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Hamish traducir francés

205 traducción paralela
- Hamish Bond, why didn't you tell me? - I've been trying to.
C'est Hamish Bond?
Mr. Hamish Bond offered 5000. He invites you to bid against him.
Mr Hamish Bond ouvre à 5 000 $!
Sold for $ 5000 to Mr. Hamish Bond.
Adjugée 5 000 $ à Mr Bond!
I, afraid of Monsieur Hamish?
N'aie pas peur de lui! Moi, peur de Mr Hamish?
Make Master Hamish crawl like a hound dog. Make him moan for his new gal.
Il faut faire courir Maître Hamish comme un chien en chaleur!
Monsieur Hamish send you an invitation to dine with him downstairs any evening you wish.
Mr Hamish vous invite à le rejoindre pour dîner le soir de votre choix.
Soon he be the master. And Hamish Bond gonna be toting for him.
Il sera Monsieur à la place de Hamish Bond.
You said, " Me name's Hamish.
Tu lui as dit : " Je m'appelle Hashish!
I took his ship and I took his name, Hamish Bond.
Une fois. Je lui ai pris son bateau et son nom.
We've kicked the Yankees out of Fort Sumter. The war is on, Hamish. The North will try to bleed us to ruination.
On a chassé les Yankees de Fort Sumter, mais ils veulent notre peau.
I want you to use your influence with my Negroes, Hamish.
Venez raisonner mes nègres.
Do you forbid me to see her, Hamish?
M'interdirez-vous de la voir?
Good day, Hamish.
Au revoir, Hamish.
Where's Monsieur Hamish?
Où est Mr Hamish?
No identity beyond the confines of Monsieur Hamish's protection.
Sans la protection de Mr Hamish, on n'est rien.
You keep building your hopes for marriage with Monsieur Hamish or Charles and you'll find your place is with your own people.
Tu espères épouser Mr Hamish ou Mr Charles. - Mais ta place est avec les tiens.
Well, Manty, what's the word from Hamish?
Quelles nouvelles de Hamish?
- What good will that do? He puts his hand on a white man, he'd be killed. And so will Hamish Bond if he challenges me.
S'il porte la main sur un Blanc, il est mort, de même que Hamish Bond s'il se bat en duel.
I'll get word to Hamish.
J'expliquerai tout à Hamish.
I'm quite awake, Hamish.
Je suis réveillé.
You're a fool, Hamish.
Vous êtes fou.
But you'll never marry me, will you, Hamish?
Mais vous ne m'épouserez jamais?
- Company C's got some of them, sir. But there's no trace of that Hamish Bond.
La 3ème Compagnie en a arrêté, mais pas Hamish Bond.
I kept praying that wasn't Hamish Bond. Come on.
J'ai eu peur que ce soit Hamish Bond.
I lost you because I was a fool. I lost you to a man named Hamish Bond.
Je vous ai perdue au profit de Hamish Bond.
Mr. Hamish Bond offered 5000. He invites you to bid against him.
Mr Hamish Bond ouvre l'enchère à 5 000 $.
Sold for $ 5000 to Mr. Hamish Bond.
Adjugée 5 000 $ à Mr Hamish Bond.
That's your old place over there when Hamish Bond gave his orders from this chair.
Assieds-toi à ta place, comme du temps de Hamish Bond.
A woman who denied her own people. A woman who cast her lot with Hamish Bond, the man who bought her.
Une femme qui renie les siens, une femme qui se donne à l'homme qui l'a achetée!
Why did you stay on as Hamish Bond's woman denying freedom to be the mistress of a slave holder?
Pourquoi as-tu renié ta liberté pour lui appartenir?
Sergeant, General Butler, he thinks he knows where old Hamish is hiding. - Where?
Le Général Butler sait où se cache Hamish.
Oh, but I always thought his name was Hamish Bond, aye?
Je croyais qu'il s'appelait Hamish Bond?
I guess that was the other fellow with me, not Hamish Bond.
C'était sûrement mon double qui agissait.
I like the way you handled Hamish Bond.
Vous avez été très fort pour arrêter Bond.
My name's Hamish.
Je m'appelle Hamish.
- Señor Hamish.
- Señor Hamish.
How you going to avoid it, Mr. Hamish?
Comment aIIez-vous faire pour Ies éviter?
- Hamish.
- Hamish.
- Hamish...
- Hamish...
Hamish... I'd rather take my chances with the Indians,... than you in Scottsville.
Hamish... je préfère risquer ma vie avec Ies Indiens qu'avec... toi à ScottsviIIe.
- Hamish. - What?
- Hamish?
You hit bad, Hamish?
T'es salement blessé, Hamish?
Jessie, Hamish, where you going?
Jessie, Hamish, où allez-vous?
Daughter of Lord Douglas McTarry raped by the Campbells in 1622 in retaliation of which Lord Douglas sent his only son, Hamish, out to rape twa Campbell lasses.
En représailles, Lord Douglas envoya son fils unique Hamish violer deux petites Campbell.
Get Hamish in here. I want to find out about the restaurant I'm having lunch in. - Pats?
Qu'Hamish vienne me dire à quoi ressemble le restau où je déjeune.
Charles, I'd like you to meet Hamish, my fiancé.
Charles, je te présente Hamish, mon fiancé.
- No, Hamish. No.
Non, Hamish!
Monsieur Hamish, sending her away was not from your heart.
Vous la renvoyez contre votre cœur.
Highlights of that broadcast will be discussed later by Lord George-Brown, ex-foreign secretary Mr. Sven Olafson, the ex-Norwegian minister of finance Sir Charles Ollendorff, ex-chairman of the Norwegian Trades Council Mr. Hamish McLavell, the mayor of Wick the nearest large town to Norway Mrs. Betty Norday, whose name sounds remarkably like Norway Mr. Brian Waynor, whose name is an anagram of Norway Mr. and Mrs. Ford, whose name sounds like fjord of which there are a lot in Norway Ron and Christine Boslow...
Bonsoir. Il peut sembler étrange qu'on vous demande de voter norvégien aux élections. Mais veuillez considérer les avantages.
- Hamish. Tell me about the restaurant I'm having lunch at.
Briefe-moi sur le restau où je vais.

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