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I'd like to help you traducir francés

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I'd like to make love to you till you scream for help.
J'aimerais te faire l'amour jusqu'à ce que tu cries à l'aide.
I'd like to help you out, but- - but I can't.
J'aimerais vous aider, mais je ne le peux pas.
I'd like to help you.
J'aimerais vous aider.
Miss Rutledge, you'll pardon an old man for interfering, but I'd like to help you.
pardonnez l'intervention d'un vieillard mais j'aimerais vous aider.
Would you help me up, sir? I'd like to see the island.
Aidez-moi, j'aimerais voir l'île.
I'd like to help you, but my hands are tied, too.
J "aimerais vous aider, mais j" ai les mains liées.
- I'd like to help you. If Jean and Charles can't help me this time...
En sortant, passe au petit café, en face de l'hôtel du roi d'Angleterre, ils te diront où ils m'ont caché.
I was wondering if you'd like to come in with me and help me run the numbers game.
Venez m'aider à gérer les paris sur les courses.
- I'd like to help, if you'll let me.
Puis-je vous aider un jour?
I'd like to help you, but you know I have me wife and me kids to care for.
J'aimerais t'aider, mais j'ai une femme et des enfants.
No, it isn't that. Bill, I'd like to help you. But I can't, unless you let me.
Bill, je voudrais t'aider, mais je ne peux pas sans ton accord.
Mary, I'd like to help you.
Mary, j'aimerais vous aider.
Father Connelly, I'd like to help you. I really would.
Je voudrais vous aider, sincèrement.
I'd like to help you out.
Je voudrais vous aider.
Gee, I'd like to help you, Betsy, but I've got a very important deal to close.
J'aimerais bien t'aider, Betsy, mais j'ai une affaire à régler.
I'd like to help you, but I can't take a chance on losing a plane.
Je ne peux pas perdre un avion.
I'd like to help you if I could but... You can see for yourself, you can't drive.
J'aimerais vous aider, mais vous ne pouvez pas conduire.
Oh, I'd like to help you, but unfortunately that is the law.
J'aimerais bien mais c'est la loi.
Well, I'd like to help you, but I'm just dripping with offers.
Je voudrais bien, mais je suis... débordé.
I'd like to help you, but I can't.
Je ne peux vous aider.
How fortunate I'm here. I'd like to help you.
Je tombe bien, je peux t'aider?
I'd like to help you, Matt.
J'aimerais t'aider, Matt.
Now, I like Sister Bessie about as well as the next one or I wouldn't give her new automobile a thought but I'm here to tell you, Lord you'd better step in and help me out pretty quick or I'm afraid I'll have to take matters in my own hand.
J'aime Sœur Bessie comme tous mes prochains, et son auto ne m'intéresse pas, mais je suis venu te dire, Seigneur, que tu devrais intervenir et m'aider rapidement, sinon j'ai peur d'être obligé de m'aider moi-même.
Mind you, I think this whole trip is plain meshuga, but I'd like to help a little.
Je trouve que ce voyage est de la folie pure, mais j'aimerais vous aider.
I'm very sorry, I'd like to help out you young folks, but after all, there's no use lying when the truth is staring you in the face.
- Je suis vraiment désolé. J'aimerai bien vous aider les jeunes, mais à quoi bon mentir, quand la vérité est si évidente.
And I'd like to help you if I can.
J'aimerais vous aider, si je peux.
You'd like to get Amthor, I'd like to help you.
Je veux bien vous aider.
I'd like to help you, but...
Je voudrais bien vous aider, mais...
I'd like to be able to tell you that we were going out to bring back help.
Je voudrais pouvoir vous dire... que nous allons chercher des renforts.
I'd like to help you out, but I got orders- -
Je voudrais vous aider, mais j'ai des ordres.
I'd like to help you.
Il faut vous aider.
What I'd like to do is help you.
Ce que je voudrais faire est vous aider.
Look. I'd like to help you, but I don't wanna get in Dutch with Zeena.
Je voudrais t'aider, mais j'aurais des ennuis avec Zeena.
I figured that if anyone was gonna help me, it'd have to be somebody like you.
Vous étiez la seule à pouvoir m'aider.
I wanted to see the kind of chap Narcy double crossed before I decided which way to jump. I'd like to help you.
Je voulais voir le type que Narcy a coincé avant de décider.
Listen, my dear little Edmund, I'd really like to help you. But you must promise not to tell anyone.
Ecoute, mon petit, je vais t'aider, mais n'en parle surtout à personne!
I know you are, but I think you'd like to help us.
Je pense que vous voulez nous aider.
I'd like to help you, but I've got a deal for a show.
J'aimerais t'aider mais j'ai dit oui à une pièce.
I'd like to help you out, Gus, but I got mouths to feed and rent to pay and all that stuff.
Je voudrais bien t'aider... mais j'ai des bouches à nourrir...
I believe you and I'd like to help you, but I'm a cop.
J'aimerais vous aider. Mais je suis flic.
You must do as you think best, but I'd just like you to know that... although I know you don't want my pity, I would like to be of some help.
Je sais que vous ne voulez pas de ma pitié. Mais je voudrais vous aidez.
If you're upset about anything, I'd like to help you.
Si quelque chose vous contrarie, j'aimerais vous aider.
I'd like to vibrate him. Sam says ring through if you need help.
Sam est d'avis de le ceinturer si nécessaire.
I'd like to help you, Duke, but it's got to stop some place.
J'aimerais vous aider, Duke. Mais tout ceci doit cesser.
I'd like to help you, but this, listen, no!
J'aimerais te rendre service, mais ça... non.
I'd like to be there to help if you fall back in the water.
Si vous retombez à l'eau, j'aurais voulu vous aider.
- May I help you? - I'd like to see a copy of the New York Times. January 5, 1947.
J'aimerais voir le New York Times du 5 janvier 1947.
I'd like to help you, sir, but I'm sorry.
J'aimerais vous aider, mais c'est impossible.
I'd like to help you.
J'aimerais t'aider.
The three of you walked into Tim's bar- - Madeline, I'd like to help you out and give you all the phony sentiment and corn you want but..
J'aurais aimé vous dire qu'elle a été sublime, inoubliable...
I'd like to help you, but you can't go home yet.
Tu ne peux pas partir maintenant.

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