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Diplomatic immunity traducir francés

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As long as she's with that big shot, she's protected by his diplomatic immunity.
- Je te l'ai dit. Ce grand ponte la protège par son immunité diplomatique.
Nucleus of the Nazi network in America... was the German embassy in Washington... protected until a declaration of war by diplomatic immunity.
Centre du réseau nazi en Amérique, l'Ambassade allemande à Washington, protégée en temps de paix par l'immunité diplomatique.
- They have diplomatic immunity.
- Ils ont l'immunité diplomatique.
And that'll give me diplomatic immunity or something.
Ça me donnera l'immunité diplomatique.
If you're worried about the policeman, forget it. It's all taken care of. Diplomatic immunity.
Ne vous inquiétez pas, je bénéficie de l'immunité diplomatique.
But the rest of the world will think he's a murderer just protected by diplomatic immunity.
- Que sait-on de Jason? Venner cherche son dossier.
That may be, but in the meantime, arrest everyone except Mr. McDonald, who has diplomatic immunity as he works for the embassy.
Possible, mais en attendant, emballez-moi ces messieurs sauf évidemment M. McDonald, qui est protégé par l'immunité qui couvre le haut personnel des ambassades. Je vous préviens.
Since he had no diplomatic immunity, for NATO, Britain doesn't recognise our sovereignty,
Puisqu'il n'a pas d'immunité diplomatique, pour l'OTAN, la Grande-Bretagne ne nous ayant pas reconnu,
Diplomatic immunity?
- Immunité diplomatique?
And enjoys diplomatic immunity until his exit from the Soviet Union.
Et jouit de l'immunité diplomatique jusqu'à son départ d'Union Soviétique.
Diplomatic immunity lets her go through customs without being searched.
L'immunité diplomatique lui permet de passer la douane.
No, no, no, no, no, no. It's because of the diplomatic immunity.
Avec l'immunité diplomatique.
I got the feeling that you wouldn't be so expansive, you wouldn't be so quick to admit all this, if you didn't have diplomatic immunity.
Vous ne seriez pas aussi expansif, aussi prompt à parler, si vous n'aviez pas l'immunité diplomatique.
Perhaps so, Lieutenant, but the fact is, I do have diplomatic immunity.
Possible mais j'ai l'immunité diplomatique.
I hereby renounce my diplomatic immunity. I submit to your arrest.
Je renonce à mon immunité, vous pouvez m'arrêter.
Do you realize I have diplomatic immunity?
J'ai une immunité diplomatique.
I'm from the American consulate, with diplomatic immunity.
Consulat américain.
That's what diplomatic immunity means.
Il bénéficie de l'immunité diplomatique.
I have diplomatic immunity.
J'ai l'immunité diplomatique.
Diplomatic immunity. Great.
Immunité diplomatique.
Diplomatic immunity!
Immunité diplomatique!
Once he asserted his diplomatic immunity, we had no choice.
Une fois son immunité reconnue, on n'avait pas le choix.
As an ambassador I have diplomatic immunity.
En tant qu'ambassadeur, je bénéficie de l'immunité diplomatique.
- In a little while... Susan and I are gonna walk out of here under full diplomatic immunity.
Susan et moi partirons bientôt sous immunité diplomatique.
It benefits of diplomatic immunity.
II beneficie de l'immunite diplomatique.
Since I have diplomatic immunity, I don't have to answer any questions.
J'ai l'immunité diplomatique et je n'ai pas à vous répondre.
I have diplomatic immunity!
Je suis diplomate.
He is an official guest of the Centauri Republic, and thus he is eligible for diplomatic immunity.
C'est un invité officiel, ce qui lui assure l'immunité diplomatique.
But I've told you we are extending diplomatic immunity to Mr. Morden... so please release him.
Comme je l'ai dit, nous lui accordons l'immunité diplomatique... alors, veuillez le libérer.
Diplomatic immunity only applies when the subject is charged with a crime.
L'immunité diplomatique fonctionne quand il y a inculpation.
- Say we could find a smoking gun without directly questioning the Ambassador and his wife. Then diplomatic immunity wouldn't be an issue, sir.
- Si on trouvait un pistolet fumant sans interroger directement l'ambassadeur et sa femme, l'immunité diplomatique ne serait plus en cause.
But I have diplomatic immunity. Who authorized you to tap my telephone?
Qui vous a autorisé à écouter ma ligne?
Frank, this guy has diplomatic immunity.
Frank, ce type a l'immunité diplomatique.
He has diplomatic immunity.
Il jouit de l'immunité diplomatique.
See if he can pull some strings at State, get his diplomatic immunity revoked.
Pour utiliser ses relations, et lever son immunité diplomatique.
Sir, I might be able to convince Art Sullivan to turn himself in if Webb can convince State to revoke Mendoza's diplomatic immunity.
Je pourrais convaincre Art Sullivan de se rendre si Webb peut faire lever l'immunité diplomatique de Mendoza.
Diplomatic immunity's not gonna let you get away with this one, Mendoza.
L'immunité diplomatique ne vous tirera pas d'affaire, cette fois.
- I got diplomatic immunity.
- J'ai l'immunité diplomatique.
- Oh, I'd like to, but I'm afraid he has diplomatic immunity.
Il fait valoir l'immunité diplomatique.
He was always saying he couldn't get a parking ticket'cause he had diplomatic immunity.
Son père était diplomate.
- Full diplomatic immunity?
- De l'immunité diplomatique?
Don't I have diplomatic immunity?
Et mon immunité diplomatique?
This is a violation of diplomatic immunity.
Ceci est une violation de l'immunité diplomatique.
We could have videotape of him in the act... we still couldn't touch him because of his diplomatic immunity.
Même si on avait une vidéo du meurtre, son immunité le rend intouchable.
It's almost impossible to convince a foreign nation, even a friendly one... to waive diplomatic immunity.
C'est presque impossible de convaincre un pays, même ami, de lever l'immunité diplomatique.
My government respectfully requests you... to waive Mr. Toscu's diplomatic immunity.
Mon gouvernement vous demande de lever l'immunité de M. Toscu.
You cannot arrest me I have diplomatic immunity.
J'ai l'immunité diplomatique.
Had diplomatic immunity until this morning.
Plus depuis ce matin.
Motion detectors, armed guards, not to mention diplomatic immunity.
Détecteurs de mouvement, gardes armés, immunité diplomatique.
He'll say "Diplomatic immunity." All we can do is deport him.
On peut que l'expulser.
" I've got diplomatic immunity So Hammer, you can't sue
Hammer, pas de procès.

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