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For the rest of his life traducir francés

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Old Joe Helton is taking things easy for the rest of his life.
Joe Helton compte se la couler douce pour le restant de ses jours.
He'll be hopelessly paralyzed for the rest of his life.
Il restera paralysé jusqu'à la fin de ses jours.
" "cinderella Man." That'll stick to him for the rest of his life.
"L'homme-Cendrillon." ça va lui coller à la peau pour le restant de ses jours.
He doesn't know it yet, but he's got a couple of star boarders for the rest of his life, the old buzzard.
II l'ignore, mais il vient de dégoter deux as qu'il n'oubliera jamais.
And let the Englishman reign for the rest of his life?
Et laisser l'Anglais régner pour le restant de ses jours?
He refuses to go to war, and is thrown into jail for the rest of his life.
Il a refusé d'aller à la guerre et on l'a mis en prison à vie.
With the money he would get by selling everything he could live quietly for the rest of his life.
Avec l'argent qu'il gagnerait en vendant tout, il vivrait tranquille jusqu'à la fin de ses jours.
No, he'd regret it for the rest of his life.
II ne veut pas, iI dit qu'iI aura des remords.
He was running away from something when the best thing he couls've sone was run after it ans face it ans struggle with it for the rest of his life if he has to.
Il fuyait quelque chose, alors qu'il eût mieux valu qu'il affronte cette chose et qu'il se batte jusqu'au bout pour elle.
And I'll have him for the rest of his life because I'll go and hide with him.
Et je l'aurai pour le reste de mes jours parce que j'irai me cacher avec lui.
And that you had something to blackmail Thomas with for the rest of his life.
Cela vous donnerait la chance de faire chanter Thomas pour le restant de ses jours!
I'm gonna hound that guy for the rest of his life.
J'ai failli en faire une dépression nerveuse.
The kind of man who's willing to sit at the same desk for the rest of his life. Look out.
Je ne rêve pas de passer ma vie derrière un bureau.
And make him miserable for the rest of his life because you're a Lorrison :
Que vous rendrez malheureux toute sa vie. Vous êtes une Lorrison.
Now he's tied to a dead arm for the rest of his life, a claw hand.
Maintenant, il devra supporter cette infirmité toute sa vie, une main infirme.
And let the Englishman reign for the rest of his life?
Et l'Anglais régnerait le reste de sa vie?
He'II be a coward for the rest of his life.
Lui sera traite de lache toute sa vie.
Lest this poor soul be forced to hobble for the rest of his life on one foot. My Master has granted him the boon of death.
Pour éviter à ce pauvre hère de clopiner sur un pied, mon maître lui a assuré le repos éternel.
And remain an 18-shilling-a-week boot hand for the rest of his life.
Et restera à 18 shillings par semaine toute sa vie
A man's wife the woman he expected to love for the rest of his life.
L'épouse... La femme qu'on pensait aimer jusqu'à la fin de ses jours!
He gets laid out cold and carved so he can read that scar for the rest of his life.
Tatoué, il pourra le lire toute sa vie.
Has it ever occurred to you that it might get blown up into something big for Tom, too? That it might affect him for the rest of his life and make him unsure and doubting...
Elle peut aussi détruire cet élève, le faire douter de lui toute sa vie...
Sometimes a man has to make big decisions terrible decisions and carry them with him alone for the rest of his life.
Parfois, un homme doit de grandes décisions. Décisions terribles qu'il porte le reste de sa vie.
For such a splendid fool, the Duke will be grateful to me for the rest of his life.
Le duc me sera reconnaissant à vie de lui avoir trouvé un tel bouffon.
Anyone else would have left my father a note that would have ruined his sleep for the rest of his life.
Une autre aurait laissé à mon père une lettre... qui aurait troublé à jamais son sommeil.
He'll have a twisted leg for the rest of his life and it'll be your fault.
Il restera boiteux, et ce sera ta faute.
For him to be chained to a bed for the rest of his life...
Être cloué dans un lit pour le reste de sa vie...
He'll remember those white ribs staring at him, he'll see the flesh jump and hear the whistle of the whip for the rest of his life.
Il se souviendra de ces côtes blanches qui le fixent, il verra la chair sauter et il entendra le sifflement du fouet le restant de ses jours.
