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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ H ] / He'll be here soon

He'll be here soon traducir francés

207 traducción paralela
He'll be here soon.
Il ne va pas tarder.
He'll soon be here.
Le petit va naître.
He'll be here soon.
II sera bientôt là.
- He'll be here very soon, Ben.
- Très bientôt, Ben.
- He'll be here very soon.
Il arrive tout de suite.
He'll be here on his rounds quite soon. Good.
Sa tournée passe ici.
He'll be here soon. Yes, he probably will.
- ll ne tardera pas.
Your grandfather's sorry that you have to be here... but he knows you'll be better soon.
Ton grand-père est navré que tu doives être là. Mais tu iras mieux.
He'll be here as soon as you and Hagen can get here.
Il sera là dès que vous arriverez ici, M. Hagen et vous.
He'll be here soon.
Il sera bientôt là.
He'll be here pretty soon.
Il arrive.
But for Walter the bad part is the waiting for the thing that happen Soon it's coming He'll be glad when it's finally here
Mais pour Walter la mauvaise partie est d'attendre que ça passe et cela arrivera bientôt il sera content quand ce sera enfin là.
He'll be here soon, I know. He promised.
Il me l'a promis.
He'll be here soon. You'll be all right.
Tout ira bien...
He'll be here soon... so close the door.
Il sera bientôt là, alors ferme la porte.
- He'll be here soon.
- ll sera bientôt à l'hôtel.
Yes, he'll be coming here soon.
Il va arriver.
I'm sure he'll be here soon.
Il va arriver.
- Wait, he'll be here soon.
- Attends, il va arriver.
He'll be here soon.
C'est presque l'heure.
But he'll be here soon, so no doubt we'll get the whole story, several times.
Mais il sera bientôt là et, sans aucun doute, nous aurons droit à l'histoire en entier, encore et encore.
- He'll be here soon.
- Il ne va pas tarder.
He said he had some work left, but I'm sure he'll be here soon.
Il a dit qu'il avait quelque chose à finir. Je pense qu'il sera bientôt là.
He'll be here very soon.
Il sera là très bientôt.
He'll be out here again soon.
Il va bientôt revenir.
He'll soon be here.
Il sera bientôt ici.
He'll be here soon.
Il sera là très vite.
He'll be here with a whole army soon.
Il reviendra bientôt, avec toute l'armée.
Well, he'll be here soon.
Il doit arriver d'un moment à l'autre.
He'll be coming here to Winslow soon. His name is Azenauer.
Il s'appelle Azenauer.
He says they'll be here soon enough.
Ils devraient bientôt arriver.
He'll be here soon.
Il va arriver bientôt.
He's close to our town and soon he'll be here.
Il est dans la ville voisine et bientôt il arrivera ici.
He'll be here soon.
Pressons, hissez les couleurs Il sera bientôt là.
We'll call him. He'll be here soon.
Allez l'appeler, qu'il vienne tout de suite.
He'll be here soon.
Faut partir d'ici.
Yes. He'll be here soon.
Oui, il sera bientôt là.
He'll soon be here and so will they.
Père sera bientôt là avec eux.
He's not here at the moment, but he'll be back soon.
Il n'est pas la pour l'instant mais il doit repasser.
Manlio is with the horses. He'll be here soon.
Manlio s'occupe des chevaux, il arrive.
He'll be here soon.
II va pas tarder.
I'm sure he'll be over here soon to gloat over his victory. Thank you, my old friend.
Il sera bientôt là pour se repaître de sa victoire.
It's all right, he'll be here soon.
C'est bon, il va bientôt arriver.
Sorry Mr Phillips couldn't be here. I'll play those tapes for him soon as he gets back.
Je passerai ces bandes à M. Phillips dès son retour.
He'll be here soon for the weekly visit.
Tu le montreras au Dr Matteucci, il fait sa visite hebdomadaire.
He may be waking up soon. You'll wanna be here when he does.
Vaut mieux que vous soyez là s'il se réveille.
He'll be here soon.
Il va bientôt venir.
I'm sure he'll be here soon.
Il ne va pas tarder.
He'll be here soon.
Il va arriver.
IKeep focusing on Jordy. He'll be here soon.
Pense que tu fais ça pour Jordy.
I'm sure he'll be here soon.
- Il sera bientôt là.

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