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Find out who he is traducir francés

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A suspicious character. We must find out who he is.
Un type suspect, il faut savoir qui c'est.
I'll find out who he is, but I'm giving you a chance.
Je trouverai qui c'est, mais je te donne une chance.
- Exactly. Find out who he is.
- Exactement, savoir qui il est.
The thing is to find out who he is.
Il faut découvrir qui c'est.
They got every cop in town huffing and puffing trying to find out who he is. Why are they doing that?
Tous les policiers s'évertuent à savoir qui il est.
Maybe if we could find out who he is, we'd find out what's eatin'him.
Si on savait quel genre d'homme il est, on découvrirait quels sont ses motifs.
- But we ought to find out who he is.
Faut savoir qui c'est.
I know it looks like I'm obsessed, but I need to find out who he is.
Pour vous c'est une idée fixe, moi, je dois le découvrir.
Quelque part, je saurai qui il est.
Sometime I'm going to see that matador, find out who he is.
Un jour je verrai ce matador et je saurai qui il est.
Oh, you just wait till you find out who he is.
- Attendez de voir qui c'est.
Don't kill him until we find out who he is.
Ne le tuez pas avant de savoir qui il est.
We'll soon find out who he is.
On saura bientôt qui il est.
If he is English, find out who he is and what his business is in France.
S'il est anglais, trouvez qui il est et ce qu'il fait en France.
- We must find out who he is.
- Nous devons savoir qui il est.
Somebody's bound to find out who he is,
Quelqu'un va découvrir qui il est
Find out who he is.
Découvrez son identité.
- When we find out who he is
Quand saura-t-on qui c'est?
- He assigned me to find out who he is.
- ll m "a demandé de trouver qui c" est.
- I want you to find out who he is.
- Trouve-moi qui est cet homme.
We must find out who he is!
Nous devons le retrouver.
They'll find out who he is.
Ils découvriront qui c'est.
Can you try and find out who he is?
( Essayez de découvrir qui c'est. )
'You gotta see this thing through to find out who he is, to find out who you are.'
Va jusqu'au bout... pour savoir qui il est et qui tu es.
Brothers, I swear that I'll kill the conspirator... if I ever find out who he is.
Frère, je jure que je tuerai le conspirateur... Si jamais je découvre qui c'est...
- Find out who he is?
Et qui c'est?
Did anyone find out who he is?
On a découvert qui c'était?
Let's find out who he is.
Cherche qui c'est.
- Should we find out who he is?
- On pourrait regarder qui c'était.
Find out who he is and why he is on this heroic mission.
Faut savoir qui il est et pourquoi il tente une folie pareille.
Some guy called Alcàntara will pick it up, so find out who he is... and follow him.
Un mec appelé Alcantara la prendra, alors découvre le... et suis-le.
- I'm gonna follow this guy back and find out who he is.
- Où tu vas? - Je vais le suivre pour découvrir qui il est.
- I don't know who he is... but I'm gonna find out what he's doing in here.
- Je l'ignore. Mais je vais savoir ce qu'il fait ici.
Shut up! Find out who it is. I want to know every conversation the Colonel has had since he came here.
Je veux savoir qui lui a parlé et ce qu'on lui a dit, au mot près!
He is a gangster, but through him I'll maybe find out who's behind all this.
C'est un truand, mais par lui, je saurai qui est derrière ce trafic.
I won't tell you who he is, but I'll tell you where you can find out.
Je ne vous dirai pas qui il est, mais où vous pouvez le découvrir.
- We'll find out... just who he is.
- On pourra enfin... le démasquer.
I don't give a shit who comes. All I know is once I find him I'm going to make sure he won't walk out of that room alive.
Une fois que je l'aurai trouvé, il sortira pas vivant de la pièce.
He told me he's about to find out who the killer is and that he'd have the proof.
Il m'a dit qu'il avait découvert l'assassin de Garrone... et qu'il aurait la confimation sous peu.
I don't want any of the Tangs to find out my whereabouts, and I don't want them to have the list from the'God of Wealth' Hence I must take out the traitor tonight You know who he is?
Pour que ma présence reste secrète et que les Tang n'aient pas la liste, je dois tuer cet espion avant ce soir.
If you're right about that, all we gotta do is find out who he was trying to expose... and we've got our prime suspect.
Si c'est le cas, il n'y a qu'à trouver qui il voulait dénoncer, - et nous aurons un suspect. - Parfait.
The man who took out Vincent coll, who held Jack diamond's ear so he could put the gun in his mouth, who found the rackets he was too stupid to find for himself, who made him more than the low-down goniff that he is.
Il me supprime, moi, Bo Weinberg? Alors que j'ai flingué Vincent Coll et lui ai servi Jack Diamond sur un plateau? Trouvé les rackets à sa place et fait la gloire de ce petit voleur de rien?
Ricardo, what I was telling you was... in a final conflict between 6 and number 2 to find out who is number 1, number 6 realizes that he is number 1, you know?
Donc, dans la confrontation finale entre le numéro six et le numéro deux... le numéro six prétend qu'il est le numéro un.
The important thing to find out is who he works for.
L'important, c'est de trouver pour qui il travaille.
Find out who his agent is and what he's doing next. And then track down the blonde.
Elle porte un...
Let's find out who he is.
Faut savoir qui c'est!
You find out what's going on, where he is and if he's not running his own show, who is?
Trouvez ce que ça veut dire, où il se trouve, et s'il a des histoires avec quelqu'un.
You must find out who he really is.
Apprends qui il est.
But he could find out who is.
Broots découvrirait qui est la taupe!
Well, he must belong to someone. We'll have to see if we can find out who his owner is.
Il doit être à quelqu'un, Il faut découvrir qui.
We need to find out why, who he is, what he needs that gun for.
II faut decouvrir pourquoi, qui il est, pourquoi il a ce flingue.

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