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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ I ] / I'll go with him

I'll go with him traducir francés

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I'd let him go for a ride and then I'll share my inheritance with you!
On lui faisait faire une balade... et vive les héritiers universels!
I'll tear him apart. Go on out with him. Go ahead.
Vas-y, sors avec lui.
I'll go with him, sir.
J'irai avec lui, monsieur.
I'll go and have a talk with him.
Je vais lui parler.
You kick in with 10 percent of what you take that chump for or I'll go out and tip him off.
Vous me filez 10 º % de ce que vous lui arnaquez ou je sors tout lui dire.
I'll strangle him with these bare hands... so help me, if I go to the chair for it.
Je l'étranglerai de ces propres mains. Tant pis si je finis sur la chaise pour ça!
I'll go out, but I'll never make up with him.
Je sortirai, mais je ne ferai jamais la paix avec lui.
If he don't want to go with us, we'll take it on the I am without him. That's right.
S'il ne sous suit pas, on le plaque.
- It's all right, I'll go up with him.
- Je monte avec lui.
Go on, I'll sit with him.
Ah, y a des moments où j'en ai marre!
Father is being sent to Chukoti and, of course, I'll go with him.
Je vais suivre père à Chukoti.
Besides, if I don't go out with him, Ann and I will lose our jobs... and I'll be back where I started from.
Et puis je perdrais ma place, Ann aussi et je repartirais à zéro.
I'll have it out with him after. I'll tell him that I can't go on.
Mais après, je m'expliquerai avec Stephen.
And I'll have him for the rest of his life because I'll go and hide with him.
Et je l'aurai pour le reste de mes jours parce que j'irai me cacher avec lui.
Now we'll have fun with Albert here. I'll go and fetch him a dressing gown. And I'll get him a towel.
Albert va enfin nous faire rire, je m'occupe de lui
I'll get some fresh air. Willy, you'd better go with him. Sure.
J'irais mieux si je prends un bol d'air frais.
I'll go to him and I'll stay with him!
Je resterai auprès de lui!
And I'll go on living with him for the rest of my life.
Et je vais devoir vivre avec lui tout le reste de ma vie.
He'll be enchanted, with invisible wings to go over every jump, if I ride him!
Mon cheval magique aux ailes invisibles Volera au-dessus des obstacles!
You'll find him at the police station and now I must ask you to go and take your assistant with you.
Veuillez partir sur-le-champ avec votre assistant.
One of us has to make it. I'll go alone with him.
J'ai travaillé trop longtemps dans les mines.
I'll go and have a talk with him.
Je vais les voir.
Then I'll go with him in the morning.
Je partirai avec lui demain.
Look here, Kris. Before this goes any further tell Riling, I'll go with him.
Ecoutez, Kris, laissez tomber, je vais me rendre.
I'll go see what's wrong with him.
Je vais voir ce qu'il a.
I'll go with him.
Je partirai avec lui.
I'll let him go, I don't want to get involved with him, but if he comes looking for me he will find me.
Je le laisse aller, je ne veux pas avoir affaire à lui, mais s'il vient me chercher il va me trouver.
I'll go along with him.
J'y vais aussi.
Stay with him. I'll go up and tie the rope on the car.
Restez avec lui, je vais attacher la corde à la voiture.
Say goodbye to each other. I'll go with Carl and when I can't bear the sight of him any longer I'll...
Je vais partir avec Carl... et quand je ne supporterai plus de le voir, je...
I'll go right down and try and get him out. I'm going with you.
Je vais essayer de le sortir.
If the band throws in with him, I'll go to the Blue Devils.
Si on accepte, je pars chez les Blue Devils.
Tell him that with my look, I'll go back to work in a few days.
- Dis-lui que je reprendrai dans quelques jours.
If I go with you, you'll not catch him.
You go and dig up the ground. I'll follow you with a bulldozer and we'll plow him under.
Prépare le terrain et j'irai l'achever un peu plus tard.
Stay with him, I'll go.
Restez avec lui, J'y vais.
- I'll go with him.
- J'irai avec lui.
Don't worry, I'll go with him.
C'est bon, je vais aller avec lui.
But, Mr. Carmody, if he don't get red meat soon I'll be afraid to go in the cage with him.
Donnez-lui un peu de viande... ou j'aurai peur d'entrer dans sa cage!
- No, go with him, I'll give you a nice present.
Va avec lui.
If you decide to go off with him, I'll just have to wait here until you get back.
Si vous décidez de partir avec lui, j'attendrai ici votre retour.
I'll go make a deal with him.
Je vais négocier avec lui.
I'll go out with Alex and keep him out for an extra half-hour.
J'irai dîner avec Alex et je le retarderai.
I told the woman to go and live with him so she'll fatten up a little.
Ma gonzesse, elle va se remplumer, et... à moi la pin-up!
I tried to talk him out of it but he wants you to settle your account with him dont worry I'll see to everything my dear tomorrow morning I'll go to london and liquidate a few of my holdings
J'ai essayé d'obtenir un délai, mais il veut que tu lui règles ce que tu lui dois. Ne t'en fais pas, je m'occuperai de tout. Demain matin j'irai à Londres liquider quelques placements.
I'll pay him with this to go away.
À propos de Sadako. Y aurait pas assez de preuves?
If you're not outside the prison when we return I'll come for you. Go with him, my boy.
Si vous n'êtes pas sortis quand nous reviendrons, je viendrai vous chercher.
You tell him go easy with that, Major, or I'll shoot you right between the eyes.
Dites-lui de faire attention ou je vous tire une balle entre les deux yeux.
I'll tell him you want to go to bed with him.
Je lui dirai que vous voulez coucher avec lui.
The Laird goes too, or you can hang me with him. I'll not go with ye.
Le laird vient aussi, ou vous pouvez me pendre avec lui.
After I go past him, he'll come out with his back to you.
Il va sortir de dos.

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