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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ I ] / I'm getting to that

I'm getting to that traducir francés

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Well, I'll tell you, I'm getting along in years now and there's one thing that I've always wanted to do before I quit.
Eh bien, je ne rajeunis pas et il y a une chose que j'ai... toujours voulu faire avant de quitter.
Well, now that I'm getting married I'd like to settle down and go into some good, high-class business.
Maintenant que je me marie, je voudrais investir dans une affaire sérieuse et respectable.
Why so thoughtful? I'm getting 60 bucks a week now. That's enough to get hitched on.
Tu es bien pensif... je gagne 60 dollars par semaine.
I was getting to like that cell.
Je commençais à m'y plaire.
Look, honey, I'm getting around to that.
J'y arrivais, chérie.
That's why I'm able to stand here, a man who's getting old and ask this great sacrifice of you as humbly as I'd ask a great favor of a queen.
C'est pourquoi le vieil homme que je suis peut vous demander ce grand sacrifice aussi humblement que si je demandais une faveur â une reine.
I just wanted to tell you that I must be getting along now.
Il va falloir que je m'en aille.
- Well, I'm getting to that.
J'y viens.
I'm getting rid of that nurse today. And from now on, you'll stick to your job.
L'infirmière part aujourd'hui et vous reprenez votre poste.
- What? - What? I'm trying to insinuate that you're setting your cap for him and getting mother to help you?
Et tu veux que Mère t'aide!
Millie, now that I'm getting married, I'll have a home... and I thought perhaps you might be willing to share Deedy with me.
Millie, puisque je me marie, je vais avoir un foyer. Veux-tu que nous partagions la garde de Deedy?
Mister, I'm obliged to you for getting me out of that bar.
Vous savez pas combien je vous suis reconnaissant... de m'avoir sorti de Ià.
I ´ m learning to smoke now. Ever since that night in the park I ´ ve been getting the habit.
J'apprends à fumer... depuis la nuit de notre rencontre.
You can take it. What I'm trying to say, Dr. Gifford, is that until the treatment Mrs. Cunningham... is now getting brings out the causes of her unconscious rejection and resolves them... we can't send her to Illinois or any state without the least chance of her getting well.
Ce que j'essaye de vous dire, c'est que tant que nous ignorerons les causes, il sera très dommageable pour elle de sortir.
Anyway, Eddie, what I'm trying to say is that maybe you're getting restless.
Ce que je veux dire, c'est que vous êtes nerveux.
I got the figures that prove that all I'm getting is about 30 % to your 70.
Mes calculs prouvent que je ne reçois que 30 % et vous 70.
I'm telling you, it'll work. I'll have to fake the dancing, but I've been getting away with that for years.
Je ne sais pas danser, mais personne ne s'en est jamais aperçu.
I'm getting tired of listening to that bell.
J'en ai marre d'entendre cette cloche.
It's getting tough. You can't defend yourself! If it goes on that way, I'm going to lose it.
Ca devient duraille, dis donc, plus moyen de se défendre.
I didn't mean to blow up like that, but I'm getting a little sick and tired of your efficiency experts.
Je ne voulais pas m'engueuler comme ça mais j'en ai un peu marre de tes experts efficaces.
It's been a pleasure discussing this with you, Colonel... but I'm afraid that I'd better be getting back to my guests.
J'ai eu grand plaisir à en discuter avec vous, colonel... mais je crois qu'il vaut mieux que je retourne à mes invités.
I tried to tell you that getting things that way was no good and it was you that made me resolve to be through with it.
J'ai voulu vous dire que nous avions tort. C'est vous qui m'avez poussée à accepter.
- I'm getting to that, Major.
- Je vais y venir.
Look, I'm getting tired of that cold-shoulder treatment and I decided to take steps.
J'en ai assez que tu m'ignores, j'ai décide de prendre des mesures.
I'm getting to that!
Voilŕ ce que je veux signaler.
Well, I'm glad we've got them. But it seems tragic that your career has to go west in the getting.
Mais pour votre carrière, c'est tragique.
Bronson, i keep getting this crazy thought this crazy thought that i'm going to wake up and none of this will have happened.
Je vais bientôt me réveiller et rien de tout ça ne sera arrivé.
I'm only trying to warn you that the Federation knows this stuff's is getting in, and so do the Customs.
