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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ H ] / He's doing it again

He's doing it again traducir francés

74 traducción paralela
He's doing it again!
Il remet ça!
Now if he calls it off again, he knows what he's doing.
S'il annule encore, il a ses raisons.
He's doing it again.
Il le refait.
Gladys, he's doing it again.
Gladys, il recommence.
Mrs Mailler, Mrs Mailler, he's doing it again.
Mme Mailler, il recommence!
He just got out and he's doing it again.
Il vient de sortir et il recommence.
You mean he's a violent, dangerous madman... who'll go round the country doing it again and again?
- Tu veux dire qu'il est fou? Que c'est un fou dangereux qui recommencera sans cesse?
But now, you see, he's doing it again here in Los Angeles.
Seulement voilà, il a recommencé... ici à Los Angeles.
He's doing it again.
Il recommence.
If he molested the first one, the chances of his not doing it again are almost nil.
S'il a abusé de la première, les chances qu'il ne récidive pas sont quasi nulles.
He's doing it again!
Il recommence.
There he goes again, doing whatever others tell him to. That's a sad survival mechanism, isn't it? So what?
Obéir aux injonctions des autres, c'est sa manière de vivre.
He's doing it again! Masking me at every turn.
Il recommence, il me cache à chaque fois!
He's doing it again now.
Il recommence.
He's been doing this for a very long time and he will do it again,
Il sévit depuis très longtemps et il ne s'arrêtera pas là.
And now he's doing it all over again to Aliya!
Il recommence avec Aliya!
Anyway, he's doing it again.
Il remet ça
He's doing it again.
Tiens, il recommence.
By the way, he's doing it again right now.
En fait, il recommence.
- He's doing it again.
- Il recommence quoi?
telling him to go. Doing fucking dope again when Michael Dutcher, our manager, has told him that if he does it again, he's going to quit and not manage us anymore.
"Muddy, tu devrais peut-être partir", il lui dit de partir, recommence à se défoncer alors que Dutcher lui a dit que s'il recommençait, il nous laisserait tomber...
[Man ] He's doing it again! [ Shouting]
Il recommence!
- He's doing it to me again.
Il me refait le coup.
He's doing it again, McGee
Il le refait, McGee.
- He's doing it again.
- ll le refait.
- He's doing it again.
- Il recommence.
If you don't, he's gonna spend the next 20 years doing it to you all over again.
Sinon il va encore te le faire pendant 20 ans tout ce qu'il t'a déjà fait.
He's doing it again! Look how this one's parked!
Il recommence!
He misses one spot, he's doing it all over again too.
S'il oublie le moindre recoin, il recommence tout depuis le début.
It's crazy. In the ER the other day, this guy turned up and said that, without doing it on purpose, he'd stuck something in his anus. He couldn't get it out again.
L'autre jour, aux urgences, un type vient et nous dit que sans faire exprès, il s'est enfilé un truc dans l'anus, impossible de l'enlever.
See, he`s doing it again.
Voyez, il le refait.
He's doing it again.
- Il recommence.
He screwed up something in his life, and I think he's doing it again.
Il a dû faire une connerie. Et je crois qu'il remet ça.
He's doing it again.
Il le fait encore.
He's doing it again!
II nous refait le coup!
So it's like he's doing it all over again.
Alors, c'est comme s'il recommençait.
If it's just one employee turns out to be simian And he's doing a good job, I'm never doing this radio show again.
Si un employé est un primate et qu'il travaille bien, je ne ferai plus jamais cette émission de radio.
He did it to me and he's doing it again!
Il me l'a fait et le revoilà à l'œuvre!
He's doing it again.
Il a encore éternué.
- God, I can't believe he's doing it again.
Je ne peux pas croire qu'il l'ait encore fait.
He's doing it again, Mom!
Il recommence, maman!
He's doing it again!
Il le fait encore!
He's trying to trick me into doing it all again.
Il essaye de m'attrapper pour que je le refasse à nouveau.
So he's got to go back in time, he's got to fall in love with Alisha then she dies and they're gonna be stuck doing it over and over again, for all eternity?
Donc il va remonter le temps, il va tomber amoureux d'Alisha ensuite elle meurt et ils vont devoir le faire et le refaire encore et encore pour l'éternité?
He's doing it again, boss.
Il recommence.
As long as it takes to what? Oh, no. He's doing David Caruso again.
Ce n'était déjà pas cool il y a six ans.
And now he's doing it again.
Et maintenant il recommence.
He's doing it again, guys!
Il le refait! Venez!
- He's doing it again.
Il refait ça encore.
He's doing it again!
Il le refait!
He's doing it again.
Il a recommencé.

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