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He and Fred were telling you things you didn't want to hear, so you took Carter's award down from the shelf, and you killed them with it.
Fred et lui vous disaient des trucs que vous refusiez d'entendre, vous avez attrapé le prix sur l'étagère et les avez tués avec.
What would you do if he left the school?
Que feriez-vous s'il quittait l'université?
He says, "Reagan's in trouble."
"Reagan a du souci à se faire."
Donald Trump has also ventured into gambling and professional football and says he could negotiate a nuclear disarmament treaty with the Soviet Union.
Donald Trump s'aventure désormais dans les jeux d'argent et le sport. Il dit pouvoir négocier un traité de désarmement nucléaire avec l'URSS.
He's in my bowling league.
On joue au bowling, on est amis.
He's dead, huh?
Il est mort?
When I went through Fred's financials yesterday, I noticed he wrote quite a few checks to you over the years.
En examinant ses comptes, j'ai vu pas mal de chèques à votre nom au fil des ans.
Maybe he's the one who killed Fred.
Peut-être qu'il a tué Fred.
So, he was Carter's father.
Il était donc le père de Carter.
It's a nickel-and-dime sheet, but he obviously has a violent streak.
Ça pèse pas lourd, mais il est violent.
Well, if Carter Gibson is Ronald Jones's son, he may just be a chip off the crazy old block.
Si Carter Gibson est le fils de Ronald Jones, la pomme n'est peut-être pas tombée bien loin de l'arbre.
Let me guess, we're thinking he got into some kind of scrap with Fred Kirby and Pinky Wallace right here.
Laissez-moi deviner : il s'est bagarré avec Fred Kirby et Pinky Wallace juste ici.
And if he's a man on the run, why didn't he take his medication with him?
S'il est en cavale, pourquoi n'a-t-il pas emmené ses médicaments?
But this is size 14, and according to Carter's sheet, he's six-three.
C'est du 49, et d'après le casier de Carter, il mesurait 1 m 90.
They stop right here, so you got to figure this is where he loaded Fred Kirby and Carter Gibson's bodies into a vehicle.
Qui s'arrêtent ici, donc il a dû y charger Fred Kirby et Carter Gibson dans un véhicule.
He's been in the ICU at St. Bede's for a week.
Il est aux soins intensifs à St-Bede depuis une semaine.
He's got a long recovery from meningitis ahead of him, but no prison time.
Il lui faudra du temps pour se remettre de sa méningite, mais pas en prison.
And you think it's because the killer took it with him after he used it to bash two skulls in?
Parce que le tueur l'a emmenée après avoir défoncé deux crânes avec?
Now, no one on his mother's side had it, so Carter reached out to his paternal grandfather to find out what he could expect.
Personne ne l'avait du côté de sa mère, alors il a contacté son grand-père pour savoir à quoi s'attendre.
Ronald had figured out he wasn't Carter's real dad.
Ronald avait compris qu'il n'était pas le père de Carter.
If a well-known CMT advocate like Carter shared the news about finding his real family, say if he put it out on social media, it would've been a matter of time before someone put two and two together.
Carter étant connu pour son combat contre la CMT, s'il avait clamé avoir trouvé sa vraie famille, disons sur les réseaux sociaux, quelqu'un en aurait rapidement tiré les conclusions.
He's Houston's pitching coach.
L'entraîneur de Houston.
He's a good kid.
C'est un gentil garçon.
He's got a hell of a future.
Avec un sacré avenir devant lui.
I'm sure they figured that a future first rounder would be able to get his hands on some money if he really wanted it.
Ils ont dû se dire qu'un futur champion arriverait à trouver du blé s'il en voulait.
Well, he's lying obviously.
C'est évident qu'il ment.
I'm sure Mr. Fontino's family will be enjoying the blood money he's earning as soon as Houston Spivey's name is called in the draft.
La famille de M. Fontino profitera de son argent sale dès que Houston Spivey signera son contrat.
I don't think there's any coincidence that the bodies were disposed of at his cousin's crematorium, but I refuse to believe he's our killer.
Ce n'est pas une coïncidence si les corps ont été brûlés au crématorium de son cousin, mais je me refuse à croire qu'il a tué.
