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Detained traducir francés

844 traducción paralela
"If my family learns about this, I will be forcefully detained."
"si ma famille apprend ça, ils me feront enfermer."
He was probably detained.
Il a dû être retenu.
I was detained.
J'ai été retenu.
What detained you?
Qu'est ce qui t'as retardé?
"Arthur Casey, a workman recently discharged from Burns, MacKinnon and Company, has been detained by the police in connection with the recent explosion in the yard when the partially constructed ship was blown up."
"La police interroge actuellement Arthur Casey " dans le cadre de l'enquête sur l'explosion "qui a endommagé un navire au chantier naval."
I can't imagine what could have detained him.
Je ne sais pas ce qui l'a retenu.
Robert telephoned that he was unavoidably detained.
Robert a été victime d'un fâcheux contretemps.
My dressmaker detained me.
Ma couturière m'a retenue.
I beg your pardon, my lord. I was detained by extraordinary news. News?
- J'ai appris une nouvelle étonnante!
Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I was detained.
- Que Sa Majesté m'excuse...
You'll get a note later saying he's been detained on business.
Tu recevras sans doute un mot d'ex cuse.
I was detained at the beauty shop.
- J'ai été retenue au salon de beauté.
It's perfectly simple. Tell him you met someone you knew and were detained.
Dites-lui que vous avez été retenu par un ami.
Yes, Alice, I am in Connecticut, but I can't get in... because I've been unavoidably detained.
Oui, Alice, je suis dans le Connecticut. J'ai été retenu malgré moi.
He is detained at Sainte-Menehould.
Il est retenu à Sainte-Ménehould.
Your pardon. I was detained by Sir Robert Cecil.
J'ai été retenu par Sir Cecil.
May be detained in New York.
Peut-être retenu à New York.
He's been detained on business for that lovely dancer Tina Morrow.
Il s ´ occupe des intérêts de cette charmante danseuse, Tina Mara.
J'étais censée prendre le thé avec lord Babberly, mais il est retenu.
Il a sans doute été retenu malgré lui.
- Sorry your young man was detained.
Je regrette de ne l'avoir vu.
Outgoing ships will be detained, incoming ships heavily convoyed, at least for the next few days.
Ils ne sortiront plus. Ceux qui viendront seront lourdement escortés.
I would have detained him.
Je l'aurais emprisonner.
He's being detained at the hotel on business.
Il est toujours à l'hôtel pour affaires.
- I'm afraid something's detained him.
- ll a dû être retardé. - C'est possible.
He didn't telephone. He was probably detained somewhere.
Mais vous et Lou, enfin, il vous suffit d'être jolie et de sourire.
Mrs. Steele left word that she would be detained.
Mme Steele a laissé un message : elle est retardée.
Your husband is detained on business. Your friend is busy with his concert.
Votre époux sera occupé, votre ami dirige son orchestre
Sylvie must have been detained in Barbaira.
Sylvie a dû s'attarder à Barbaira.
The Livonians have again detained the British ships.
A nouveau les Livoniens et la Hanse ont arrêté les navires anglais.
How do you do, Francie? Mommy is temporarily detained but will join you directly.
Maman s'excuse, elle vient tout de suite.
Wouldn't it be embarrassing... if His Grace were to be detained down here a prisoner... while tomorrow... a barber marries the princess of Spain?
Ne serait-ce pas embarrassant si sa Grandeur restait ici en prison, alors que demain, un barbier épouse la Princesse d'Espagne?
If for any reason I can't be found, she's to be detained, no matter on what pretext.
Si vous ne me trouvez pas retenez-la par tous les moyens.
No, but when I found out I couldn't leave Sara, I called Noah and told him to go there and tell you I was detained.
Non mais j'ai dit à Noah d'aller te dire que j'étais retenue.
He must have been unavoidably detained somewhere.
Il a dû être retenu quelque part.
I was detained.
- J'ai été retenu.
Why don't I call and tell her he's been detained?
Et si je l'appelais pour lui dire qu'il a du retard?
Whenever he's been detained before, he's telephoned.
Il appelle toujours quand il a du retard.
I've tried to reach the general all night. I wanted to beg for my husbands life but I was detained by a patrol.
J'ai voulu aller voir le général et le supplier pour mon mari mais une patrouille m'a retenue.
We could tell him we were detained.
On pourra lui dire qu'on a été retenus.
- I was detained.
- J'ai été retenu.
The sentence of this court is that you will be detained Penitentiary status until Friday, November 29th
La sentence de ce tribunal est que vous serez détenu au pénitencier de l'état jusqu'au vendredi 29 novembre
Leave her there, detained.
- Vous la retenez là-bas.
Mama wished to greet you herself. but she was detained.
Maman voulait vous accueillir elle-même, mais elle a été retenue.
He regrets exceedingly that he is unavoidably detained.
Il regrette d'être malencontreusement retenu.
- That I was detained by a Turkish chamber-maid.
- Que j'étais retenu par une domestique turque.
Unfortunately, I was detained by a slight mishap to my, uh, my...
j'ai été malencontreusement retenue par...
He'll tell you he's detained in town On business necessary
Il vous dira qu'ailleurs sa présence est nécessaire
- No, sir. If you're crazy I'll get you detained, but you won't ruin me!
C'est de la folie et ce sera la ruine!
You have detained our hostages longer than agreed and forced them to convert to Christianity.
Vous avez retenu des otages. Vous les avez forcés à devenir chrétiens.
Perhaps he was detained.
- Absolument sûr.

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