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But it's funny traducir francés

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At first, it turned me on but It's not funny anymore, Pierre
- Tu as joué la sainte nitouche assez longtemps, OK? Au début, ça m'excitait, mais là, je trouve plus ça drôle.
It's funny, but to me she don't seem to sit different than anybody else.
Pour moi, elle est assise comme n'importe qui d'autre.
It's funny, but I'm a little nearsighted.
Vous allez rire, je suis un peu myope.
But it's funny now and then
Mais c'est drôle De temps en temps
But it's funny, during the year I've been on the beach, I've prayed every day for a chance. And then when I got it, I couldn't make good.
C'est bizarre, toute l'année que j'ai passée à terre, j'ai prié de pouvoir me racheter, et quand l'occasion s'est présentée, je n'en ai pas été capable.
It's funny, but you're the first one that ever made me feel different than anyone else.
C'est drôle, vous êtes le premier à me faire sentir différente.
You know, it's funny, but once I get started think I've got a pretty fair chance of making good.
C'est drôle, mais quand je commencerai, j'aurai une bonne chance de bien me débrouiller.
No. It's a nice funny felling, but - mm-hmm.
Non, c'est plutôt agréable, mais...
It's been fun up till now, but it won't be so funny if we miss that boat.
On a bien ri, mais rater le bateau sera moins drôle.
This is a funny place to ask you. It's a funny time, too, but...
Ce n'est pas l'endroit ni le moment, mais...
Well, it's, uh... it's funny, but, you know, with a teacher right here in the family, I don't believe I could ever learn to play bridge.
C'est drôle, mais... avec un professeur dans la famille, je ne pourrais jamais apprendre.
And it's funny, but I feel as if I've known you all the time.
♪ Ai l'impression de vous avoir toujours connus.
It's a funny thing, fellas, but this gal cramps my style.
C'est drôle les gars, mais cette fille m'enlève mes moyens.
- All right. It's a funny law, but it's still a law.
- Peut-être, mais une loi quand même.
But, you know, it's funny.
Mais, tu sais, c'est drôle.
It's funny, but I think I'm starting to like you.
C'est curieux, il me semble que je commence ã vous apprécier.
Maybe this is a funny kind of praying to you guys, but it "s what I" m thinking and praying.
Cela semble peut-être une drôle de prière mais c'est ce que je ressens.
But it's funny how soon you get used to it.
Mais on s'y habitue terriblement vite.
I know, but one does. It's funny, but one does.
Je sais que c'est bizarre, mais ça peut arriver.
You know, it's funny, but quite suddenly I can talk to you.
C'est bizarre, tout à coup, j'arrive à vous parler.
It's funny, but when I try to think of how I feel,
Je sais. Penser à ce que je ressens me ramène toujours à Oncle Charlie.
It's all very funny, but it may kill him.
C'est très drôle, mais ils pourraient le tuer! Tenez-vous, Homer.
Well, I suppose it's very funny, but...
Ce doit être très drôle, mais...
I know it sounds funny, but the night went so fast and I got sleepy, and then we lost each other this morning, and he's only got today.
Ça peut paraître bizarre, mais la nuit est passée si vite, j'avais sommeil... On s'est perdus, ce matin. Il s'en va demain.
It's the funny thing. I was born 7 minutes and 55 seconds before her, but that is not the way it feels. She has been the older sister.
C'est drôle, mais je suis née 7 min et 55 s avant elle, et pourtant elle a toujours été ma soeur aînée.
But admit it's funny to find yourself... one big happy family.
Mais avouez que c'est drôle de se retrouver comme ça, là en famille.
That's funny. I think I know it, but I can't place it.
J'ai déjà entendu ce nom, mais où?
It's funny. I do my work and keep my head. I might be a machine, but when it comes to him I...
C'est étrange, j'accomplis mon devoir, j'ai la tête sur les épaules, et pourtant, dès qu'il s'agit de lui...
Maybe you ladies think it's funny to insult the police force. But the next time you want my Tom for anything, I'll remember this.
La prochaine fois que vous aurez besoin de Tom je vous rappellerai toutes vos médisances.
It's nothing but funny. You and that island and that nasty little dog, and my going to the Emperor for you.
On est un peu étourdi et puis ça passe.
t's funny and it's asinine and humiliating and a little disgusting, but it's mostly funny.
Sans rancune! Pas du tout. C'est même plutôt comique.
It's funny, I guess, but... when I saw her lying there in the undertaking parlor last year... she seemed to me like somebody I hardly knew.
C'est curieux, mais... quand je l'ai vu étendue dans son lit, l'an dernier... J'ai trouvé quelqu'un que je connaissais à peine.
It's a funny sort of a job, but it's kind of interesting.
C'est un drôle de boulot, mais c'est intéressant.
But it's funny, his hair is all white.
Mais c'est drôle...
It doesn't sound very funny when you tell it but, oh, the dialogue's simply magnificent.
Ça ne semble pas comique comme je te le dis, mais les dialogues sont très enlevés.
It's a funny thing, but Mary Stuart and I were just about to dance.
Curieux, mais Mary et moi aussi...
It's a very funny thing, but I was just going to ask Pop to dance.
J'aimerais que Pop me fasse danser.
It's funny, but only for you.
C'est drôle, mais seulement pour toi.
- But you know what's funny about it?
- Mais tu sais ce qui est bizarre?
You know it's funny but he hasn't registered any of them For months.
Certains se souviennent de lui.
- But it's so funny...
- Mais c'est tellement charmant...
It holds the cards for Bacarrat, the king of gambling games... and it's purpose is to make sure that no one can pull on the funny business... like dealing from the bottom. The game to be played tonight is for the highest stakes of all.
on l'utilise au Baccarat, le roi des jeux d'argent, dans le but de s'assurer que personne ne tire de mauvaises cartes, un jeu dont les mises atteignent des sommets.
It's a funny thing about the governments one owns If the owner isn't around but is cruising around the Mediterranean on a yacht that costs more to keep up than the combined salaries of his government and nobody is around to protect his interests...
Le problème, avec ces gouvernements, c'est que si le propriétaire fait une croisière sur un yacht dont l'entretien dépasse les salaires cumulés de son gouvernement,
I guess a lot of people do think it's funny, because I do the dishes and the cooking, too, but they forget how much younger Susie is than I am.
Beaucoup de gens trouvent ça drôle, car je lave la vaisselle et je cuisine aussi, mais ils oublient que Susie est beaucoup plus jeune que moi.
It's funny, but... the night-time is the worst time.
La nuit est le pire moment.
But, a funny thing... they're not so much different from you. They've got something. They've got it and they use it.
Mais ce qui est drôle, c'est que le peu qui nous sépare, on sait s'en servir.
It's funny, habits. In the morning when my husband goes to work click, I turn on the radio. Nothing but serials.
Dês que mon mari part travailler, j'allume la radio, mais je n'y fais pas attention.
No, but it's funny just the same.
Non, mais c'est comique malgré tout.
Well, it's kind of funny, but... I saw the strangest thing.
Eh bien. c'est assez drôle. mais, j'ai vu la chose la plus étrange,
It's funny, but today when I took a nap - - I was dreaming of you in a...
Tu sais, cet après-midi, en faisant la sieste avec ma femme, j'ai rêvé que tu...
It's funny, but I feel awful comfortable with you, Sam.
C'est drôle, mais... je me sens très à l'aise avec vous, Sam.

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