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Fitzgerald traducir francés

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This gentleman's father is Sir Frederick Fitzgerald the distinguished London attorney.
Le père de ce monsieur est M. Frederick Fitzgerald, le distingué avocat londonien.
Mr. Fitzgerald.
M. Fitzgerald.
- Mr. Fitzgerald.
- M. Fitzgerald.
- Mr. Fitzgerald?
- M. Fitzgerald? - Oui.
- Yes. - Mr. Pinky Fitzgerald?
- M. Poucet Fitzgerald?
- I'll tell Mr. Fitzgerald you're here, Mrs...
- Je vous annonce à M. Fitzgerald.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Ditherwell, Mr. Fitzgerald doesn't seem to recall your name.
Désolée, Mme Ditherwell, M. Fitzgerald ne se souvient pas de votre nom.
- Mr. Fitzgerald, I'll do anything you say.
- M. Fitzgerald, je le ferai.
Thank you, Mr. Fitzgerald, and I feel very comfortable in your hands.
Merci, M. Fitzgerald. Je me sens confiante entre vos mains.
- Oh, hello, Mr. Fitzgerald.
- Oh, bonjour, M. Fitzgerald.
Yes. Well, I am Mr. Fitzgerald.
Je suis M. Fitzgerald.
Mr. Fitzgerald?
M. Fitzgerald?
Yes, Egbert Fitzgerald, lawyer friend of mine.
Oui, Egbert Fitzgerald, un ami, un avocat.
Mimi, are you the women whose divorce Egbert Fitzgerald is handling?
Mimi, vous êtes la femme dont Egbert Fitzgerald s'occupe du divorce?
By stipulation with defense attorneys that this is a true film record taken at Strand by Ted Fitzgerald, in employment as a news cameraman I hereby present this film as state's Exhibit A.
Sous réserve que cette pièce à conviction soit un film authentique, tourné à Strand par Ted Fitzgerald, cameraman, voici notre pièce à conviction que j'appellerai "A".
- He wouldn't know our name. It's Fitzgerald.
Il ne nous connaît pas.
My sister, Pamela Fitzgerald, and I'm Roderick Fitzgerald.
Les Fitzgerald. Ma soeur Pamela, et moi, Roderick.
No, Miss Fitzgerald. No house is haunted.
Mlle Fitzgerald, il n'y a pas de maisons hantées.
I've already made a very considerable reduction, Mr. Fitzgerald.
Je vous ai déjà consenti une baisse considérable.
I thought you'd gone off for London, Mr. Fitzgerald.
Je vous croyais parti à Londres.
Mr. Fitzgerald, Windward House belongs to you now.
Windward vous appartient.
- But I want to see Mr. Fitzgerald.
- Je veux voir M. Fitzgerald.
Is there anything else, Mr. Fitzgerald?
Est-ce tout, M. Fitzgerald?
What have you against the Fitzgeralds, Grandfather?
Qu'as-tu contre les Fitzgerald, grand-père?
Miss Fitzgerald's got some soup for you.
Mlle Fitzgerald a fait de la soupe.
- You'd better go to bed, Miss Fitzgerald.
Allez vous coucher, Mlle.
- Mr. and Miss Fitzgerald?
M. et Mlle Fitzgerald?
Not patients, Miss Fitzgerald. Just guests.
Pas des patients, des hôtes.
Oh, it's no bother at all, Miss Fitzgerald.
Ça ne me dérange pas.
I've talked with the Fitzgeralds.
J'ai parlé aux Fitzgerald.
- You all right, Fitzgerald? Yes, fine.
- Ça va, Fitzgerald?
Barry Fitzgerald, our star...
Barry Fitzgerald, notre vedette,
Have you been to Fitzgerald's?
Vous connaissez Fitzgerald's?
When you get back, come to Fitzgerald's and be my guests for dinner.
A votre retour, je vous invite chez Fitzgerald.
It's Mr Fitzgerald.
M. Fitzgerald.
- Chez Fitzgerald.
- Fine. Fitzgerald's at 12.30.
- Fitzgerald's. 12h30.
If you see her one more time, I'll go to Mr Fitzgerald.
Si tu la revois, j'irai voir M. Fitzgerald.
This is a personal matter between Mr Fitzgerald and myself.
Cela ne concerne que M. Fitzgerald et moi-même.
Mr Fitzgerald has my personal note for the amount.
M. Fitzgerald a un reçu pour cette somme.
I'll see that Fitzgerald gets every cent.
Je rembourserai Fitzgerald.
You never told me you worked for Fitzgerald's in Chicago.
J'ignorais que vous aviez travaillé au Fitzgerald's.
He opened Fitzgerald's safe for $ 10,000 the night you and he left.
Il a pris 10000 $ dans le coffre de Fitzgerald, la nuit de votre départ.
Bullard hasn't had an executive vice-president since Fitzgerald died.
Bullard n'a pas eu de vice-président depuis que Fitzgerald est mort.
Fitzgerald was 50 the day they buried him.
Quand il est mort, Fitzgerald avait 50 ans.
Not as a first consideration, but I did happen to recall Mr. Bullard pointing out at the time of Fitzgerald's death that a paid holiday would represent a loss to the company of approximately $ 87,000.
Je n'y pensais pas spécialement, mais il me semble qu'à la mort de Fitzgerald, M. Bullard avait souligné qu'une journée de congé payé représenterait une perte de 87000 $.
He's an old leftover from the Scott Fitzgerald era... still marrying and divorcing women.
C'est un vieux beau de l'époque 1925, toujours en train de se marier et de divorcer.
Fist... Fistula...
Fitz, Fitzgerald, Fletch...
Think it was Ella Fitzgerald?
Vous pensiez, que c'était Ella Fitzgerald!
- Cuke, call Jack Fitzgerald.
Il y aura un flic à la porte. - Cuke, appelle Jack Fitzgerald.
On the Joseph Martin, Fitzgerald Steamship Company, a Liberty Ship, going to Rio, sailing at 7 : 00 in the morning.
Merci. Le Joseph Martin part pour Rio à 7 h du matin.

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