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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ I ] / I'll be there at

I'll be there at traducir francés

338 traducción paralela
I do know that there'll be a party at the palace on Saturday.
"Je sais aussi que samedi, il y aura une fête chez lui."
Well, I'll be there at 11 : 00 tonight.
J'y serai à 11 h ce soir.
You will be at the Bazaar on Wednesday. I'll see you there.
Vous serez à la vente de charité mercredi.
Call Dr. Wong at my clinic and tell him I'll be there before midnight, will you?
Appelez le docteur Wong à ma clinique et dites-lui que je serai là avant minuit.
All right. I'll be there at once.
D'accord, j'arrive tout de suite.
I'll be there Wednesday at five o'clock.
- J'y serai mercredi à 17 heures.
When you return from your honeymoon if I'm not much mistaken there'll be a desk waiting for you at the bank.
À votre retour de lune de miel, si je ne m'abuse, un bureau vous attendra à la banque.
If I let this chance go by, there'll never be another for me so I don't think anyone will mind if I just have a go at it, will they, Julia?
Si je ne saisis pas cette chance, je n'en aurai pas d'autres. Je pense que personne ne m'en voudra de tenter ma chance, n'est-ce pas, Julia?
I'm afraid at such short notice, there'll be nothing but fruit.
En fait, il ne me reste que des fruits.
I'll be there at 11 : 28.
Je serai là à 23h28.
- I'll be there at 10.
- J'y serai à 10 heures.
I doubt if there'll be much delay at the rendezvous.
Pas de retard au rendez-vous à prévoir.
It'll be a couple of moments before I have a table for you, gentlemen. There's plenty of room at the bar.
On peut aller au bar.
At school I shall have drawing lessons and French lessons... and history and music lessons. And there'll be hundreds of other girls to play with.
À l'école, j'étudierai le dessin, le français, l'histoire, la musique... et j'aurai plein de camarades de jeu.
And I'll be sitting there staring at that white sheet, scared.
Et je serai assis à fixer cette feuille blanche, terrorisé.
There'll be an inquest, and you mustn't get mixed up in it. They don't know your name at the theater, I suppose, and if they don't, it's all right.
Il y aura une enquête, mais sa famille ne connaît pas votre nom.
There may be some at Cebu. I'll inquire.
Je verrai s'il y en a à Cebu.
Sure, i'll be there at 7 : 00.
J'y serai à 7 heures.
Tell him to call on me tonight, at my town house, I'll be there.
Qu'il vienne ce soir à ma maison en ville.
He'll put me down... and I'll lie there quaking all over, with my eyes rolled back until just the white is showing. There'll be nasty gossip at the castle.
Il me posera là et je resterai étendu, inanimé.
I'll be there at 2 o'clock, at least I'll try.
J'y serai à 14 h. Enfin, j'essaierai.
Now, look here, Jim, you know just as well as I do that there are men at that banquet who'll be rooting for a depression, just so they can slap labor's ears back.
que si les patrons veulent baisser le pouvoir d'achat pour ennuyer les syndicats
I'll be there at 8.
À 8 : 00, d'accord.
I'll be there at 5 : 00 and we can go straight on up to Tahoe.
J'y serai à 5 h, et nous irons à l'hôtel de ville.
His Majesty's Government does not feel inclined to negotiate with a pistol at its head. Now that we've come down to brass tacks, I can guarantee there'll be no...
Vous devez comprendre qu'après ces incidents du métro le gouvernement n'est pas enclin à négocier avec un revolver sur la tempe.
I'm going to look up at six o'clock, and there he'll be.
Je vais regarder l'horloge à six heures et il sera là.
I'll be there at 4 : 00.
J'y serai à 4 heures.
I'll see you at the junkyard. George will be there.
- À tout à l'heure.
- Okay, I'll see you, Murph. In the past 20 years, there's been at least one major outbreak. In November of 1924 in Los Angeles, California, a woman died of what was thought to be pneumonia.
En plus des cas isolés, il y a eu une épidémie qui remonte à novembre 1924 à Los Angeles.
Let them know at Newark I'll be out there.
Dites-leur, à Newark, que je serai là.
If he calls, say I'll be there at 2 : 00.
S'il appelle, dites-lui que j'y serai à 2h00.
You've got to listen to me. I'll be there to meet you tomorrow night at 7 : 00.
- Je t'attendrai demain à 19 h.
And mayhap we'll get there if I don't have to be walking home alone at night.
PRÊTEUR SUR GAGES PRÊTS Et j'y arriverai peut-être si je ne rentre pas trop seule la nuit.
Turn left at the underground. - It's a two minutes'walk. - I'll be there in an hour.
C'est à deux minutes de la station de métro.
They say there is a temple at Nakayama. You'll be safe there. I can't leave you.
Réfugie-toi au Temple de Nakayama.
Yes, there's a cross. I'll be there. At 10.
Et oui un calvaire... j'y serai... à dix heures!
I just wanted to say I'll be there tomorrow night at 10 : 00.
Je voulais vous dire que j'y serai demain soir à 22 heures.
- I'll be there at 9 : 30. - You write that down, now.
- J'y serai à 9 h 30.
Dear, I'll be there at 3 : 00 pm.
Je serai là à 15 heures.
But I said, "She'll only be there when she's asleep and big rooms get bigger at night."
Mais elles sont encore plus grandes la nuit, vous le saviez?
Don't worry. The car will be there at 5 : 00. Then you'll pick me up at the office... and I'll take you to the airport.
Rejoignez-moi au bureau et je vous emmènerai à l'aéroport.
Mrs. Hazeltine and I... are flying to New York this afternoon... taking the overnight jet to London. There's a connecting flight to Berlin... and we'll be there at noon tomorrow.
On prend l'avion pour New York, puis le vol de nuit pour Londres et enfin le vol pour Berlin qui arrive demain à midi.
I'll be there, Mr. Finley. At the press table.
- J'y serai, au banc de la presse.
He went to look at a new car. That's where he'll be. Is there a phone around here I can use?
Il est vide, mais il doit y avoir un téléphone.
There'll be nobody working at the pottery. Give me two hours. Blomberg and I will call for it.
Faites très attention, Miller.
There'll be no doubt of that, no doubt at all. I'll think of something.
Là-bas, c'est la femme du Brigadier Guttlin.
"I'll be there at 9 : 00." It's 1 0 : 30 and he hasn't shown up.
Il devait venir à 9 heures, il est déjà 10 heures!
The Interlude at 10. I'll be there.
L'Interlude à 10 h. J'y serai.
I'll be there at 8 : 00.
A 20 heures.
I'll be there tomorrow at 3. Thank you.
Je viendrai demain, à 15 h. Merci.
I'll be glad to look at them after dinner, if there's time.
Je serai heureux de les voir après dîner, si j'ai le temps.

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