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How'd you get out traducir francés

509 traducción paralela
"How d'you get out of here?"
Comment on sort d'ici?
Daughter of the slums, how'd you get out of the ghetto?
Alors, canaille, comment es-tu sortie du ghetto?
- Say, how'd you get out?
Ils t'ont libérée?
How much money do you want to get out of here?
Combien d'argent veux-tu pour partir?
I'll do the fishing, Disko... you just get out that checkerboard and try to figure out how really smart you are.
Je pêcherai, Disko. Sors ton jeu d'échecs. Et essaie de te montrer malin.
- All right, but how can Jeff get you out?
D'accord. Comment peut-il vous tirer de là?
No matter how tough it looks or how long it takes, I'll get you out.
Ce sera dur et long, mais je te sortirai d'ici.
How'd you get out of jail? Why didn't they hang you?
On ne devait pas vous pendre?
- How'd you get out of jail?
- Comment es-tu sorti?
How do you get out of this place anyway?
Comment on sort d'ici?
You'd better look up how to get out of Canada, then. Maybe she don't tell you that, huh?
Et le moyen de fuir le Canada, ça y est là-dedans?
- Jo. I'm glad to see you. How'd you get out of school?
Tu as pu t'échapper de ta faculté?
- How do you get out of this funhouse?
Comment sort-on d'ici?
Excuse me, sir, could you tell me how to get out of this place?
- Excusez-moi. Par où sort-on d'ici?
We were just wondering, all of us here, and talking about how you'd get out.
Tout le monde s'inquiétait et on se demandait comment te sortir de là.
How'd you get here so fast? They shoot you out of a cannon?
Comment êtes-vous arrivé si vite?
How'd you get out of it?
Qui vous a sauvé?
- Could you tell me how to get out of here?
- Tu pourrais me dire comment sortir d'ici?
- How'd you get out of it, Mark?
- Comment t'en es sorti?
How did you get out of here?
Comment es-tu sorti d'ici?
Go on. How'd you get out, anyway?
Comment t'as réussi à sortir?
You know how someone said, "The sooner I get out of here, the happier I'll be."
Tu te souviens de celui qui disait je me réjouis de chaque jour que je peux passer loin d'ici?
I tried to get information out of you. You know how.
J'ai essayé d'avoir des infos sur toi, tu sais comment.
- You'd better get out of here. - How come?
Ne reste pas ici.
How did you expect to get out of here?
Comment comptiez-vous partir d'ici?
How are you going to get the child out of here, eh?
Comment allez-vous sortir l'enfant d'ici?
How do you know you'd get thrown out on your ear?
Qu'en sais-tu?
- How do you get out of here?
- Comment sortir d'ici?
How do you say "Let's get out of here"?
Comment dit-on "fichons le camp d'ici"?
How many bombs and dead children can you get out of a drum of Diolacton?
Combien de bombes et d'enfants morts pouvez-vous faire avec un bidon de Diolacton?
You know, we're going to forget how to dance. When we get out, we won't remember a thing.
Nous ne saurons plus danser ni rien, quand nous sortirons d'ici.
Perhaps you thought that I made too much of that trip. and you were afraid to meet me because you didn't know how to get out of it.
Craignant que je ne donne trop d'importance à notre escapade, tu as préféré m'éviter pour te tirer d'affaire.
You know how they tell you about their troubles and all that, and especially when they get high, you know, they tell you about how much money he lost or who took his girl out or something like that, you know.
On est pas là pour discuter de nos problèmes, mais pour se payer du bon temps. Ils parlent de d'argent qu'ils ont perdu, du mec qui est parti avec leur copine, ou ce genre de trucs.
How'd you get out?
Comment es-tu sortie de là?
How'd you get in? I told the maid I'd locked meself out,
Calmez-vous, nous sommes des voleurs.
That's how you'd get out of a tight?
Ce serait ta façon d'en sortir?
If you can find out how to get it, please let me know because if, God forbid, anything went wrong it'd be nice to have an American to blame it on.
Si vous trouvez comment l'exercer, je vous en prie, tenez-moi au courant. Si ça tourne mal, je pourrai rejeter la faute sur un Américain.
I don't see how you could operate and get out of here before the hour's up.
Je ne vois pas comment opérer et sortir à temps d'ici.
I'm not sure how to get you back where you belong yet but I can sure keep you out of the way until I figure it out.
Je ne sais pas encore comment vous renvoyer d'où vous venez, mais je peux vous envoyer ailleurs en attendant.
How'd you get out?
- Comment es-tu sorti?
How'd you get that last shipment of junk out of Beirut past U.S. Customs?
Comment avez-vous passé la cargaison hors de Beyrouth, avec la douane U.S.?
How'd they get you out of bed?
Tu es tombée du lit?
How'd you get out there--Hawaii?
Comment êtes-vous allé là-bas-
Stranger, how'd you get out?
Comment es-tu sorti, l'étranger?
How'd you get out of that part of the job?
Tu es libéré d'une partie de ton travail?
How'd you get out of Kilo 40?
Comment tu t'es sorti du km 40?
Let's see how fast you fuzz can get your white asses out.
Voyons à quelle vitesse vous tirez vos culs blancs d'ici.
How'd you get so good? I had to do something to get out of Prattville.
- C'était ma chance de quitter Prattville.
All we want is for you to tell us how we can get out of here.
On a juste besoin de savoir comment partir d'ici.
How do you get me into a nurse's uniform before he's out of the coma?
Comment on fait pour avoir l'uniforme d'une infirmière avant qu'il soit sorti du coma?
How'd you get out?
Comment êtes-vous sortis?

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