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How did you get in traducir francés

1,458 traducción paralela
How did you get in here?
Comment êtes-vous entré ici?
How did you get in? !
Mais nous avons seulement 10 minutes.
How did you get in?
Comment êtes-vous entrés?
How did you get in here, kid?
Comment es-tu arrivé ici, petit?
How did you get in here?
Comment t'es entrée?
How did you get in here?
Comment tu es arrivée là?
How did you get in here? It's daylight.
Comment as-tu fait pour venir de jour?
Darkness is not allowed past this threshold. How did you get in?
Les puissances de l'enfer sont bannies de ce lieu sacré, comment es-tu entré?
- How did you get in?
- Comment es-tu entré?
So how did you get in and what are you doing up here?
Comment êtes-vous entré et que faites-vous là?
- How did you get in here?
- Comment vous êtes rentrés?
How did you get in there?
Comment es-tu entré?
How did you get in?
Comment t'es entré?
Kazik, how did you get in?
Kazik, comment es-tu entré?
Comment êtes-vous entré?
- How did you get in?
Comment êtes-vous entrée?
How did you get in?
Comment êtes-vous entré?
- How did you get in?
- Comment êtes-vous entré?
- You want to know? - How did you get in?
- Vous voulez vraiment savoir?
How did you get in here?
Comment es-tu entré?
- How did you get in?
- Comment t'es rentré?
- How did you get in? - Via portal, with the book.
Pendant qu'on cherche l'incantation...
- How did you get in here?
- Comment êtes-vous entré?
How did you get in here?
Que faites-vous là?
How did you get involved in this case?
Qui vous a donné ce cas à traiter?
How did you get in?
Comment es-tu entrée?
How did you get in here?
- Comment êtes-vous entrés?
- How did you get in, did you bust the door?
- Comment es-tu rentré, t'as défoncé la porte?
How did you get in?
Comment avez-vous fait?
How did you get in the country?
On t'a laissée entrer?
How did you get mixed up in all this?
Comment en es-tu arrivé là?
- How many did you get in?
- Tu en as fait entrer combien?
Now, I know you put it there, and I know it's special issue F.B.I. Equipment... so the question is, how did you get your hands on it in the first place?
Et je sais que c'est du matériel spécial FBI. La question est, comment avez-vous pu vous le procurer?
How in the hell did you let this get so bad?
Pourquoi n'avez-vous rien fait?
Solon, how did you get here? You're supposed to be in the Elysian Fields.
Pourquoi tu n'es pas dans l'Elysée?
How the hell did you get in here?
Comment es-tu entré?
How did you get in here?
Je suis passée par la cheminée.
- How'd did you get in this time?
Comment es-tu entré ce coup-ci?
How did they get in? Did you buzz them in?
- Comment ils sont entrés?
How did you get in here?
Comment êtes-vous entré?
You never went in the water. If you didn't go into the water, how did your watch get wet? WILLOWS :
- Vous n'êtes pas allée dans l'eau.
How did you even get in here?
Comment es-tu arrivée ici?
In your zone? I don't understand. How did you get on board this ship?
Je ne comprends pas, comment êtes-vous montée à bord?
- How did you even get in?
- Comment es-tu entré?
How did you get R. E.M. to play in your garage?
Tu as convaincu R.E.M. de jouer dans ton garage?
When you went to Antarctica to save Agent Scully from being taken by that spaceship and you ran out of gas in your snowcat, how did you get back?
Quand vous avez secouru l'agent Scully qu'un vaisseau allait emporter et que votre motoneige est tombée en panne d'essence, comment y êtes-vous retourné?
How did you get in here?
Comment êtes-vous entrée?
How did you get in there?
- Comment t'es arrivé là?
- You! How the fuck did you get in here?
Comment vous avez fait pour monter ici?
- I asked you. How did that fuckin'Turk's gun get in here? Fuck.
- Comment le revolver de ce turc a atterri ici, bordel de merde?
And in combat, how did I get to be your cornerman? You just answered that.

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