C'est notre problême. Ne vous en mêlez pas.
I'm getting used to these sounds. I think that last one must have been the door closing.
Je m'habitue à tous ces bruits.
You know, thousand hours I worked on folk art and I'm getting old, scared of ending up blind, losing my right hand what helps me to create all that beauty.
J'ai dédié des milliers d'heures à l'art populaire, mais je vieillis, j'ai peur pour mes yeux et la main droite qui m'aident à créer cette beauté.
I'm always getting winked at these days. It used to be to you, isn't that, Paul?
Tout le monde me fait de l'œil en ce moment...
Somehow I'm getting the feeling that I don't appeal to you.
Je sens confusément que je ne te plais guère.
Cut out that music. I'm getting sick to death of it.
Arrête cette musique, j'en ai marre!
I'm simply going to use this as the basis of getting to the bottom of a lot of things that need explaining.
Je compte plutôt m'en servir comme début d'explication à de nombreux phénomènes étranges.
Well, now that I'm back to normal, I think we ought to do something about getting your parents together.
Puisque je suis redevenue normale, nous devrions faire quelque chose pour tes parents.
That I'm getting dangerously close to being discarded in that ditch, right?
Que tu risques vraiment de vouloir m'abandonner dans le caniveau.
Oh, I'm going to say it's getting a little chilly and I think that We should cuddle up together for warmth.
Comme il fait froid, je crois qu'on devrait se blottir l'un contre l'autre pour se réchauffer.
I admit I'm getting a little grey, but radiation will do that to you. - Forgive me, I have some work to do.
J'admets que je grisonne un peu, mais c'est à cause des radiations.
I'm not getting uptight. I just don't like you to hitch, that's all.
Je ne suis pas coincé, je n'aime pas que tu fasses du stop, c'est tout.
I'm getting a reading similar to that on the planet.
Le relevé est similaire à celui de la planète.
And then I start going there, and then I knew that I'm getting close to it because I can feel it inside of me.
Alors je commence à y aller, et je sens que je m'en approche, je le sens.
I just know that I'm getting close to it and then...
Je sais que je m'en approche et alors...
I'm pretty good at getting people to buy that Apache Herb Tonic.
J'ai le don pour convaincre les gens d'acheter ma lotion d'herbes apaches.
You got any polarity here on the mobile travel? - I just punched up one and I'm opening imagine that that has something to do with the results the 378 was getting. Look.
Tu as de la polarité sur ce module?
I'm her guardian, I have to approve what she does... getting somebody to adopt it and all that.
je suis son tuteur, je dois donner mon accord pour l'adoption et tout ça.
I wanted to tell you that I'm getting married.
Je voulais te dire que j'allais me marier.
I would take every person that's tired of working jobs like on the auto lines and have worked for years for nothing and never getting ahead I had to quit school because... I got so fucking paranoid because after Kent State...
J'aiderais tous les malades et ceux qui en ont marre de travailler à la chaîne pendant des années sans arriver nulle part, ou ceux qui abandonnent les cours, parce que Kent State m'a rendue tellement paranoïaque,
I'm getting out of here by Monday... because at precisely 11 : 00 Tuesday... work at every Armbruster plant in the country... will come to a stop so that 216,000 employees... can watch the services... on closed-circuit television... in color... except for Puerto Rico.
Qu'il pleuve qu'il tonne... je partirai d'ici lundi... car à 11h précises mardi... toutes les usines Armbruster arrêteront leur opération pour permettre aux 216.000 employés... d'assister aux funérailles... dans les télévisions en circuit fermé en couleur... excepté à Porto Rico.
You said I was to do the thinking for both of us. Well, I've done a lot of it since then and it all adds up to one thing : You're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong.
Tu m'as dit de prendre toutes les décisions et tu prends cet avion avec Victor.
I'm not getting any younger, that's what I'm trying to tell you.
Je ne rajeunis pas, je te dis!
To start, otherwise you may find that I'm taking on too long a sentence and getting completely stuck.
Pour commencer, sinon vous aurez... Une phrase trop longue et je serai complètement... Perdue.

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