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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ I ] / I'll go tomorrow

I'll go tomorrow traducir francés

555 traducción paralela
I'll go back tomorrow.
Je retournerai demain.
I'll go back tomorrow!
Je retournerai demain.
I'll go to her tomorrow.
J'irai la voir demain.
Tomorrow, I'll go back to the mountains.
Demain, je retourne dans la montagne.
Something tells me if I go in that room tonight, tomorrow I'll be in my coffin.
J'ai le sentiment que si je retourne dans cette pièce je serai morte demain.
I gotta go to town, but I'll be back tomorrow.
Je serai de retour demain.
I'll go to Father tomorrow.
Vous avez raison.
You go to bed early and get a good night's rest, and I'll see you tomorrow.
Va te coucher tôt et dors bien. Je te verrai demain. Oui.
I'll be at the stables tomorrow when you go for your ride.
Venez à l'écurie demain matin.
Yes. Tomorrow you can take the trunk out and I'll go in.
Demain, vous sortirez la malle, pour que je puisse entrer.
I'll have to go tomorrow.
J'irai demain.
- Well, if he doesn't show up before... tomorrow morning, I'll go down to the police and see what I can do.
- S'il n'est pas de retour demain, j'irai à la police, et je verrai ce que je peux faire.
- Yes, I'll go see my impresario tomorrow.
- Oui, demain j'irai voir mon imprésario.
Well, I'll stay in Yvelles, but tomorrow morning I have to go into the city.
Ce soir, je reste à Yvelles. Mais demain matin je retourne en ville.
I'll go up there tomorrow to see how the land lies
j'irai faire un tour demain... pour y voir clair.
I sentence you to 31 days in the city jail but I'll suspend 30 days of that sentence if you give me your word that as soon as you get out tomorrow you'll go back to your folks in Kansas.
Je vous condamne à 31 jours de prison, mais dont 30 avec sursis si vous me donnez votre parole de rejoindre dès demain matin votre famille dans le Kansas.
I'll go into things more thoroughly tomorrow.
Examen approfondi demain.
Go on home like a good girl. I'll come by tomorrow morning.
Tu vas rentrer chez toi, sage comme une image, et j'irai te voir demain matin.
Tomorrow I'll go to Philadelphia, to Thatcher Library, to see his diary.
Demain j'irai consulter les "Mémoires" de Thatcher.
It's more of a chance than he'd give me. Unless he decides by tomorrow that he's so sick he has to go away for a year Monday morning, all papers in the state, except his, will carry the story I'll give.
Qu'il annonce demain son départ pour raison de santé... ou tous les journaux de l'État publieront mon histoire.
Here's your chance. You go back with Nails tomorrow morning, back to the states where they need you and want you, and I'll take ground service.
Si tu rentres demain matin aux États-Unis avec Nails, je reste au sol.
If I think about it, maybe I'll go tomorrow.
Si j'y pense, j'irai peut-être demain.
Tomorrow I'll go hiking With that Eagle Scout unless
Demain j'irai randonner Avec les boy-scouts
"I'll have to go to the bank and pay you off tomorrow," he says.
"J'irai à la banque."
I'll go there tomorrow. I'd like to put some flowers on your wife's grave.
J'irai demain fleurir la tombe de votre femme.
Maybe tomorrow I'll go down to the courthouse and look up the deaths...
Demain, J'irai peut-être au tribunal vérifier les décès
You go out and buy a copy tomorrow, and I'll get it autographed for you.
Va acheter une copie demain, et je la ferai autographier pour toi.
I have to go back tomorrow. Then we'll probably get the stamp.
J'y vais demain pour le cachet.
Okay, I'll go out to the pen tomorrow and see him.
Bon, j'irai à la prison demain.
Listen, Leo, you go down to your business tomorrow, And I'll be there, and I'll see to it
Va à ton travail demain, j'y serai.
No, I'll go see the big boss tomorrow and talk to him about it.
J'irai voir le parrain pour apaiser Okada.
Well, I really don't have to go yet... I'll see you tomorrow. What's the matter?
Je ne suis pas pressée.
Tomorrow morning I'll take you and Nikolas to Liverpool. Tomorrow I go back to Athens.
Demain, je rentre à Athènes.
- I won't go out there anymore - We'll discuss it tomorrow
Moi, je ne parais plus!
- I'll go tomorrow morning
Je pars demain.
I'll go back home tomorrow morning with Michiyo
Je rentre demain, avec Michiyo.
There may be a loophole, I'll go to Town Hall tomorrow and see.
Il y a peut-être moyen, mais il faut attendre demain.
Tomorrow, I'll go away.
Demain, j'irai débarrasser.
Tomorrow I'll try to go in.
Demain, j'essaierai d'y entrer.
Tomorrow I'll go in the cave.
Demain, j'irai dans la grotte.
Tomorrow I'll come back by boat, in my boat, go to see your parents, tell them...
Et demain, je reviendrai en bateau, avec mon bateau, et puis j'irai voir tes parents et je leur dirai...
Tomorrow I'll go into the roaring downtown district and find work.
Demain, j'irai au centre-ville trouver du travail.
I'll go tomorrow.
J'irai demain.
Madero is in the capital, and tomorrow I'll go see him.
Madero est au Capitole, demain j'irai lui parler.
Tomorrow, I'll leave these mountains and pines, which will be your home, too, and go down to the city for my first visit in over a year.
Demain, je quitterai ces montagnes et ces pins, qui seront ta maison aussi, et j'irai en ville pour la première fois en un an.
If you go into the kitchen, tomorrow I'll bring you.
Et si tu vas dans la cuisine, demain je t'emmène. - Loin?
I'll explain to His Eminence. I put this money aside because I was going to go to the fair tomorrow to buy a beast to help with my work.
Ces sous, je les avais mis de côté pour acheter à la foire demain une bête dont j'ai besoin pour les champs.
You can't go on the stand in this condition. I'll be all right tomorrow.
Vous ne pouvez pas aller à la barre dans cet état.
I'll go tomorrow.
Je partirai demain.
I'll call you up tomorrow. Maybe we'll go see a movie
On pourrait aller au cinèma.
Tomorrow, I'll do anything you ask. I'll pack, I'll go anywhere you ask. But not tonight, not in the state you're in.
On partira demain si tu veux, mais pas dans l'état où tu es.

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