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He's got a knife traducir francés

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¡ He's got a knife!
Il a un couteau!
Okay. Don't turn your back on Limpy. He's got a knife stashed, and he'll use it.
Fais gaffe, il a un couteau.
- What do you mean? - He's got a knife on him.
- Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?
He's got a knife!
Il a un couteau!
Be careful, he's got a knife!
Attention, il a un couteau!
Stop him! Stop him! He's got a knife!
Arrêtez-le, il a un couteau!
She said something about his hands being like a girl's. Anyway, the upshot of the whole thing was, he panicked. He ran to the kitchen, he got a knife, and he tried to kill himself.
Elle lui a dit qu'il avait des mains de filles alors il a eu une crise de nerfs, a pris un couteau et a tenté de se tuer.
He's got a knife behind his collar!
- Il a un couteau!
He's got a knife six inches long, believe me.
Il a un couteau de 15 cm, je vous le jure.
He's got a knife!
- Il a un couteau!
Jimmy, watch it. He`s got a knife.
Jimmy, fait gaffe il a une lame.
He's got a knife in his back.
Il a un poignard dans le dos.
- Look out, he's got a knife!
- Il a un couteau.
His wife said that he was sitting at home reading a magazine. He suddenly got up, went down to the supermarket, took a knife, and started stabbing people.
Sa femme m'a dit qu'il était chez lui en train de lire le journal il s'est levé, il est descendu au supermarché il a pris un couteau et il s'est mis à poignarder les gens.
Every time he comes up, he's got no knife, no jacket, and no boots!
Chaque fois qu'on vient, il n'a ni couteau, ni veste, ni pompes!
He's got a knife! No 20 % discount! Another 10 then!
Les 20 %, je ne marche plus.
Look out! He's got a knife!
Attention, il a un couteau!
He's got a knife.
Il a un couteau.
Watch out, guys, he's got a knife.
Attention les gars, il a un couteau!
Look out, he's got a knife.
Fais gaffe, il a un couteau.
... and he's probably got a gun or a knife, you know. lt's not too safe.
C'est pas très sûr.
He's got a witness who saw a hunting knife in your locker at the country club.
Il a un témoin qui a vu un couteau dans votre casier au club.
He smeared the knife with the blood and he got up and he wrote it on the wall.
Il a trempé son couteau... dans le sang, s'est levé et a écrit ce truc sur le mur.
- He's got a knife.
- Il a un couteau.
- He's got a knife, man.
- Il a un couteau, mec.
He's got a - - got a knife made out of human femur bone.
Il s'est fabriqué un poignard avec un fémur humain.
No way. He's got a knife.
Mais il est dangereux et armé.
Well, he's got his knife in my back, just like everybody else.
Il m'a frappé en traître comme tous les autres. Tu es avec eux, toi aussi.
He's got a girl and a knife?
- Un couteau? - Pas bon!
He's got a knife?
- Un couteau?
Clark got a weapon. Anybody can blow anybody away any second. He's got a knife.
Clark aussi, il a un couteau.
That's how he got a Bowie knife shoved through his belly in a saloon in Virginia City.
C'est ainsi qu'il s'est fait poignarder avec un Bowie dans un saloon à Virginia City.
Fei Hung, he's got a gun on his knife.
Feihong, c'est un piège.
- He's got a knife!
- Il a un couteau!
All of a sudden he got up, then he dragged me over to the side of the roof by my hair... and he held the knife against my throat... and he said, " I don't know if I should slit your throat...
Et il... il s'est levé brusquement et... il m'a traînée sur le bord du toit par les cheveux il tenait un couteau sur ma gorge... Il m'a dit : " J'hésite entre te trancher la gorge
He's got a knife!
Un énorme insecte! Il a un couteau!
He's got a knife on him.
Depuis hier, il quitte pas son couteau...
Hey, this scum's got a knife.
Hé, cette petite frappe a un couteau!
He's got more gadgets on him than a Swiss Army knife.
Il a plus de gadgets qu'un couteau suisse.
He's got a knife. it's got blood on it.
Il a un couteau. Couvert de sang.
I'm saying, God forbid, the guy or somebody comes in, he's got a knife, a cleaver from one of those, uh magnetic boards with the two strips?
- Le type! Lui ou un autre rapplique avec un couteau, ou un de ces hachoirs retenus par des aimants... et schlack!
No, he's in the house. He's got a knife.
He's got a knife!
Il a un couteau.
So next thing we know, Schilling is back up from the mines and he got this huge knife in his hand walking, into Major Whitaker's office, the last thing I saw was Bings, I guess he was trying to go in there to help Major Whitaker
Et directement après ça, Schilling remonte de la mine et il a ce gros couteau dans la main, et il entre dans le bureau de Whittaker, La dernière chose que j'ai vue, c'est Baines.
He's got a knife! Good work, Mrs. Kensington.
Attention! Kensington.
Shit, man, he's got a knife.
Merde, il a un couteau!
Look, he's got a real knife.
Lui il a un vrai couteau!
He's got a knife!
Ll a un couteau.
He's got a knife!
Il va la poignarder!
I've got a knife over my heart for 1 1 00 years and he's into petty revenge.
Je vivais un enfer depuis des siècles, et lui voulait juste se venger!
He's got a knife in his chest.
Il a un couteau dans la poitrine.

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