Now he's a retiree with a herniated disc and arthritis in both hands.
Il est à la retraite avec une hernie discale et de l'arthrite aux deux mains.
He's right, you don't have to say anything today.
Il a raison, vous n'avez pas à parler aujourd'hui.
Two of Carter Gibson's neighbors heard a bang like that the night he and Fred Kirby were killed.
Deux voisins de Carter ont entendu un grand bruit cette nuit-là.
He's 18.
Il a 18 ans.
He's picking up the pace.
Il accélère le pas.
That punk ass kid comes in like he's Annie Leibovitz and I end up on page 15.
Ce taré de gamin arrive comme s'il était Annie Leibovitz et je finis page 15.
He teaches English, for God's sakes.
Il enseigne l'anglais, bon Dieu.
Only he could find an individual's right to bear arms in a punctuation mark.
Il n'y avait que lui pour trouver le droit d'un individu de porter une arme dans un signe de ponctuation.
About how her life would've been different... if he didn't die.
Et sur comment sa vie aurait pu être différente... s'il n'était pas mort.
He's what I wished my father would be...
Il était tout ce que j'aurais voulu que mon père soit...
Bannon said he's going to call Bethany for surrebuttal.
Bannon a dit qu'il appellerait Bethany pour la contre-réfutation.
They talk about "dirty trickster" and lots of other things, but I've known him for a long time, and he's actually a quality guy.
On le traite, entre autres, de magouilleur, mais je le connais depuis un bail, et c'est un type bien.
He's a nice guy.
Un type sympa.
He's not just this simpleminded guy, but this Machiavellian, almost crazy guy who shows up at every key moment in recent American history.
Non seulement il est simplet, mais il est perfide, presque fou et présent à chaque moment clé de l'histoire américaine moderne.
He's had some people that I said, "What are you doing with these people?" But, you know...
Je me suis demandé ce qu'il faisait avec certaines personnes.
He has fun with it, and he's very good at it.
Il s'amuse et il est bon dans ce qu'il fait.
He's only finished when he quits.
Ce n'est le cas que s'il abandonne.
Because he thinks Nixon's approach to politics, the toughness, the win-at-all-costs mentality, that's what Roger reflects.
Il pense que l'approche politique de Nixon, sa force, sa volonté de gagner à tout prix, est l'image que lui-même renvoie.
Birch Bayh telling us he's fighting inflation.
Birch Bayh dit lutter contre l'inflation.
He doesn't worry that you think he's a sleazeball. He wants you to think he's a sleazeball.
Il se fiche d'être vu comme une ordure, c'est ce qu'il veut.
He's Roy M. Cohn, who was confidential assistant to the United States Attorney General.
C'est Roy M. Cohn, l'assistant confidentiel du procureur général des États-Unis.
He's gotten tax abatements and other concessions.
Il a eu des réductions fiscales entre autres.
That's something that he's always going to have contempt for.
C'est quelque chose qu'il a toujours méprisé.
he's my uncle 44
he's so cute 178
he's mine 293
he's so handsome 49
he's my husband 167
he's dead 3015
he's got a gun 260
he's doing okay 17
he's my brother 335
he's my best friend 106
he's so cute 178
he's mine 293
he's so handsome 49
he's my husband 167
he's dead 3015
he's got a gun 260
he's doing okay 17
he's my brother 335
he's my best friend 106
he's my baby 20
he's gone 2224
he's a doctor 159
he's my cousin 54
he's back 468
he's an idiot 170
he's my dad 94
he's so hot 26
he's an architect 23
he's coming for you 27
he's gone 2224
he's a doctor 159
he's my cousin 54
he's back 468
he's an idiot 170
he's my dad 94
he's so hot 26
he's an architect 23
he's coming for you 27
he's my man 22
he's a liar 128
he's so little 16
he's a good boy 135
he's coming 800
he's so beautiful 30
he's awake 133
he's my hero 20
he's in the shower 29
he's a 342
he's a liar 128
he's so little 16
he's a good boy 135
he's coming 800
he's so beautiful 30
he's awake 133
he's my hero 20
he's in the shower 29
he's a 342