of course. - Huh.
À chaque fois qu'un type arrive, même si je ne le connais pas... tout ce qu'il me dit de faire, je le fais, bien sûr.
I know you're laughing at me... but please don't do anything rash in the meantime... because I do like you awfully, from the very first moment.
Vous vous moquez de moi. Mais, je vous en prie, ne faites rien d'irréfléchi. Vous m'avez plu dès que je vous ai vu.
But I don't know anything I tell you, nothing!
Je ne sais rien, je vous dis!
But I don't know you. I don't know anything about you.
Je ne sais rien de vous.
- I don't know a lot about anything, but I know a little about practically everything.
- Je ne suis calé en rien... mais je sais un peu de tout.
Now, Nick, I don't want to seem too personal. But if you tell me you don't know anything about this thing, all I can say is baloney.
Sans vouloir te vexer, si tu prétends ne rien savoir, je n'en croirai rien.
I know what you're thinking. I know what you want to say, but don't say anything. Don't think anything.
Je sais ce que tu penses, je sais ce que tu a envie de dire, mais ne dis rien, ne pense rien.
I don't know much about medicine, Doctor... but I'm pretty sure that's one prescription that never cured anything.
Je connais mal la médecine, mais cette ordonnance n'a jamais guéri personne.
I don't know how much, if anything, Rupert knows, but I promise you, he'll be out of here in five minutes, one way or the other.
J'ignore ce que Rupert sait, mais je te promets qu'il ne sera plus là dans cinq minutes, d'une façon ou d'une autre.
Countess, I don't know anything about your husband. But when those shots were fired and I saw that look on your face...
Comtesse, je ne sais rien de votre mari mais quand ces tirs ont retenti j'ai vu votre expression...
But remember, I don't want to know anything about it, see.
Mais je reste en dehors de ça.
You're stubborn and you don't know anything, but I don't want you to disappear without saying you'll write, or kick me, or use my toothbrush.
Vous êtes têtu et vous ne connaissez rien à rien mais je ne veux pas que vous partiez sans promettre de m'écrire, ou même d'utiliser ma brosse à dents.
I don't know what that Yusa did, but he's never done anything bad to me.
En tout cas, Yusa ne m'a jamais fait de mal.
I know how you feel, but don't ask me to do anything that'll break my heart.
Je te comprends mais tu me brises le coeur.
I don't know if you men know anything about the politics in this state, but if you don't, you should.
Je ne sais pas si vous êtes au courant de la politique fédérale, car sinon, vous devriez
I don't know anything about your Mr. Minninger, but I do know Elwood.
Je ne connais pas votre M. Minninger.
I know, I've been fighting for a city park for ten years. But you don't want it to cost anything.
Où prendras-tu l'argent pour construire la maison du peuple?
- I don't know. But he hasn't mentioned anything under $ 1,000,000.
– Je ne sais pas... mais il ne parle qu'en millions.
But I don't know anything about pickpockets.
Je ne sais rien des pickpockets!
But I know nothing, I don't understand anything anymore.
Mais je ne sais plus rien, je ne comprends plus rien.
I don't know if there is any good in you, if there's anything in you, but I'm gonna take a big chance, and let you go.
J'ignore s'il y a une part de bonté en toi, ou de quoi que ce soit, - mais je vais prendre un grand risque et te laisser filer.
Look, both of you, I know we're all upset and all that... but don't let's say anything we'll be sorry for later.
Ecoutez, je sais qu'on est tous bouleversés... mais ne disons rien qu'on pourrait regretter plus tard.
I don't know anything about army procedure, Colonel, but couldn't you be court-martialed for this?
- Ça vous ennuie? - Non. J'ignore les procédures de l'armée, risquez-vous de passer en conseil de guerre?
Ms. Crown, I don't know anything about the missionary business, but if you're interested in Indians, I suggest that you start small, like with the kids at Fort Yuma.
Crown Girl, je ne sais rien de services missionnaires, mais si vous êtes intéressé par les Indiens, Je vous suggère de commencer avec de petites les enfants aiment, Fort Yuma.
I've never worked with you before, and I don't know anything about you. But major has, and he says you've got quite a reputation as a master brain.
Je travaille avec vous pour la première fois, mais le major vous fait une reputation de cerveau d'elite.
Well, I could certainly do with eight or 10,000... but I don't know anything about public relations.
Ça m'irait, mais je ne connais rien aux Relations Publiques.
I don't know if it'll mean anything to you, but but I want you to know, anyway.
Je ne sais pas ce que cela signifiera chose pour toi... Je veux que tu saches, de toute façon.
I don't know anything about sub-chasing, but I rather think our new captain does. Joe.
Je connais rien aux sous-marins mais le capitaine a l'air de s'y connaît re.
She don't know anything about me, but I know everything about her.
Elle ne sait rien sur moi, mais je sais tout sur elle.
But, Ted, I don't know anything about all this.
Mais Ted, je ne m'y connais pas du tout.
I don't know about you but I'm very curious about anything that would provoke such language.
Je sais pas vous, moi je suis très curieux... de ce qui peut provoquer un tel langage.
I don't know much about business and that sort of thing but it seems that if you want to sell anything you must take that thing to the place where it's most in demand.
Tout juste! Les affaires, je n'y connais rien, mais il me semble que pour vendre, il faut porter ce que l'on vend - là où cela s'achète.
I don't know anything about music but everybody tells me Heini is a master.
Je n'y connais rien, mais Heini est considéré comme un maître.
We don't need to say anything because we already know one another we all do the same job but you do yours and I'll do mine.
Nous nous connaissons. Nous travaillerons ensemble. Faites votre métier.

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