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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ H ] / How much do you have

How much do you have traducir francés

968 traducción paralela
How much do you have? There!
Combien avez-vous?
How much do you have to spend?
Combien tu peux dépenser?
- What am I supposed to do with a piece of paper? How much do you have on you?
C'est tout juste bon à emballer le salami.
How much do you have on you?
Combien il te reste en poche?
Sir Horace, how much do you have to do with the running of your hospital?
Etes - vous impliqué dans la gestion de votre hôpital? Regardez - moi ça.
You, how much do you have to meddle?
Tu n'as rien à faire ici.
How much do you have?
Tu as combien?
- How much do you have in the treasury?
- On a combien en trésorerie?
How much longer do you suppose we have to wait for him?
On va attendre encore longtemps?
How much money do you have?
Combien avez-vous en poche?
You can only think that if you had it to do over again, how much closer you could have been.
On peut juste penser que si c'était à recommencer... on serait beaucoup plus proche.
How much time do you think you have?
Combien de temps vous reste-t-il?
How much gold do you have?
- Combien d'or avez-vous?
How many times do i have to tell you how much you love me?
Comment vous convaincre que vous m'aimez?
Do you know how much money you have to live on?
Savez-vous combien d'argent vous avez pour vivre?
How much time do you have on your vacation?
Combien durent vos vacances?
- Clara... Do you realise how much you have to do?
Tu auras autre chose à faire.
How much copra do you have in your sheds now?
Combien de copra avez-vous dans vos remises?
Why, we even have steel mesh on the windows to keep the drafts out. How much longer do you think you'll be here?
Il y a même des grillages aux fenêtres contre les courants d'air!
Ma'am, tell me something, how much mortgage do you have left?
Un renseignement... quand s'arrête cet emprunt?
If that's the way you feel about it, how much do I have coming to you?
Si vous le désirez. Combien vous revient-il?
Just how much do you want this crew to have a liberty?
Vous tenez vraiment à leur permission?
How much experience do you have on a locomotive?
Quelle expérience avez-vous sur une locomotive?
I am the last of the house of Frankenstein, it is true. But how much time do you think that I have left?
Je suis le dernier des Frankenstein, c'est vrai, mais combien de temps pensez-vous qu'il me reste?
- How much do you have in your pocket? - 2,000 lire.
- T'as combien?
How much do you know? I seem to have an MOD cavity in my...
Elle n'a pas pu rester pour veiller sur vous.
How much... How much land do you have?
Vous avez combien de terres?
Just how much did you have to do with the athletic awakening of Marshall Burns?
Et quel rôle as-tu joué dans ces étonnantes prouesses de Marshall Burns?
How much money do you have?
Combien avez-vous, jeune homme?
- How much time do you have to look?
- Il te reste combien de temps?
- How much ammo do you have left?
Combien de munitions? Deux bandes.
How much longer do you estimate we'll have to be here?
Selon vous, combien de temps resterons-nous ici?
How much money do you have in the bank?
Combien d'argent avez-vous à la banque?
Do you have any idea how much time that saves?
C'est du temps gagné.
Do you realize how much fun the three of us could have?
- Jenny, on pourrait bien rigoler, tous les trois.
I tell you what, no matter how much work I have to do tonight I'll forget about it and come on home and have dinner with you.
Écoute, peu importe le travail que j'aurai ce soir, je rentrerai à la maison pour dîner avec toi.
How much time do you have?
Tu as du temps devant toi?
How much money do you have in the bank?
Combien as-tu à la banque?
Judge Chase, how much change do you have in your pocket?
Juge Chase, combien d'argent avez-vous dans votre poche?
Now it's down to 90 over 70. How much blood do you have?
La réserve de sang?
Do you have any idea how much they're costing you? - Those characters that follow us around?
Ils vous coûtent cher ceux qui nous suivent.
How much money do you have?
Combien as-tu sur toi?
Excuse me for asking... but how much experience do you have in this kind of construction?
Excuse-moi, mais quels chantiers as-tu déjà dirigés?
How much stripping did you have to do to earn £ 3 million?
Combien de strip-teases aurais-tu fait, pour gagner 3 millions de Livres?
You know how much respect I have for the Holy Ghost but I'm not going to do it.
.. Je respecte l'Esprit Saint, mais dis-lui que ce n'est pas son affaire.
How much do you still have?
Combien il te reste?
- How much help do you have?
- Combien de domestiques?
I don't know why. Yeah, it is a funny thing, you know, how Jesse never did seem to have too much to do with the ladies.
Oui, c'est curieux, cette indifférence face aux femmes.
How much money do you have, let's see it!
Combien avez-vous?
Do you have any idea how much the women of America spend to make themselves beautiful?
Vous savez combien les Américaines dépensent pour s'embellir?
Do you have any idea how much we invested just to get her started?
On a beaucoup investi pour la lancer.

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