By the time i got there traducir francés
136 traducción paralela
Yeah, but by the time I got there, she'd packed and gone.
Oui, mais le temps que j'arrive, elle avait déjà plié bagage.
Le temps que j'arrive, il lui tapait dessus.
By the time I got there, it was all over. Just a dead body.
Quand je suis arrivé, c'était trop tard.
By the time I got there, my feet were so blistered that all I could do was sit there.
Quand je suis arrivée, mes pieds étaient couverts de cloques.
He should have been gone by the time I got there... but he wasn't.
Il n'aurait pas dû être là, quand moi j'y étais. Mais il était là.
By the time I got there, everything was blocked off.
Le temps que j'arrive ici, tout avait été bloqué.
I was to the welfare today... and I got on the wrong fucking bus, and... by the time I got there... they changed the time on me, and shit... without notification, right?
J'allais à l'assistance sociale et je me suis trompée de bus, tu vois? Une fois arrivée, ils m'ont reprogrammée, sans me prévenir.
I said, No, by the time I got there...
J'ai dit : " Non, mais quand je suis arrivé,
By the time I got there, I couldn't get my car to start. Then traffic...
Après ça, impossible de faire démarrer la voiture...
By the time I got there, he'd wrapped the bodies.
- À mon arrivée, il avait enveloppé les corps.
By the time I got there the ambulance had already left
Au moment où j'y étais, l'ambulance était déjà partie.
By the time I got there, the dog was chomping on it... shit!
Quand je suis arrivé là-bas, le chien était en train de le bouffer, putain!
By the time I got there,
Donc j'y suis allé,
By the time I got there, she'd changed her mind.
À mon arrivée, elle avait changé d'avis.
By the time I got there, the party was over and he was back in bed.
Quand je suis arrivée, la fête était finie et il dormait.
I was in the area, I heard screams, but by the time I got there...
J'étais dans les parages, j'ai entendu des cris, mais le temps que j'arrive...
The class was full by the time I got there.
- le cours était plein quand j'y suis allé
It was done by the time I got there.
Il était fini à mon arrivée.
He'd left Yankton by the time I got there, and I figured I'd catch him here.
Il avait quitté Yankton quand j'y suis arrivé, je comptais le rattraper ici.
By the time I got there, it was clear my father was not only incapacitated, but that he had also severed the patient's hepatic artery, which, in my professional opinion,
Il était évident que mon père était non seulement ivre, mais qu'il avait aussi... tranché l'artère hépatique de la patiente, ce qui, à mon avis,
By the time I got there, there were people everywhere.
Le temps que j'arrive, il y avait des gens partout.
By the time I got there, they had already killed her.
Quand je suis arrivé, ils l'avaient déjà tuée.
But by the time I got there, he was already playing ball.
Mais le temps que j'arrive, il jouait déjà au basket.
It was unbelievable! Freaked me out. And by the time I got there,
Incroyable, je paniquais et le temps d'y arriver, j'étais à 15 années-lumière...
Jack, this is not - - by the time I got there, it was clear that my father severed the patient's hepatic artery,
Jack, ce n'est pas... et à ce moment là, il était évident que mon père avait sectionné l'artère hépatique du patient,
By the time I got there, the husband was dragging his wife under, just trying to stay afloat.
Quand je suis arrivé, Ie mari était en train de pousser sa femme sous l'eau pour rester à flot.
By the time I got there, it was too late.
Quand je suis arrivée, il était trop tard.
I had to be rushed to the hospital, But by the time I got there, it was too late.
J'ai dû aller d'urgence à l'hôpital, mais là-bas, c'était trop tard.
I went back for him, but by the time I got there... ... I could tell the Janjaweed had been there.
Je suis passé le récupérer, mais quand je suis arrivé, les Janjawids étaient déjà venus.
By the time I got there, it was completely healed.
À mon arrivée, j'étais totalement remis.
church guy, hobby-shop guy - - they were lunch meat by the time i got there.
Le mec de l'église, le mec du magasin, ils étaient déjà bien morts quand je suis arrivé ici.
Once I heard him scratchin'on our screen door... but he was gone by the time Atticus got there.
Une fois, je l'ai entendu gratter à notre porte grillagée... mais il est parti avant qu'Atticus arrive.
By the time I got my clothes on, we got down there, - the sun would be coming up...
Le temps que je mette mes vêtements et qu'on arrive, le soleil va se lever...
By the time I got out of there though, they all had respect for me, Charlie.
Mais à la fin, quand je suis sorti, ils me respectaient tous, Charlie.
They were on their third Mai Tai by the time I got out there.
Ils avaient déjà trois cocktails dans le coco.
We can try, but I don't think there'd be much of a station left by the time they got here.
Nous pouvons essayer, mais il ne restera plus grand-chose de la station.
By the time I got out there, the Captain and the others were gone.
Quand je suis sorti, les autres avaient disparu.
By the time I got to the front, there was nothing left - no counter, no grill.
Le temps d'arriver devant, il ne restait plus rien : plus de guichets, plus de grilles, plus rien!
By the time I got the paramedics and got back, there was nobody here.
Quand je suis revenu du centre de secours, il n'y avait personne ici.
By the time I got to him, no one was there.
Le temps que j'arrive, c'était désert.
The Leviathan was heading for Delta 7 for the Epideme cure, but by the time we got there, I'd be dead.
Le Leviathan se dirigeait vers Delta 7 pour l'antidote à l'Epideme, mais avant que nous y arrivions, j'aurais déjà été mort.
By the time I got home, the paramedics had come and gone, and he was just lying there.
Le temps que j'arrive chez moi, l'ambulance était repartie, et il était là, couché par terre.
/ Yeah, by the time I got there, though, he'd crashed.
Mais c'était trop tard.
I was supposed to stay there and wait for her, but by the time she got my mother settled again, I realised what I was doing and I just got out of there.
Je devais l'attendre là. Le temps qu'elle prenne soin de ma mère, j'ai pris conscience de ce que je faisais et je me suis enfui.
- I called 9-1-1... but by the time they got there, it was too late.
- J'ai appelé police-secours... mais le temps qu'ils arrivent, c'était trop tard.
By the time we got there, that maniac- - there's a chance agent Baker's being tortured and I think I know how.
Pendant ce temps on tient ce maniaque. il se peut que l'agent Baker ait été torturé et je pense savoir comment.
I went to get Lance, but by the time we got there Nadia was dead.
J'ai été chercher Lance mais quand on est arrivés là-bas, Nadia était morte.
Of course I got them. I got a can of oil in the garage too... because there ain't a machine made by man... don't need a squirt of that from time to time just to keep running!
J'ai aussi un bidon d'huile dans le garage, vu que toute machine humaine a besoin de giclées régulières pour continuer à avancer!
Then I was hungry again, so I went down to the vending machine, but by the time I got down there, I wasn't even hungry anymore.
Ensuite j'avais encore faim alors je suis retourné au distributeur, mais le temps que je redescende, je n'avais même plus faim.
By the time I got back to the office, there were all these meetings about a sniper who seems to have gone on vacation
Ensuite je suis rentrée au bureau, il y avait toutes ces réunions sur le sniper qui semble être parti en vacances.
By the time I got on the film there was a location manager on the film already that the production manager hired and there were two locations that Ridley liked in L.A.
Lorsque j'ai commencé, il y avait déjà un régisseur engagé par le chef décorateur et il y avait deux endroits que Ridley aimait à L.A.