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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ I ] / I'll get over it

I'll get over it traducir francés

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Fine. I'll get the cash and send it over.
Je vous enverrai l'argent.
I'll get over it in a minute.
... mais ça passera vite.
- Besides you- - - l'll get over it, I know.
- Je suis sûr que...
I've got a beautiful picture of you over in my room. I'll run and get it.
J'ai une superbe photo de vous dans ma chambre.Je vais la chercher.
Look, I'll just put it over here, and get it out of the way.
En le mettant là, il n'y aura plus d'incident!
If you wait, I'll take it over, and you won't get a cent.
Si vous tardez, je l'aurai pour rien.
Oh, that's all right. I'll get over it.
Ça ira, je reprendrai le dessus.
I'll never get over it.
Je m'en remettrai jamais.
I hope you'll enjoy it. I hope you'll get some comfort out of this coin you've been sweating over then.
J'espère que cet argent pour lequel vous vous surmenez vous procurera du confort!
" Don't worry about me, Mother. I'll get over it.
" Ne t'inquiète pas, maman, je m'en sortirai.
And if the walls fall down or something, and you should get out, I'll turn you over to the guards so quick it'll make you dizzy.
Et si les murs s'écroulent et que vous sortez, je vous dénoncerai si vite que vous aurez le vertige.
- Yes. I'll never get over it as long as I live.
Je ne m'en remettrai pas de toute ma vie.
I probably did. But she'll get over it.
J'ai téléphoné à Sam Blake de nous envoyer le maire tout de suite.
I asked for it, and I'll get over it.
Je m'en remettrai.
But I'll get over it, Ma Rita.
Mais ça va passer, M'man Rita.
It'll take time but I'll get over it.
Ça prend du temps, mais ça passe.
There's the Jeep. I'll get it and take you over to the inn.
Je prends la Jeep et on va à l'auberge.
I won't try to tell you that you'll get over it soon, because it will take time... maybe a long time.
Je ne te dirai pas que tu t'en remettras vite car cela prend du temps, beaucoup de temps, parfois.
I'm afraid it'll be years before I get over the handicap of what I look like.
Ca fait des années que j'ai surmonté l'handicap de mon aspect
If anybody on the field or off the field tries to engage you in conversation as to why you're here, no matter how innocently, I want you to get his name and give it to me and I'll turn it over to the FBI.
Si quelqu'un, sur ou en dehors de la base, tient à savoir pourquoi vous êtes ici, même si c'est demandé innocemment, vous devez me donner son nom et je le transmettrai au F.B.I.
But after I'm gone, you'll get over it.
Après mon départ, vous m'oublierez.
The next time, I'll get over it!
- Je réussirai!
You're going to before you're through. You know I'll get around you in the end. Why can't you just be human now and get it over with?
Tu capituleras, alors à quoi bon être désagréable?
I'll be back before long... and he'll get over it when the railroad comes through.
Je serai de retour bientôt... il s'en remettra dès que le train passera.
I think she'll get over it, and I think we owe it to Mr. Nugent- -
Elle s'en sortira, grâce à M. Nugent...
It'll be over by the time I get there.
Ça va être fini avant que j'arrive.
Don't look so stricken, Whit. You'll get over it. I did.
N'aie pas l'air si étonné, Whit.
But I think you'll get over it.
Ça te passera.
- I'll never get over it.
- Je ne m'en remettrai jamais.
I rode over 200 miles to say my say and it'll get said my way.
J'ai fait 300 km pour avoir mon mot à dire, et je dirai ce que je veux!
Never mind, I'll get over it.
Ça n'a pas d'importance, ça va passer.
Don't worry about me, George, I'll get over it, but I need time.
Ne t'inquiète pas, je m'en remettrai, mais il me faut du temps.
I'll get over it, don't worry.
Oui, je vais y arriver, ne t'inquiète pas.
- I'll get over it.
- Je m'en remettrai.
- You'll get over it, I'm thinkin'.
Ça vous passera.
It'll take some time, but I'll get over it.
Ça prendra du temps, mais ça me passera.
Oh, they'll soon get over it, Maggie. Aye. I'm making plans, and a husband's included in them.
Elles s'en remettront vite. J'ai des projets, et ils incluent un mari.
Maybe I'll get over it.
Peut-être vais-je m'en remettre.
- I'll get over it.
Je m'en remettrai.
Well, about what I expected, but they'll get over it.
Je crois qu'ils s'en remettront.
It'll be better if a big company takes over and I get a job there
On va être obligés de vendre à une corporation dont je deviendrai l'employé.
Well, I reckon you'll get over it.
Ça passera.
You get it all set up, and then I'll take over.
Préparez tout ça et laissez-moi faire.
All right Steed, over there. Get out. I'll handle it.
Je m'en occupe.
Oh, I'll get over it. If my health don't go to failing me.
Je m'en remettrai, si ma santé le permet.
It'll take me a few days to get over it, I can tell you.
Je ne suis pas près de me refaire.
I'll get it done tonight and bring it over to you.
Je le ferai ce soir et je te l'apporterai.
Until you get over it, I'll sleep in the den.
Je dormirai dans le bureau en attendant.
- I expect he'll get over it.
- Pour vous demander en mariage.
He'll get over it soon enough, I think.
Il s'en remettra très vite, je crois.
I dare say I'll get over it.
On va dire que je m'en remettrai.

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