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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ H ] / He'll come around

He'll come around traducir francés

211 traducción paralela
You both think he'll come around.
Vous pensez qu'il va changer.
- Don't worry, he'll come around.
- Il changera d'avis.
I'm sure that he'll come around alright.
Cependant, je suis sûr que tout va s'arranger.
He'll come around.
Il va changer d'idée.
But maybe he'll come around.
Peut-être qu'il changera.
Well, think I'll go around the block and come back before he wakes up.
Je fais le tour du pâté de maisons et je rentre avant son réveil.
If he is, come January there will be so many indictments flying around, we'll think it's snowing. Mm-hm.
S'il le fait, en janvier, il y aura tant d'actes d'accusation qui vont voler qu'on va penser qu'il neige.
In ten minutes, he'll come around to a kind of twilight sleep. He'll stay that way until we give him the antidote.
Dans 10 mn, il sera dans un demi-sommeil hallucinatoire dont il ne sortira qu'avec l'antidote.
Albert still hasn't gotten over it, but he'll come around.
Il ne reste qu'Albert. Mais ça lui passera.
Maybe he'll come around to claim it.
Il viendra peut-être le réclamer.
He'll come around.
Il vous soutiendra.
You just leave him be, and he'll come mooching around your dad... and your dad will take care of him.
Ne te tracasse pas, ton père s'en occupera à son retour.
He's only fooling around. He'll come back to you.
C'était juste une passade.
He'll come around.
Demain matin, il regrettera.
But he'll come around.
Mais il arrêtera.
He'll come around.
Il sera d'accord.
He'll come around in a minute. Come on.
Il ne va pas tarder à se réveiller.
Maybe he'll come out after 15 years? Yeah, he was a watchman. And picked up prostitutes in bars around the Reeperbahn.
Il était gardien... et cherchait des prostituées dans les bars, dans le quartier où trainent les clochards.
He told me to tell you he'll be in your neighborhood tomorrow around 9 : 00. He'll stop in front of your building if you wanna come down and say hello.
Il m'a dit de te dire qu'il serait dans ton coin, demain, vers 21 heures, qu'il s'arrêterait devant chez toi et qu'il serait ravi de te voir.
Look, hon',..... don't worry about Ed, he'll come around.
T'en fais pas pour Ed. Il reviendra.
He'll come around.
Il va sortir.
He'll come around.
Il comprendra.
He'll come around.
Il va se calmer. Il est nouveau.
He'll come around.
Il finira par accepter.
He'll come around.
II se fera à toi.
Dr. Pearl, well, he'll come around, and he'll learn like ron and sheila and i have learned that corky has a vision.
Le docteur Pearl va comprendre et apprendre, comme Ron, Sheila et moi, que Corky a une vision.
He's a loyal soldier, he knows where his priorities are. He'll come around.
Le commandant est très loyal, il a ses priorités, mais il s'y fera.
Oh, he'll come around.
Il y viendra.
He'll come around.
Il va ouvrir les yeux.
He'll come around.
Il te remarquera.
- He'll come around.
- Il reviendra.
He'll come around.
Il s'en sortira.
I said, "Give him time, Duncan, he'll come around".
J'ai dit : "Laisse-lui le temps, il va y arriver."
- Her father's not keen on the idea. - He'll come around.
- Son père n'y tient pas - ll y viendra
- Don't worry. He'll come around.
- Ne vous en faites pas, ça viendra.
- Don't worry, he'll come around.
- T'inquiète pas, il va se calmer.
Don't make him suffer so "Else, he'll come peeping around the door..."
Ne le fais pas trop souffrir ou il viendra regarder par la porte et me demandera :
Eventually, he'll come around.
Je suis sur qu'a la longue, il pigera.
He'll slog around, come back empty-handed, tired and smelling like garbage.
Il bossera dur, reviendra bredouille, fatigué et sentant les ordures.
I'll talk to him, Abby. He'll come around.
Je vais lui parler, et le faire changer d'avis.
Look, pretend you don't care what he does, and he'll come around.
Ecoutes, fais semblant de ne pas t'intéresser à ce qu'il fait, et il reviendra.
He'll come around. He always does.
Ca lui passera, comme toujours.
He'll come around soon.
Il va vite récupérer.
He'll come around when he sees what I have to offer.
Il changera d'avis quand il verra ce que j'ai à offrir.
He means to tell her the story, but by the time they come around to it, they've fallen in love, and he's afraid if he tells her, it'll ruin it.
Il veut tout lui raconter mais ils tombent amoureux l'un de l'autre. Et là, il n'ose plus parler.
Don't worry, he'll come around.
T'inquiète pas. ll reviendra vers toi.
You know, he'll- - It'll come around again at some point.
Tout reviendra à la normale, un jour.
- Not now I don't think he'll come around before morning
Je ne pense pas q u'i I a u ra sa con na issa nce ava nt le mati n.
Alright, Karin, he'll probably come around here later.
OK, Karine, il passera sûrement par ici plus tard.
He'll come around once we have a plan.
Il s'adaptera une fois qu'on aura un plan.
Eventually, he'll come around.
Il finira par revenir.

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