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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ H ] / How does she do it

How does she do it traducir francés

40 traducción paralela
How does she do it?
Comment fait-elle?
- How does she do it?
- Comment fait-elle?
How does she do it?
Comment elle arrive à faire ça?
How does she do it?
Mais comment fait-elle?
How does she do it?
Comment a-t-elle fait?
How does she do it? - Do what?
Comment elle fait?
How does she do it?
Comment elle y arrive?
How does she do it?
- Comment?
How does she do it?
429 ) } Comment fait-elle ça?
How does she do it? She always manages to pass.
- Comment elle fait pour avoir toujours la moyenne?
How does she do it?
- Elle a été comment?
How does she do it?
Comment fait-elle ça?
- ( Sheila ) How does she do it, folks? - ( Door opens and closes )
Comment fait-elle?
How does she do it?
Comment elle le fait?
- How does she do it?
- Mais comment?
Tell me, how does she do it?
Dites-moi... Comment le fait-elle?
How does she do it?
ELIZA : Jérémie...
I mean, how does she do it?
Vraiment, comment fait-elle ça?
A working mother, a juggling tasks, "How does she do it?" mother.
Une mère qui travaille. Qui jongle avec les tâches. Alors comment elle fait, la mère?
How does she plan to do it?
Comment pense-t-elle s'en débarrasser?
How does she do it?
Comment elle fait?
How do you think she does it?
Comment fait-elle à votre avis?
- Do you believe your wife's innocent? - She is! - How does it feel to have a killer mom?
Ca fait quoi, d'aimer une tueuse?
Every damn time! How does she do it?
Comment elle fait?
Like, how it feels different, when she does it from when I do it.
Ce que ça change quand c'est elle ou moi.
How does she do it? "
Donne-nous ton secret.
I don't tell her how to do whatever the hell it is she does down in L.A.
Je lui dis pas comment faire ce qu'elle fait à L.A.
Think about it. How much does she really do?
Pense y Pense a tout ce qu'elle fait
Just listens to her whole story about the building permits and the whole thing with the snakes, and I do not know how he does it, but I swear to God, at the end of that conversation, she writes him a check for $ 30.
Il a écouté toute son histoire à propos de permis de construction et de serpents, et j'ignore comment il a fait, mais je vous jure qu'à la fin de la conversation, elle lui a fait un chèque de 30 $.
and she has no idea what she wants to do with her life, but my God, does she know how to live it, and she is my best friend.
mais elle sait vivre, et c'est ma meilleure amie.

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