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Him traducir francés

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I imagine, occasionally, he needed you to run a DNA sample for him.
J'imagine qu'occasionnellement il vous demandait une analyse ADN.
You were giving him a discount and pocketing the payments yourself.
Vous lui faisiez une ristourne et empochiez l'argent.
If you want to harass someone, you should go find him.
Allez le harceler, lui.
Can you blame him?
Qui l'en blâmerait?
And if he's a man on the run, why didn't he take his medication with him?
S'il est en cavale, pourquoi n'a-t-il pas emmené ses médicaments?
We thought it was him because he was tall.
On le soupçonnait à cause de sa taille.
Finest Message on him checked out while you were talking to the neighbor.
On l'a localisé pendant que vous parliez aux voisins. Est-il mort?
He's got a long recovery from meningitis ahead of him, but no prison time.
Il lui faudra du temps pour se remettre de sa méningite, mais pas en prison.
So, Carter raised money and awareness for his disease and the coalition gave him one of those.
Carter a levé des fonds et sensibilisé le public à sa maladie. L'association lui a remis ça. Il en a eu deux.
They gave him two. These photographs tell us that he received the award in 2013 and 2015.
Ces photos nous disent que c'était en 2013 et 2015.
And you think it's because the killer took it with him after he used it to bash two skulls in?
Parce que le tueur l'a emmenée après avoir défoncé deux crânes avec?
I was calling to notify him that we think his grandson, Carter, was the victim of a homicide.
Pour le prévenir que son petit-fils Carter avait été assassiné.
You told me about him the other day.
Vous m'avez parlé de lui l'autre jour.
It's why you killed him.
C'est pour ça que vous l'avez tué.
It followed him around like a dark cloud.
Ça l'a poursuivi partout.
Found him when he was a skinny little high school sophomore.
Je l'ai repéré au lycée quand c'était un gringalet.
Last week, he tells me this Carter guy and his crazy P.I., they're after him for a blood test.
- La semaine dernière, il m'a dit que ce Carter et son privé fou voulaient une analyse de sang.
They were extorting him ; they wanted $ 50,000 to keep quiet.
Ils le faisaient chanter. 50 000 $ pour la boucler.
Follow him?
On le suit?
Have Dawson and Nagel talk to him.
Envoyez Dawson et Nagel lui parler.
Someone who was in the escape room told him.
Quelqu'un qui était là-bas lui a dit.
Or if someone took him out before he started shooting.
Ou si quelqu'un lui l'a prise avant de tirer.
Yes, I showed it to him.
Oui, je lui l'ai montrée.
They talk about "dirty trickster" and lots of other things, but I've known him for a long time, and he's actually a quality guy.
On le traite, entre autres, de magouilleur, mais je le connais depuis un bail, et c'est un type bien.
Roger looked at him and said, "You know, this is someone who voters might like."
Roger s'est dit : "Les électeurs pourraient l'apprécier." COMMENTATEUR, FOX NEWS
Fifteen seasons of The Apprentice not only makes him a smooth television performer, but think of the way he looked.
Quinze saisons de The Apprentice l'ont entraîné à la caméra, et il était mis en valeur.
Bart Porter asked him, you know, if he'd be interested in coming to the Nixon campaign, so Roger took time off of school to go join the campaign.
Bart Porter l'a invité à rejoindre la campagne de Nixon, alors durant quelque temps, Roger a mis ses études entre parenthèses.
We used to refer to him as "the child."
On l'appelait "l'enfant".
So people thought of him as kind of a wizard behind the scenes.
Les gens le considéraient comme un magicien de l'ombre.
I remember meeting him on the street and thinking,
Quand je l'ai rencontré, j'ai pensé :
So I made my way up to him.
Je me suis dirigé vers lui.
And they all control him like a little puppet, okay?
C'est une marionnette. Je connais la moitié des gens qui le contrôlent.
Trump gave him a lot of casino business.
Trump lui a donné pas mal de casinos.
Then the Ethics Commission made a finding against Donald Trump and him for all of the illegal things that they did.
La Commission d'éthique a découvert tout ce que Donald Trump et lui ont fait d'illégal.
And we've been taking him back and forth to the vet.
On l'a emmené chez le vétérinaire.
There's a side of him that they don't see. The side we get to see.
Il y a un côté que les gens ne voient pas.
I was actually terrified of him the first time I met him.
À notre première rencontre, j'étais terrifiée.
I walked in his office, and I told him later that he looked like a Nazi Hitler Youth.
Plus tard, je lui ai avoué qu'il ressemblait à un jeune Hitler.
I think something snapped in him when the swinger scandal happened, and he got chased out of Washington.
Il a changé après ce scandale. On l'a chassé de Washington.
Roger Stone comes up with the brilliant idea of getting Pat Buchanan out of the Republican line and to get him to run for the Reform Party.
Roger Stone a eu l'idée brillante de convaincre Pat Buchanan de quitter le Parti républicain pour le Parti de la réforme.
Yes, I... I encourage him to run, but I also, yeah, I have an interest in the Reform Party imploding at that point.
Oui, je l'ai encouragé à se présenter, mais je voulais aussi voir le Parti de la réforme imploser.
Humiliating for him, for the Reform Party, and arguably it put the entire third party campaign effort back by decades.
C'était humiliant pour lui et pour le Parti de la réforme, et on pourrait dire que le poids du 3e parti a reculé par sa faute.
Don't... don't confuse him with the real Roger Stone.
Ne le confondez pas avec le véritable Roger Stone.
After the scandal devours him in 1996...
Après le scandale de 1996...
At the same time, there's no way to avoid writing about him, since he's been everywhere dark and ugly in our politics for many, many years.
On ne peut pas éviter d'écrire des articles sur lui puisque depuis des années, on le voit dans les pires affaires.
Roger's the ultimate insider, which makes him incredibly good at seeing how to package someone he could sell as an outsider.
Roger est très bien implanté, ce qui fait qu'il est si bon pour vendre quelqu'un comme venant de l'extérieur.
Now members of the Republican field are lining up to criticize him.
Les membres du Parti républicain le critiquent tous.
Trump says he fired him.
Trump dit qu'il l'a viré.
Roger Stone's a nice guy, but I let him go because I really wasn't using him, and he liked to get a lot of publicity for himself, which I didn't want.
Roger Stone est gentil. Je l'ai viré, car il ne m'était d'aucune utilité. Et il aime faire sa propre publicité, je ne voulais pas de ça.
Fred was nervous about breaking the news to him.
Fred stressait à l'idée de lui annoncer la nouvelle.
That's why we couldn't find him.
Voilà pourquoi on ne le trouvait pas.

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