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He's got cancer traducir francés

75 traducción paralela
We're the only ones who know he's got cancer.
Attends! Il ne sait pas qu'il a un cancer.
- He's got cancer.
- Il a le cancer.
He's gonna die soon. - He's got cancer. - Yeah?
Il va bientôt mourir, il a un cancer.
No. See, my friend, Joe Finley, he's got cancer.
Mon ami Joe Finley, il a le cancer.
He's got skin cancer.
Il a un cancer de la peau.
- He's got COPD, renal failure, congestive heart failure prostate cancer, diabetes...
Une BPCO, une insuffisance rénale, une insuffisance cardiaque congestive, un cancer de la prostate, du diabète...
He's got "shititis." His blowhole is out. Do you know what they do when your blowhole's out? He's got cancer.
Ou le trou du cul H.S.!
He's got cancer and if Selmak can save his life, I think he'd be willing to try it.
Il a le cancer et si Selmak peut le sauver, je crois qu'il acceptera d'essayer.
Jesus Christ, Carol, he's got lung cancer.
Il m'aura plus Mais c'est un cancer du poumon!
I told you about his condition. He's got cancer.
Je vous l'ai dit, il a un cancer.
"Poor old bastard, he's got cancer."
"Pauvre type, il a un cancer."
- He's got an uncle sick with cancer.
- Son oncle a un cancer.
He's got this case in his gut like it's cancer. He does no wrong?
Aucune faute?
In such cases, we must tell the patient everything coz it's a responsibility he must share with us unfortunately, you've got leukemia, blood cancer
Dans des cas pareils, nous devons tout raconter au patient Car c'est une responsabilité qu'il doit partager avec nous Malheureusement, tu es atteint de leucémie, cancer du sang
- Oh, didn't you know? He's got cancer.
Il a un cancer.
He said he's got cancer and that they give him drugs.
- Qu'il avait le cancer et qu'il prenait de la drogue.
Foreman's gonna be so embarrassed when he finds out she's got cancer.
Foreman va être gêné d'apprendre qu'elle a un cancer.
Either you screwed up or he's got cancer.
Vous avez foiré ou il a un cancer.
This will tell you if he's got cancer in his blood?
Ca vous dira s'il a un cancer dans son sang?
So either one of your doctors screwed up a simple procedure or he's got cancer.
Donc l'un de vos médecins a foiré une procédure toute simple, ou il a un cancer.
A major pharmaceutical company was testing a new cancer drug, and Post used his friendship with the CEO of that company to get himself put into the test group and to make sure that he got the actual drug, not the placebo.
Une grosse compagnie pharmaceutique testait un nouveau médicament et Post a utilisé son amitié avec le PDG de cette compagnie pour se faire admettre dans le protocole, et s'assurer de recevoir le médicament réel, et non le placebo.
- He's got cancer
Il a un cancer.
- He's got cancer.
- Il a un cancer.
Look, there's a kid in my team who's got cancer, aaand, he wants us to win this game really bad, so, could you just... give us kind of a break? HA!
Ecoute, il y a un gamin dans mon équipe qui a un cancer, et, il veut vraiment qu'on gagne ce maudit match, donc, pouvons nous juste.... faire une sorte de trève?
Corwin's old lady got cancer week after he lost his medical.
La femme de Corwin a eu un cancer deux semaines après qu'il ait perdu sa couverture médicale.
He's got cancer, Kurt should take him to the vet.
Il a le cancer, Kurt doit l'emmener chez le véto.
He's got parotid cancer.
Il a un Cancer de la parotide.
He's got cancer, all right.
Il a un Cancer, très bien.
It looks to me like he's got cancer, which means he's dying.
Il a un cancer, c'est évident. Autrement dit, il va mourir.
I have a friend, just discovered he's got a fairly advanced case of prostate cancer.
J'ai un ami, qui vient de découvrir qu'il est à un stade avancé du cancer de la prostate.
So either his heart's on the fritz, Or he's got cancer.
Soit son coeur est défaillant, soit il a un cancer.
After I told him I had cancer, he got really anxious, and asked me what my plan was.
Après que je lui ai parlé de mon cancer, il s'est mis à angoisser. Il m'a demandé ce que je comptais faire.
So he's got cancer. That doesn't mean that he's terminal.
Il a un cancer, qui n'est pas forcément mortel.
Mario's regular fare said that when Mario's wife got sick, he became her nurse.
La cliente de Mario m'a dit qu'il avait soigné sa femme durant son cancer.
If I'm right about pancreatic cancer, the only chance he's got is finding and removing those cancer cells now.
Si j'ai raison à propos du pancréas, il faut tuer tout de suite les cellules malades.
He's got cancer of the brain.
Il a une tumeur au cerveau.
He's got cancer.
- Il a un cancer.
- What? - He's got cancer, man.
He's got cancer!
Il a un cancer!
He's got cancer.
Il a un cancer.
Found out he's got lung cancer, and now his wife kicks the poor bastard out of his own house.
Il a appris qu'il avait un cancer, et maintenant, sa femme le fout dehors.
I'd say he's got cancer.
À mon avis, il a un cancer.
He's got type four back cancer, and...
Il a un cancer de type 4.
He got cancer and it's probably inoperable.
Il a un cancer qu'on ne pourra sûrement pas opérer.
He's got terminal brain cancer.
Une tumeur au cerveau.
Oh, my God, he's got cancer.
Mon Dieu, il a le cancer.
He thinks he's got cancer.
Il penses qu'il à le cancer.
Shannon's lungs went to a young dad who got cancer even though he never smoked.
Shannon a donné ses poumons à un jeune papa atteint d'un cancer sans avoir jamais fumé.
Great, so we'll take in any prick as long as he's got cancer?
On accueille tous les cons cancéreux?
Reminds me of when my father was dying of bone cancer, all day he'd bitch about the nick he got in his chin from shaving that morning.
Ça me rappelle mon père quand il mourait du cancer. Un jour, il arrêtait pas de se plaindre à cause d'une coupure qu'il s'était faite en se rasant ce matin-là.
He says, "Yeah, Bob," he says, "he's got full-blown lung cancer."
Il disait, "Yeah, Bob," il disait, "Il a un cancer des poumons qui s'est généralisé."

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