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Edie traducir francés

1,576 traducción paralela
You've known me since I was three, James.
Vous m'avez connue bebe. Appelez-moi Edie.
I don't know. Ask Edie.
Je ne sais pas.
What do you think, Edie?
Demandez a Edie.
Edie, you know the movies haven't made any money yet.
Les films ne rapportent rien.
Well, I mean, I'm really just here for Edie, you know?
Je suis la pour Edie.
Edie, do you like horses?
Tu aimes les chevaux?
That's- - that's what I was going to ask you, Edie.
C'est ce que j'allais demander.
Come on, Edie.
Mets-y du coeur!
Edie Sedgwick!
Edie Sedgwick!
- John Lennon? - No.
Edie Sedgwick.
- Who?
- Edie.
- Edie.
Avec ta mere?
Just be like Edie.
- Fais comme Edie.
Edie, I can help you.
Edie. Je peux vous aider.
Diana, I'm calling about Edie Sedgwick.
Je t'appelle au sujet d'Edie Sedgwick.
- Edie. Divine one, how are you?
Ma divine, comment vas-tu?
But every teenage girl from Jersey wants to look like you, Edie.
Les ados veulent te ressembler.
Hey, Edie, can he borrow your coat?
- T'es bath. Il peut le prendre?
It's just easier being detached. What about Edie?
C'est plus facile d'etre detache.
Edie seemed to understand from the beginning her life was going to be short.
Edie semblait savoir que sa vie serait courte.
There was something so vulnerable about Edie.
Edie avait quelque chose de vulnerable.
And of course, Edie took Andy very seriously on that. Who was Edie Sedgwick?
Edie a pris Andy au serieux.
Edie Sedgwick was a combination of all the tragic women who came before her.
Edie Sedgwick etait un melange de toutes les femmes tragiques avant elle.
Edie was taken advantage of, and hugely because she was so loving and trusting. She was very trusting.
Les gens ont terriblement profite drEdie, parce qurelle aimait et faisait confiance.
Yeah, I think Edie took on Andy as the father that she didn't have.
Edie a vu en Andy le pere qurelle nravait pas.
I would if I fucking could, Edie!
Je le ferais si je pouvais, putain, Edie!
And just so you know, if edie catches you, I'm expecting youto swallow it.
Si Edie te surprend, tu dois l'avaler.
Oh, no, edie- - no, you know what?
Non, Edie..
Where's edie?
Où est Edie?
Ron, and--and look at edie.She was devastated.
Et regarde Edie! Elle était dévastée.
I'll figure out some wayto handle edie.
Je me débrouillerai avec Edie.
How are yougonna handle edie?
Comment tu vas te débrouiller?
Yeah, well, whoever it is, you go back and you tell your bosses that nobody, and i mean, nobody, buys or sells properties in this neighborhood without going through edie britt, you got that?
Je vois, bref, quoiqu il en soit, allez vous en et allez dire à votre patron que personne, j'ai bien dit personne, n'achète ou ne vend sa maison dans ce quartier sans passer par l'intermédiaire de Edie Britt, c'est compris?
If there is one thing Edie Britt understood, it was the nature of war.
Il y avait un domaine qu'Edie connaissait mieux que quiconque Celui de la guerre et de sa nature
Edie, this is important to me.
Edie! C'est important
You see, when it came to men, Edie had a battle plan all her own.
Avec les hommes Edie avait un plan de bataille bien à elle
You got five minutes for Edie?
Tu n'aurais pas cinq minutes à me consacrer
Yes, Edie Britt understood the nature of war.
Effectivement, Edie comprenait les subtilités de la guerre
I think it's just delicious that Edie has a boyfriend.
Edie a enfin un petit ami.
Oh, Edie.
No, Edie, we're still rolling.
Ca tourne.
Edie, I just wanted to get that for you.
Il n'y a que 50 dollars...
Edie, come on.
I think Edie and Ingrid look like sisters.
On dirait des soeurs.
Hello. Andy, it's Edie!
Andy, c'est Edie.
They've made you famous, Edie, and that's what you wanted.
Ils t'ont rendue celebre, tu le voulais.
You're not gonna die, Edie.
Tu vas pas mourir.
Oh, what about Edie?
Et Edie?
You walk into a room and Edie was there.
Tout le monde fut surpris.
Edie was what you saw.
Dans nrimporte quelle piece, on ne voyait qurEdie.
( edie ) cheers.
A la vôtre.

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