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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ H ] / He'll be alright

He'll be alright traducir francés

47 traducción paralela
He'll be alright.
Applaudis au bon moment!
─ Oh, he'll be alright.
- Mon chat!
He's a depressive, he'll be alright after a little rest.
C'est un dépressif. Il ira mieux après un peu de repos.
It's his knee. He'll be alright in about a week.
Il sera sur pied dans 8 jours.
Sure he'll be alright?
Vous êtes sûr?
Critical, but they think he'll be alright.
Critique, mais ils pensent que ça ira.
It'll be alright, captain. He steps out of line once in a while, but push him back hard.
Il dépasse parfois les bornes, mais il suffit de le remettre en place.
But he'll be alright as soon as I get him to a hospital.
A l'hôpital, ça ira.
Do you think he'll be alright, if we leave him alone?
Vous pensez que ça ira si on le laisse seul?
- If he finds shelter, he'll be alright!
S'il trouve un abri, il s'en sortira! BARBARA :
He'll be alright.
Il s'en remettra.
Have no fear. He'll be alright.
Calmez-vous, tout ira bien.
He'll be alright.
Il va mieux.
He's wounded, but don't worry Ara, he'll be alright.
Il est blessé, mais il survivra. DOCTEUR :
He'll be alright, sis.
N'en parlons plus.
Is it clear or not? " Alright, tell him we know," you'd better leave it be " and all, - so he'll send his guards to arrest us.
Si tu lui fais savoir qu'il vaut mieux ne pas se comporter comme ça..... il envoie les gardes pour nous arrêter.
Micki, Micki, he'll be alright.
Micki, Micki, il va s'en sortir.
He'll be alright.
Tout ira bien.
Other than that, he'll be alright.
Mais à part ça, tout ira bien.
- If we fight now, he'll be alright.
- Si on porte la bataille maintenant.
I hope he'll be alright.
J'espère que ça va aller.
Come on he'll be alright.
Viens, ça ira pour lui.
- He'll be alright. - He's not moving.
- Il s'en sortira.
There, there, if he's anything like his father, he'll be alright, he'll manage.
- Là, là. S'il est comme son père, il ne lui arrivera rien.
- He'll be alright.
Ça agit rapidement.
He'll be alright.
Il va s'en sortir.
I heard about your husband's accident. I hope he'll be alright.
J'espère que votre mari va se rétablir.
He'll be alright
J'espère qu'il va bien.
He'll be alright if we leave, hurry!
Tout ira bien pour lui si nous partons, dépêche-toi!
No, he'll be alright.
Non, il ira bien.
He'll be alright.
Ca va bien se passer.
He'll be alright.
Ca va aller.
Tell him his friend is here. He'll be here in a jiffy, alright?
Écoute, dis-lui que son ami est là.
No, guv, he'll be alright.
Non, patron, ça va aller.
He doesn't have to talk to anyone, it'll be alright.
Il ne doit rien dire à personne. Tout va s'arranger.
The doctor said he'll be alright.
Le docteur dit qu'il s'en sortira.
I'll be alright. He had a seizure.
Ca va aller.
He'll be alright.
Il ira bien.
Eh, he'll be alright.
Ça passera.
- Yeah, he'll be alright.
- oui, il dort, il va bien.
He'll be alright.
Il sera bien.
He'll be alright.
Ca va aller pour lui.
You'd be quiet alright or I'll tell a story about a certain someone who slept with a night light when he's 17.
Arrête, sinon je parle de quelqu'un qui a eu peur du noir jusqu'à...
I know he'll be alright.
Je sais qu'il ira bien.
I'm confident that he'll be alright in there.
Je suis persuadé qu'il va bien s'en tirer.
He'll be alright.
- Ouais, ça va aller.

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