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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ G ] / Get her out of there

Get her out of there traducir francés

394 traducción paralela
Get her out of there and lock her in the bedroom.
Il faut la sortir de là et l'enfermer.
Get her out of there! - If you want.
- D'accord, si tu veux.
- I gotta get her out of there? - That's right.
Il faut que je la sorte de lé?
Come on, get her out of there.
Allez, sortez-la d'ici.
Get her out of there.
Sortez-la vite de là!
It'll get her out of there, won't it?
Ça la fera sortir de là, non?
We've got to get her out of there.
Nous devons la sortir de là.
I knew I had to get her out of there, and I said, " You'd better go home, kid.
Je devais la faire partir. J'ai dit : " Tu devrais rentrer, petite.
We applaud that spirit, we admire it, we believe in it, but we must get her out of there.
On applaudi son caractère, on l'admire... mais il faut la foutre dehors!
Well, we've not only got to get her out of there, but we must get the land cleared, the houses and trees down...
Quand l'eau commencera à monter, elle devra bien s'en aller. Et il faut démolir les maisons, niveler le sol.
- Come on, get her out of there.
Allez, emmenez-la d'ici!
As the Doctor says, on the way we may find a way to get her out of there.
Comme le Docteur a dit, on trouvera une solution en chemin.
Then get her out of there!
- Non... - Emmenez-la!
I've got to get her out of there.
Il faut que je la sorte de là.
Get her out of there.
Sortez-le de là.
Look... I don't want to worry you, but if I had a friend down at weird Wilbur's, I'd get her out of there.
Écoutez, je ne veux pas vous inquiéter, mais si j'avais une amie chez Wilbur, je la sortirais de là.
He can threaten them with a knife but there's no way he can get her out of there!
Il peut les menacer avec un couteau, mais il ne pourra pas la libérer!
- Let's get her out of there, quick!
- Faut la sortir de là.
Whoever finds the girl, get her out of there right away.
Trouvez la fille et faites-la sortir d'ici immédiatement.
Get her out of there, and report it to central repair.
Faites-la porter au centre de réparation.
Let's get her out of there!
Sortez-la de là.
Let's get her out of there!
Sortons-la de là!
How the heck are we ever gonna get her out of there?
Comment on va arriver à la faire sortir de là?
- We gotta get her out of there.
Il faut qu'on la sorte de là.
Get her out of there.
Sortez-la d'ici.
Get her out of there.
Faites-la sortir.
Now he can't even get her out of there.
Et là, il ne peut même pas la faire sortir de là.
Not if I get her out of there.
Pas si je l'attire hors d'ici.
I've got to get her out of there.
Je dois la sortir de là.
- Get her out of there. - Stop!
- On va la sortir.
Would you get her out of there?
Tu pourrais la faire sortir de là?
I gotta get her out of there.
Il faut la sortir de là.
Well, how do we get her out of there?
Comment pouvons-nous la sortir de là?
We'll arrive shortly thereafter, get her out of there and go back to 1985.
on la prendra et on rentrera en 1985.
Get her out of there! Come on.
- Enlevez-la du milieu!
I don't care what it takes. I'll find that castle and somehow, I... I'll get her out of there.
Quoi qu'il m'en coûte, je trouverai ce château et je la sortirai de là.
There must be something that would get her out of here like -
Il doit bien y avoir quelque chose qui la ferait partir.
- No, it doesn't. You see, Terry, I'm convinced there's something quite recent in this woman's history... that we know nothing about, which I'm almost sure would lead to the origins of her illness. - If only I could get it out of her before...
Dans sa vie, il y a une chose que j'ignore et qui me mènerait à la source de la maladie.
Sullivan, you have to get her out of there.
Il faut la faire sortir de là.
Get her out of there.
Sortez de là!
You've got to go there and get her out of that bar.
Tu dois aller la sortir de là.
There's no physical reason why this person should not get straight up out of her chair and walk with the rest of us.
Il n'y a aucune raison physique qui l'empêche de se lever de son fauteuil et de marcher comme nous tous.
Come on, get out of there. Put her in prison.
Avancez, allez, en prison!
If she doesn't get out of there right now I'll hurt more than her feelings.
Si elle ne sort pas tout de suite, je ferai plus que ça.
There must be a way to get her out of this.
Il doit y avoir un moyen de la sortir de là.
All I got to do is get my buddy out of the bunk with her so I can go back there for a while.
Si j'arrive à me traîner jusque là, j'irai.
And as for that great Spanish dumpling there, get her out of my sight at once!
Quant à la grosse boulette espagnole, faites-la décamper sur-le-champ!
The only way I'm gonna get out of this is if she croaks, and there's a guard on her door 24 hours a day.
La seule solution pour que je m'en sorte c'est qu'elle claque, et il y a un garde devant sa porte 24 heures sur 24.
[Beeping ] [ Al] Ziggy says there's a 96.2 % chance... that you're here to get Vinnie out of her life without ending yours.
Ziggy dit qu'il y a 96,2 chances sur cent... pour que tu fasses sortir Vinnie de sa vie sans en finir avec la tienne.
Let's get her out of there.
Tirons-la de là!
She tells me to get out of the deal. I tell her I'm in. There ain't no getting out.
Elle veut que j'arrête de dealer, il est pas question que je décroche.

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