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I'd really like that traducir francés

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Yeah, I guess when you meet someone like that... who gets you, quirks and all... nothing else really matters, right?
Oui, je pense que lorsque tu rencontre quelqu'un comme ça... Qui vous comprends dans votre excentricité et tout... Rien d'autre ne compte vraiment, pas vrai?
You'd think they'd done something. - Oh, I hope he'll really be like that.
J'espère qu'il sera vraiment comme ça.
Still, I'd really like to know what that card is. He keeps his papers in his jacket and his jacket on his bed...
- Il met ses papiers dans sa vareuse, sur son lit...
I'd like to speak. I really can't stand him anymore. I'll take my time but that's all I'll take.
Je veux parler, je crois que c'est déjà trop avec lui je ne veux pas me prendre pour me prendre.
Nonsense. If you hadn't fainted like that, I'd have really lost my temper.
Sans cela, je ne me serais plus contrôlé.
I ´ d really like that, but the worst is I need the money...
Je suis bien d ´ accord. Mais le problème, c ´ est le reste.
I would like to be sure of one thing though, that you're really all right.
Je voudrais juste m'assurer d'une chose, c'est que vous allez vraiment bien.
If a daughter of mine ever really talked like that, I'd cut her tongue out.
Si elle me parlait vraiment comme ça, je lui couperais la langue.
I'd like to bury myself. Really deeply so that nothing got to me.
Je voudrais m'enterrer si loin que rien ne pourrait m'atteindre.
Now that I finally caught up with you, I'd like really to explain what really..
Maintenant que je vous tiens, laissez-moi vous expliquer... - ce qui s'est passé.
I'd like some food for these little monsters. Now, what have you, uh, that's really good?
Et quelque chose à manger pour ces petits monstres.
That's the way I'd really like to write.
Voilà comment j'aime vraiment écrire.
I'd really like that.
- All I'd like really... is to do something - I don't care what - that would make you, well... a little proud of me, that's all.
C'est faire quelque chose, n'importe quoi, qui te rende... disons... un peu fière de moi.
- I'd really like that.
- J'aimerais bien.
I'd really like that, I'm not just saying it.
Ca me fait plaisir. Je le fais pas par pitié.
I'd really like to do that.
J'aimerais vraiment faire ça.
I'm not really worried about my waistline if that's what you were thinking. You are like another young friend of mine, always worried about your waistline.
Si je vous montre où trouver cette plaque, pourra-t-on se mettre d'accord, pour les figurines et la plaque?
I really can't stand living like that any longer.
D'ailleurs, c'est vrai que je n'aurais pas dû vivre si longtemps...
Mrs. Cosgrove if you really like the chair that much, I'd love for you to have it.
Mme Cosgrove, si vous aimez tant cette chaise, je serais ravie de vous l'offrir.
Then I can't help you, despite the fact that I'd really like to.
Alors je ne peux pas vous aider. Pourtant j'aimerais le faire.
Oh, I'd like that very much, Mr. Goodwin. I really would.
Ce serait avec un grand plaisir, M. Goodwin.
Reason with him. Now that I'd really like to see!
J'aimerais bien voir ça.
I'd really like to help you out, Mr. Clark. it's just that I don't -
J'aimerais vous aider, mais je ne peux pas...
I really saw an inflated astronaut that looked like Humpty Dumpty. I saw him through a window.
J'ai vu un homme en tenue d'astronaute, gonflé comme un bibendum, à travers une vitre.
I mean, well, who's to say that witches really look like I did last night?
Qui dit que les sorcières ressemblent à mon costume d'hier soir?
I'd really like to glance through that book, the Necronomicon.
J'aimerai vraiment jeter un oeil au Necronomicon.
I'd really like you to get off the stage, baby, please. Okay, well, I can dig that. - Thanks very much.
La Croix-Rouge nous a demandé de rassembler du matériel.
" I'm not planning to make a career out of it. Really work at it like that.
" je n'ai pas l'intention d'en faire un métier.
When we turn these boys pro, I'd really like to make that trip.
Quand j'en aurai fait des "pro", je les y emmènerai.
I'd really like that watch.
J'aime vraiment cette montre.
I wasn't really planning to stay much longer... but I'd like to stay a little while, if that would be all right.
Je ne comptais pas rester beaucoup plus longtemps, mais j'aimerais rester encore un peu, si tu me le permets.
I'd like to believe you, but is that really the case?
J'aimerais vous croire, mais est-ce vraiment comme ça?
I really didn't have other intentions It happened like that.
Je ne dois vraiment pas d'autres intentions Il est arrivé comme ça.
Carter, have you done something when you were mad - I mean really mad - that it was like being in a dream?
As-tu déjà fait un truc sous le coup de la colère en ayant l'impression d'être dans un rêve?
You know, if you were to visit me... I'd like that, really.
Si tu me rendais visite, cela me ferait vraiment plaisir.
That's strange, because when you stood up I really felt like pissing.
C'est bizarre parce que quand tu t'es levé j'étais persuadé d'avoir envie de pisser.
I mean, I think it's really important for us to explore new relationships and stuff like that.
Je voulais dire qu'il est important pour nous d'explorer de nouvelles choses.
I'd just like to say that he was a good surfer and a really great guy.
Je dirai seulement... que c'était un bon surfer... et un type formidable.
I'm really sorry, man... I didn't think she'd pull a stunt like that.
Je suis vraiment désolé, vieux... Je croyais pas qu'elle ferait un coup pareil. On sait où elle habite.
You ought to see the Gauguin that Robin Masters just bought. I think you'd really like it.
Comment l'avez-vous retrouvée malgré les faux indices?
Kate I know you think I'm an idiot but I'm not really like that.
Kate... je sais que vous me prenez pour un imbécile... mais je ne suis pas tout à fait moi-même. C'est en présence d'une femme que...
I thought maybe I could get in on the act, that I could somehow get involved. I'd really like to join in.
J'ai pensé... me mettre dans le coup.
I'd really like to know that.
Okay. I'd like to try just one more time... and then we'll call it a day. That's really very good.
C'est vraiment très bien.
ThE other day, I said to Mrs. GunnErson that I'd really like to have a loaf of her wonderful salmon pate.
J'ai dit à Mme Gunnerson que je voulais de son merveilleux pâté au saumon.
And I'm really not the total sociopath that you'd like to think.
Et je ne suis pas le sociopathe que tu crois.
I wonder where that Barbara girl and Billy are? I'd really like to see this again.
J'aimerais beaucoup revoir ce film.
I could lay a big line on you, we could do lots of role-playing but the simple truth is, I find you very interesting and I'd really like to make love with you. " Simple as that.
Je pourrais te raconter des salades, on pourrait jouer la comédie... mais la vérité c'est que je te trouve très attirante... et j'aimerais vraiment faire l'amour avec toi. " Simplement.
Boy, I'll tell you, that Jane's one nut I'd really like to crack.
Moi, j'aimerais bien coucher avec Jane.
You know, I'd just like to say that, well, this is really nice.
J'aimerais juste dire que c'est vraiment super.

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