He wouldn't like to stay here for the rest of his life.
Pour lui aussi d'ailleurs, ce serait une gêne de rester ici.
Someone like you, would certainly feel guilty for the rest of his life.
- C'est moi. Vu ton caractére, tu t'en serais repenti.
Yeah, but he'll be blind for the rest of his life. Poor guy.
Mais il sera aveugle à vie, pauvre gars.
And every man sets foot in this house needs just one look to figure it ain't worth 40.000 acres and a soft spot for the rest of his life.
Et n'importe quel homme qui met le pied ici voit tout de suite que 40 000 acres, c'est trop peu pour gâcher sa vie.
Can he stay here for the rest of his life?
Mais il ne restera pas ici toute sa vie.
Would it keep him in here for the rest of his life?
II le resterait à vie?
I watched them put Jack into a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
Je les ai vus mettre Jack en chaise roulante pour le reste de sa vie.
I assume he shouldered the guilt of his murder... and will suffer from it for the rest of his life.
Je suis sûr qu'il va souffrir toute sa vie en regrettant d'avoir tué cet homme.
Look, Mr. Ryan, I can't have a doctor, a psychiatrist and 24 guards watching your canary for the rest of his life.
M. Ryan, je ne peux pas avoir un médecin, un psychiatre et 24 gardiens pour veiller sur votre protégé.
Such incapability will continue for the rest of his life.
Cette impossibilité durera toute sa vie.
You must understand that a man can't live alone for the rest of his life.
Tu dois comprendre qu'un homme ne peut rester seul toute sa vie.
What guy wants to drive a subway train for the rest of his life?
Qui voudrait conduire une rame de métro jusqu'à la fin de ses jours?
I'm gonna walk that guy into a court and a judge is gonna imprison him or institutionalise him for the rest of his life, so help me God.
Je vais le remettre à un tribunal... et le juge va l'envoyer en prison ou dans un institut... pour le restant de ses jours, je vous assure.
Your honor, the State waives trial of the defendant, Ralph Wiley and recommends that he be placed in an institution for the criminally insane for the rest of his natural life.
Votre honneur, dans cette affaire, l'Etat juge l'accusé Ralph Wiley. Il souffre d'une aliénation incurable provoquée par la marijuana. Il est recommandé que l'accusé soit placé dans un établissement pour fous meurtriers le reste de sa vie.
I'm going to have that blackguard put behind bars for the rest of his natural life. You know the laws of Maryland don't you!
Tu connais les lois du Maryland, n'est-ce pas?
For the rest of my life, he'll keep looking at me with those puppy-dog eyes of his.
Tout le reste de ma vie, il va me regarder avec ses yeux de chien battu.
" To Whom it May Concern, In exchange for his services for the rest of my life...
En échange de ses services jusqu'à ma mort, et pour tenir lieu de gages, je lègue par les présentes tous mes biens, maison et terre inclus, à Edward F. Schultz, qui m'a servie loyalement depuis plus de 30 ans. " " Pour servir à qui de droit.
Yes... but after to be haunted by remorse for the rest of my life, always seeing him wherever I go, enduring his silent reproaches.
Oui, et j'en serai tourmenté toute ma vie, je le verrai devant moi, je subirai l'éternel reproche de son regard et de son forfait.
As penance for his sins... he asked to be allowed to devote the rest of his life to the lepers.
Comme acte de pénitence, il a demandé à pouvoir vouer sa vie aux lépreux,
He's dead but I'll have to live with the memory of his crime for the rest of my life.
Il est mort mais je vais devoir vivre avec le souvenir de son crime pour le restant de mes jours.
They say if you save a man's life, it makes you responsible for him... for the rest of his days.
Quand on sauve un homme, on est responsable de lui jusqu'à sa mort.
Now, theoretically, Waterlow, if a minute quantity of evil serum... were introduced into the bloodstream of an individual... that individual should be proof against contamination... by the evils of this world for the rest of his or her life.
Du moins théoriquement. Si une infime quantité d'un sérum du Mal était introduite dans le système sanguin d'un individu cet individu serait immunisé contre le Mal pour le reste de sa vie.
Yes, but he'll reaming paralyzed for the rest of his life.
Il va s'en sortir?

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