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Get out of here now traducir francés

2,819 traducción paralela
Get out of here now.
Pars maintenant.
Get out of here now.
Foutez le camp maintenant.
You get out of here now!
Tu dégages d'ici maintenant!
Get out of here now.
Sortez d'ici maintenant.
- I gotta get out of here now.
- Je dois sortir d'ici.
Emily get out of here now.
Emilie va-t'en d'ici.
Get out of here, now.
Sors d'ici immédiatemment!
Fish stories that no one gives a shit about. Now get out of here.
Tes histoires de poisson dont on se fout.
Now get out of here!
Allez, dégage!
We need to get out of here right now.
Il faut qu'on file.
We need to get out of here right now.
Je t'expliquerai, il faut filer.
Go on now, get out of here.
Maintenant, filez.
Now get out of here.
Maintenant sortez de là.
- We get out of here right now. No!
- On se tire.
Now get out of here.
Sors d'ici.
Yeah, and right now I just want to put it away and get out of here, seeing as how my life is pretty much ruined!
Je la remets en place et je pars. Ma vie est fichue.
Sarge, you'd better get this guy out of here right now.
Sergent, virez-moi ce type.
Now, I can get us out of here.
Je vais nous sortir de là.
Now, get out of here.
Maintenant, sortez d'ici.
Now get the fuck out of here.
Maintenant casse-toi, putain!
- Listen, we need to get out of here right now!
- Ecoute, il faut partir!
Let's get out of here, now!
Viens on y va!
Now get your science fair project out of here.
Parfait. Maintenant dehors, la kermesse scientifique.
Everything's under control. Now get out of here before this gets worse.
Sortez d'ici avant que la situation ne s'aggrave.
Now, get out of here, before I change my mind.
Maintenant, sortons d'ici, avant que je ne change d'avis.
Now, hurry up and get these flea-bitten fur bags out of here!
Emmène-moi vite ces sacs à puces loin d'ici!
- Get out of here right now.
- Sortez d'ici tout de suite.
Now get out of here!
Fichez le camp!
But right now I just have to get him out of here.
Mais la, tout de suite, je dois juste le sortir d'ici.
Jenna, get out of here now!
Now please get me out of here.
Alors fais-moi sortir d'ici.
Now get the hell out of here.
Maintenant foutez le camp d'ici.
Now, go, get out of here.
Maintenant, fiche le camp.
Get us out of here now!
Sortez-nous d'ici tout de suite!
You get out of here right now, yeah?
Tirez-vous tout de suite.
Now, you give me a minute and we'll get out of here, hey?
Bon, donne-moi une minute et on sort d'ici, d'accord?
Now please, get out of here!
Allez, vous dégagez.
Now get out of here.
Dégage. Je veux plus voir ta gueule.
Now you keep that in mind, and you get the fuck out of here.
Maintenant, t'imprimes et tu dégages.
You and Morgan need to get out of here right now.
Toi et Morgan devez filer, et tout de suite.
Get all these people out of here now, or put them in the jail.
Ou fous-les en tôle.
You need to get the fleet out of here now, Tess. Hale is targeting the terraformer.
Tu dois faire partir la flotte d'ici, Tess.
We're gonna get everybody out of here. Now.
On va évacuer tout le monde.
I need to get out of here. I need to get out of here right now. I can't even view.
Je ne peux plus rester ici!
Now let's get out of here.
Allez, partons d'ici maintenant.
My name's Nina. Now, you want to get out of here, don't you?
Il a besoin de sang.
I can help you get out of here, but you have to come now.
Mon sang est sain comme celui d'un bébé.
We need to get the hell out of here, now.
Il faut qu'on dégage d'ici, maintenant.
We got to get them out of here right now.
Il faut les faire partir d'ici.
Listen, I'm just gonna come back tomorrow with Ellen to clean up, because right now I just wanna get the hell out of here.
Écoutez, je vais revenir demain avec Ellen pour tout nettoyer. Pour l'instant, je veux juste sortir d'ici.
Yeah, now all we gotta do now is not pay for the Death Worm, kidnap killer Grandma and get the hell out of here without getting liquefied.
Beau travail. Maintenant on a juste à pas payer pour le ver mongol, kidnapper la grand-mère tueuse et se casser d'ici sans se faire liquéfier.

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