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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ H ] / He'll understand

He'll understand traducir francés

540 traducción paralela
Ace'll understand that, won't he, Harve?
Il comprendra ça.
He'll understand that.
Je ne sais pas, Loftus.
I can't commute his sentence because of our feeling for him, the fact that we both love him, the fact that I'll never understand why he killed Snow, if he did.
Je ne peux pas commuer sa peine à cause de nos sentiments, parce que nous l'aimons tous deux, parce que je ne comprendrai jamais pourquoi il a tué Snow, si c'est bien lui.
Shinkichi is old enough to know by now. He'll understand.
Shinkichi est assez grand maintenant pour comprendre la situation.
I know he'll understand.
Il comprendra.
He'll understand.
Il comprendra.
Yes, ma'am, those his very words. He says you'll understand. - Yes.
C'est ce qu'il a dit, il a dit aussi que vous comprendriez.
He'll understand.
II comprendra.
He's got some friends here from Montana for the wedding but I got a hunch he'll understand.
Il a fait venir des amis du Montana pour la cérémonie, - mais je crois qu'il comprendra.
Please explain to Tito. He'll understand.
Vous expliquerez à Galli.
He'll understand.
Il attendra
- I think he'll be able to understand you.
- Il arrivera à vous comprendre.
But he'll never be able to go back and do the kind of work... you know, darling I don't think I understand what kind of work he was doing.
Mais il ne pourra jamais retourner faire le travail qu'il... tu sais, ma chérie, je ne comprends pas bien quel genre de travail il faisait.
To my dying day, I'll never understand Willi... or what he did.
Je mourrais avant d'avoir compris Willy et ce qu'il a fait.
So that times he seems a little eccentric... or irritable or even rude towards you... I'm sure you'll understand that, too, and excuse it.
Alors s'il vous semble parfois un peu excentrique, ou irritable ou même indélicat, je suis sûre que vous le comprendrez et que vous l'excuserez.
And if he doesn't understand, I'll take my coat off and
Et s'il ne la comprend pas, nous tomberons la veste
He'll understand that.
II comprendra.
He'll never understand.
- Il comprendra jamais.
Well, sarah beth, I'll try to understand why he had to go.
Eh bien, Sarah Beth, je vais essayer de Comprendre pourquoi il devait s'en aller
The way I understand it, he ´ ll be all right if we keep him moving.
Tout ira bien si on le force à rester en mouvement.
Don't you think he understands your situation, like all POWs? He won't be back for a long time. He'll certainly understand.
Il comprendrait ta situation, comme tous les autres prisonniers, ça peut durer!
When a man tells me that he'll hurt her I must kill him. Understand? - No.
Si un homme menace de la livrer à la police, Si un homme menace de la livrer à la police,
Once he's out of jail... he'll fish again and we'll be back in business, understand?
Lui dehors, on l'envoie à la pêche et on continue nos petites affaires.
Well, I just asked if that was all, and he said yes, she'll understand.
Hé bien, je lui ai demandé si c'était tout et... et il a dit ; "Oui, elle comprendra." Et...
- He'll understand. - And fight on his own terms.
- Il nous comprendra.
He'll never understand the problems of an artist.
Incapable de comprendre un artiste.
Don't mention it. If you girls want to work for my husband, you've got to start offi on the right foot. You must understand the rules - what he'll stand for and what he won't.
Si vous voulez travailler chez mon mari, apprenez d'abord les usages de la maison.
He'll understand everything I've done.
Il comprendra mes choix.
Maybe he doesn't understand.
Peut-être qu'll ne comprend pas.
He'll never understand my interest in all these things.
Il ne comprendra jamais mon intérêt pour toutes ces choses.
If he has a brain, he'll understand
S'il est doué d'intelligence, il comprendra.
He'll find it in the Bible, which translated so he may understand it
Tout cela est écrit dans la Bible, qui est traduite et qu'il comprendra.
If he knows any American girls, he'll understand.
S'il connaît des filles américaines, il comprendra.
So he'll understand!
Comme ça, il comprendra!
He'll understand
Il comprendra
You understand, he'll murder Pidge.
Vous comprenez, il tuera Pidge.
He'll understand that.
Il comprendra!
All a guy like myself could say to his son... is to tell him the truth. And hope real, real hard that... Well, that he'll understand.
- peut faire pour son fils, c'est lui parler franchement... et espérer très fort... qu'il comprendra?
Well, he'll just have to understand that the first year's business... is always a matter of ups and downs.
Il faudra qu'il comprenne que la première année, il y a des hauts et des bas.
He'll understand, Amelie, he won't discharge me.
Il comprendra, Amélie, il ne me renverra pas.
You still don't understand! If I don't get the colonel to the hospital, he'll die.
Si j'emmène pas le colonel à l'hôpital, il va mourir!
So he'll understand when you leave here.
Il faut qu'il comprenne.
But he'll understand.
Il comprendra.
One day, he'll understand.
J'ai fait cela pour son bien.
He'll stand there disappointed. He'll take a moment. To understand.
Il sera déçu que je ne boive pas à sa santé.
If she's half the woman he thinks she is, she'll understand and forgive him.
Si elle vaut la moitié de ce qu'il en dit, elle comprendra et lui pardonnera.
Je vais lui dire ça? Vous croyez qu'il comprendra?
Tell François he's needed in the laboratory. He'll understand and do not let the nurse interfere.
Dites à François qu'on a besoin de lui au laboratoire.
He'll understand.
Il comprendrait.
I don't understand. Oh, he'll wake Mother.
Je ne comprends pas... ll va réveiller Mère!
You might show Commander Steed round your box of tricks, tomorrow, Dick, not that he'll understand it.
Je serais ravi. Voici le sous-lieutenant Graham.

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