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He can't leave traducir francés

383 traducción paralela
- He can't leave his wife like this - My VCR was programmed to record when it happened
- Mon vidéo était programmé pour enregistrer, quand c'est arrivé.
We can't leave the man like that. He may need help!
On ne peut pas le laisser comme ça, il a peut-etre besoin d'aide!
He can't leave here.
- Il faut qu'il reste ici.
Well, we can't go and leave his wife here alone, even though he's forgotten she came along.
Nous ne pouvons pas partir et laisser sa femme, même s'il a oublié qu'elle est venue.
Curley won't go after you because he can't leave the passengers in a fix like this.
Curley ne vous poursuivra pas. Il ne peut pas abandonner les voyageurs maintenant.
You can't leave now. You've got to meet King Shaw. He's the richest man in the North and the South too.
Ne partez pas sans rencontrer King Shaw... l'homme le plus riche du nord au sud.
- I can't. He gets upset if I leave him.
- Non, il se fâchera si je m'en vais.
You can't leave a man behind like this. Webster knew what would happen if he couldn't keep up.
On ne peut pas laisser un homme!
I can't leave him out on a limb as long as he thinks we got a chance in this.
Je ne peux pas le plaquer alors qu'iI se bat pour nous.
- Maybe he can't leave.
- Il est peut-être bloqué.
He can't leave. He must stay here.
Il n'est pas en mesure de bouger.
Wake him up. It's 4 : 00. He can't sleep out his whole leave in London.
Mais il est 4 h. Il ne va pas dormir pendant toute sa permission!
But we can't leave it like this. What do you suppose would happen if he found out about the accident policy?
Mais s'il découvre les polices, on sera très mal.
- Well, no. He doesn't want to leave here until the new book's finished, and then we can join you.
Non, il veut d'abord finir son livre.
You can't leave her there to be hurt and hurt again... not knowing what she's done wrong or how to do right... happy as a child because he so much as sends a plant to her room.
Vous ne pouvez pas l'abandonner. Il ne lui a fait plaisir qu'avec cette plante.
We can't leave the poor guy out here. He might catch pneumonia.
Il risque d'attraper une pneumonie.
I can't leave Pasquale alone. If I do, he doesn't do anything.
Si je le laisse seul il ne va rien foutre.
What can I do if he doesn't want to leave prison?
Je n'y peux rien s'il ne veut pas sortir de prison!
If he doesn't want music he can leave.
S'il ne veut pas de musique, qu'il s'en aille!
He won't leave it lying around where Owens can get his hands on it.
Il le laissera pas traîner où Owens peut mettre la main dessus.
He can't stop in Rome, he has to leave immediately, and I'd like to go there and visit him.
Il ne peut pas s'arrêter à Rome, il doit partir tout de suite. Et j'aimerais lui rendre visite.
But I can't see why he should want to leave her in such a hurry.
Mais je ne vois pas pourquoi il la quitte si vite.
We can't leave him here if he's playing with knives.
On ne peut pas le laisser ici s'il joue avec des couteaux.
He can take this if you leave him alone. He doesn't need pity.
Il s'en sortira si vous le laissez tranquille.
I can't say good-bye to him, or he won't let me leave.
Si je lui dis au revoir, il ne me laissera pas partir.
Leave him alone! - He can't do anything for you.
Il ne peut plus rien faire pour toi.
The fact is that Tasca can't leave the farm because, if he goes and someone else moves in and discovers the tank, we're ruined.
Tasca ne peut pas s'en aller, parce qu'alors, le char serait découvert et nous serions perdus.
He ain't gonna leave the mouth of the cave unless we can draw him in here somehow.
Il ne quittera pas l'entrée de la grotte à moins qu'on arrive à l'attirer.
When a man starts watching his mind at work you can't leave him alone for 5 minutes without he frightens himself to death.
Quand un homme se retrouve seul avec lui-même... au bout de cinq minutes... il meurt de peur.
He can't leave now.
 Il est dans quel état? Il est mort.
The boat can't leave till the storm has finished.
Hé bien, il ne devrait pas partir avant la fin de la tempête!
I can't leave my stock! It ain't right that he should.
- Je ne peux pas abandonner mon bétail.
I can't leave him. He was my friend! He took care of me.
Je peux pas l'abandonner.
When he's in America, You'll write him a little note Explaining that you can't possibly leave your play,
Quand il sera en Amérique, vous lui expliquerez tout...
- Cousin Henry won't mind us being one day late... but he'll draw the line at two. - I can't leave you here, Robert.
Je ne peux pas te laisser.
Well, you can't leave me alone with him. He could... well, I don't know...
Ne me laisse pas seule, il serait capable de...
Thank you, but I must get back, I can't leave my grandfather alone, he's blind.
C'est gentil, mais je dois rentrer ce soir, il faut que je m'occupe de mon grand-père, il est aveugle.
He can't leave the island.
Il ne peut pas quitter l'île.
I can't cheat! He doesn't leave me the time nor the energy!
C'est le seul homme que je ne peux pas tromper parce qu'il ne m'en laisse ni le temps ni les forces.
Don't think I won't, he... he can't leave without your permission.
Ne crois pas que je ne le veuille pas, il... il ne peut pas partir sans ton accord.
Can't he leave her alone?
Il va lui foutre la paix?
He'll be fine. - We can't leave him!
- On ne peut pas l'abandonner!
He can't make me leave, not if Hill House means me to stay.
Il ne peut me forcer à partir. Pas si Hill House veut que je reste.
He must leave the land that doesn't belong to him, so that he can reach the fields of Heaven.
L'homme doit laisser la terre qui n'est pas la sienne... et chercher la terre verte des cieux.
He was acting friendly enough... but since he knows about Shimazo, we can't leave him alive.
Il s'est montré plutôt amical, mais puisqu il sait pour Shimazo on ne peut pas le laisser vivre.
Everything was all ready. But he calls at the last minute and says, "We can't leave now."
Tout était prêt mais il a annulé au dernier moment.
He'll leave you and Lucia alone because he can't get along without you.
Rester seul avec Lucia et toi. Il a besoin encore de vous pour aller de l'avant.
- My husband asked me to tell you... he's been taken ill and can't leave his bed.
Mon mari vous fait savoir qu'il doit garder le lit.
He can't leave the office.
- Maurice?
He thought it best, we can't leave them shut in, he did it for the good of the horses.
Il a cru bien faire, Raymond, on peut pas les laisser enfermer, il a fait ça pour le bien des chevaux. De quoi vous mêlez-vous?
But all these people here have come to listen to the preacher and anybody doesn't like what he has to say can leave.
Mais tous ces gens sont venus entendre le prédicateur et ceux qui n'aiment pas ce qu'il dit peuvent partir.

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