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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ G ] / Give it back to me

Give it back to me traducir francés

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Give it back to me!
Redonne-le moi!
Give it back to me, you brute!
Rends-moi ça, espèce de chameau!
Will you give it back to me or shall I charge you with grand larceny?
Les rendez-vous ou dois-je vous accuser de vol qualifié?
Make sure you give it back to me tomorrow night, okay?
Assurez-vous de me les rendre demain soir, c'est compris?
That's my last link with civilization. Now, give it back to me.
C'est mon dernier lien avec la civilisation, rends-le-moi!
Dirty stinker, get right back in there and explain to them how you got my laundry by mistake and forgot to give it back to me.
Il faut que vous leur expliquiez, au bureau, que vous avez mon linge par erreur.
Boy, give it back to me!
- Give it back to me and let me go!
- Rendez-Ia-moi et Iaissez-moi partir!
You, "Baldie", you swipe his bag. You rush and give it to him, who'll give it back to me.
Toi, le "Tondu", tu lui fauches sa musette, tu files et tu la passes à celui-là, et lui me la refile.
Listen, you can take the bag and give it back to me tomorrow at the cafeteria.
Tu peux prendre le sac. Tu me le rendras demain à la cafétéria.
Give it back to me, or I'll kill you!
- Redonne-moi ça ou je te tuerai!
- Go away. - Give it back to me!
Hé, arrête!
Give it back to me.
Give it back to me the same way it was, and don't worry.
Rendez-la-moi, donc.
Give it back to me, ask and steal aren't the same thing.
Et maintenant, allez lui rapporter.
Give it back to me!
- Give it back to me.
- Rendez-le-moi.
How do we get her to give it back to me?
Comment la forcera-t-on à me le rendre?
Give it back to me.
You give it back to me.
Là, tu me le rends.
Give it back to me!
- Rends-le-moi!
And you can give it back to me when it is no longer necessary.
Vous me le rendrez quand vous n'en aurez plus besoin.
Give it back to me at once!
Rends-la moi, je t'en prie.
It's my money! Give it back to me.
C'est mon argent, voleurs Rendez-le moi!
Unless you give me, the easier will it be for me to pay you back, I suppose. But this is only 1.
Moins vous me donnez, plus ce sera facile de Ia racheter.
It's not for me, it's to give to Alfredo when he comes back.
Ce n'est pas pour moi. C'est pour la donner à Alfredo.
I suppose you want me to give you the hundred pounds so you can put it back?
Je suppose que tu me demandes cette somme pour la rendre
And the last thing I saw when I looked back was one kid give the extinguisher to the other kid, and then it was just like all hell comes up.
La dernière chose que j'aie vue en me retournant, c'était un des gamins donnant l'extincteur à l'autre, puis tout s'est embrasé.
- My mother told me to give back the ring to the lady who gave it to me.
Je veux rendre la bague à la dame qui me l'a donnée.
If you were the lady who gave me a ring my mother says I have to give it back to you. Return it to me?
Je suis venue vous rapporter la bague.
That doesn't give me time to get back to my men, does it?
Je n'ai pas le temps de retourner voir mes hommes.
Do you want me to give you back your ring or may I keep it among my souvenirs?
Je peux garder ta bague en souvenir?
So I had rather give it to my kid. Well you'll oblige me by carrying it back up when you bring the mail.
Rapportez-le avec le courrier.
It'll give you something to talk about what You get back to your hometown. I liked movies, though I really
J'aime le cinéma, même si je me fiche de savoir où vit Clark Gable.
She didn't like it, and when we got back she tried to make me give up tennis and play husband instead.
Ça ne lui plaisait pas vraiment. Elle voulait que j'abandonne le tennis pour jouer au mari.
He told us, "Give it back, or else you can't say hello to me for 2 weeks."
II a dit : "Rendez-Ie, ou interdiction de me parler pendant 2 semaines!"
Please give it back to me!
Je vous en supplie, rendez-la-moi!
I'll give it back to you, but you must tell me if you think of using it.
Je te le rends. Mais si tu veux encore t'en servir, préviens-moi.
Jesus Christ, if it is possible, then give her leave to come back to life, give me the Word,
Ô Jésus... si c'est possible, permets-lui de revenir à la vie. Donne-moi la parole.
You promised to give it back.
Tu m'as promis de me le rendre.
I know you've got to slosh this around in here a little bit and get the dribble off and give it right back to you. Don't tell me. Now you take that.
Je sais qu'il faut tremper le verre dans l'eau, bien l'égoutter et vous le présenter.
Run after me and I will give it back to you.
La patrouille côtière te choppera sans ton bonnet!
Instead of giving the photograph to a magazine, I could give it back to the person concerned once he's helped me to celebrate mass.
Pas même si, au lieu de la donner à la presse, je l'offre au principal intéressé à la fin de la messe?
It just occurred to me, as the young folks are going back to Spain to live with you, - I should give the whole amount.
Comme les jeunes vont vivre avec vous, je devrais fournir la somme totale.
It won't give him back to me.
Ca ne me le rendra pas.
Claire Summers asked me to give you this. You'll see that it's made out to her, but she's endorsed it on the back so that you can pay it into your own account.
Il est à son nom, mais elle l'a endossé pour que vous le déposiez sur votre compte.
You give me the money, I give it to Irma, Irma gives it back to me and I give it back to you.
Tu me donnes l'argent, je le donne à Irma, Irma me le donne, et je te le rends.
I shall take up the miter again and the golden cope and the great silver cross and I shall go back and fight with the weapons it has pleased you to give me.
Je vais de nouveau ceindre la mitre et la chape dorée et la grande crosse d'argent et je vais revenir et combattre avec les armes qu'il T'a plu de me donner.
For better or for worse, it brought me here. Give it back to you.
Pour le meilleur ou pour le pire, c'est ce qui m'a amené ici, je vous le rends.
In fact... forgive me for bothering you, but I would love it if you would give Shizuko back to us.
En fait... excusez-moi de vous importuner, mais j'aimerais que vous nous rendiez Shizuko.
I don't really need yours. It's not much of a catch. I can give it to you back again.
Je peux me passer de la vôtre et vous la rendre.

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