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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ H ] / He'll be right out

He'll be right out traducir francés

77 traducción paralela
He'll be right out.
Il arrive.
Miss Phelps would like to see you. He'll be right out.
Mme Phelps voudrait vous voir.
He'll be right out.
Il ne va pas tarder.
He'll be all right when we get the bullet out.
Il faut extraire la balle.
Mary, I want to tell you right now, if Grant blasts that group tonight, he'll be blasting himself out of any chance for the White House.
Si Grant les prend à rebrousse-poil, il n'aura aucune chance d'être élu.
Oh, yes, I know you were, but he's been called out on an emergency but he'll be right back, right back, and I'll go and see if the doctor can see you now, my dear.
Il a été appelé en urgence. Il va revenir. Je demande s'il peut vous recevoir.
Il arrive tout de suite, Fred.
If he's right, I'll be pulling out.
S'il a raison, c'est moi qui partirai.
He's having a cup of coffee. He'll be right out.
Il boit un café, il est là.
He'll be all right. Just take him out in the air. He'll be all right.
Ce n'est pas grave, il se remettra vite.
He'll be right out, Nicky.
Il arrive, Nicky.
- So I figured it'd be all right. - You think he'll ever find out about her?
Vous croyez qu'il ne sait rien?
- He says he'll be right out.
- Il dit qu'il sort à l'instant.
Dr Quinn said he'll be all right, but he's still out cold.
Comment va Ryman? II guérira. Mais il est encore dans les pommes.
Well, he'll be right out.
Eh bien, il arrive tout de suite.
He's in there, he'll be right out.
Il arrive tout de suite.
I tell you, if he's in the right mood, I'll be saved, I'll be out of the woods.
S'il mord, je suis sauvé, je sors du pétrin.
You can bring him oranges on Sunday and in five years... you'll be right there when he comes out.
Le dimanche, tu lui apportes des oranges et dans cinq ans... vous vous retrouvez à la sortie.
He'll be right out. Just wait a second.
Il vient tout de suite.
He'll be right out.
II arrive.
Have a seat, he'll be right out.
Asseyez-vous, il va arriver.
So he`ll be out, and that`ll be all right.
Il va se faire sortir et tout ira mieux.
He's getting dressed. He'll be right out.
Il se prépare.
He'll be right out.
Il sort à l'instant.
He'll be right out.
Il sera bien là.
Short ball, a hit! That's gonna be out in the right field. He'll fire the ball into 3rd base.
Eliminé par le champ droit qui lance vers la 3ème base.
More than usual, but he'll be all right as long as the gin holds out.
Plus que d'habitude, mais il s'en sortira tant qu'il y aura du gin.
He'll be right out, Lieutenant.
Il arrive.
So we're hanging out, and I'm all, "Wait. He'll be right back. Let's just wait for him."
Je lui dis qu'il va revenir et on l'attend.
Once he gets it out of here we'll be all right. I hope so.
COLUMBO : ( ON TV ) Oh, that'll loosen it up. Once he gets it out of here, we'll be all right.
Je vais la déplacer.
I want you to do me a favour. That phone rings, whoever it is, say "He'll be right back." I'm running out to the car.
Si le téléphone sonne, dis "Il revient tout de suite." Je vais à la voiture.
He'll be right out.
Il va sortir.
- He'll be right out.
- ll arrive tout de suite.
Well, tell those bloodsuckers I'll be right out. He says to thank you. He'll be right out.
Ils ont enfin trouvé un donneur et je lui ai promis que je ne la vendrais pas, car c'est la bague que mlle Garbo portait dans Anna Christie et le distributeur était en panne.
I mean, Dawson's out right now with Pacey, enjoying his birthday, by the time he gets here, he'll probably be in a great mood.
Dawson est sorti avec Pacey, il s'amuse. Quand il rentrera, il sera de meilleure humeur.
He's got a chunk taken out of his neck but he'll be all right.
Il a un trou dans le cou, mais il s'en sortira.
He'll be right out.
Il va bientôt sortir.
He'll be right behind me, he can help you out with the paperwork.
Il arrive. Il peut vous aider pour régler la paperasserie.
- Yeah, he'll be okay. lt was a heart condition. But he's gonna get out in the morning, so he'll be all right.
Mais tu sais... peu importe à quel point tu penses que ton père est résistant, c'est assez déconcertant de le voir si vulnérable.
If I know Leo, then right around now he'll be figuring out that I made Piper cast the spell.
Je connais Léo, il va comprendre que j'ai forcé Piper à jeter le sort.
But he had me write out "I'll be back" with my right and left hand.
Il m'a fait écrire "Je reviendrai" de la main droite et de la main gauche.
- He'll be right out.
- Il arrive. - Merci
You'll be going hot and heavy with your boyfriend, he squeeze too hard, that thing fly right out your mouth.
Un jour tu seras en pleine action avec ton mec. Il serrera trop fort. Et ce truc te ressortira par la bouche.
- He'll be right out.
- Tiens. Ce sera pas long.
Sam? He went out on an errand. He'll be right back.
Sam est parti faire une course, il reviendra bientôt.
Ok, you made it up here without passing out or vomiting, now just calmly and eleguantly explain that you can't open the door right now, and he'll be on his way.
Ok, tu es arrivé là sans t'évanouir et sans vomir, maintenant explique-lui calmement que tu ne peux pas ouvrir la porte tout de suite, et il continuera son chemin.
He'll probably be standing right out in front of you.
Il se tient probablement devant toi.
He'll be right out.
Ca va aller.
Oh, he'll be right out. Just one second.
Il arrive tout de suite.
- Hi. Yeah, he'll be right out.
- Salut, il va arriver.

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