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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ I ] / I've been working out

I've been working out traducir francés

172 traducción paralela
I've been working this out with, well, with some other friends of yours.
Je travaille l'affaire avec, eh bien, d'autres de tes amis.
You know, she hasn't been out much lately since I've been working on this.
Elle a peu l'occasion de sortir depuis que je travaille là-dessus.
I've been working day and night, spending a lot of time out of town...
J'ai travaillé jour et nuit, passant du temps à l'extérieur...
After you've been working out on the desert 15 years like I have, hear a lot of things, see a lot of things too.
Au bout de 1 5 ans à travailler dans le désert comme moi... tu entends un tas de choses et tu vois un tas de choses.
I've been working my heart and soul out all day.
J'ai turbiné toute la journée!
I only earn $ 65 a week, and I've been working for the last three weeks trying to figure out my income tax. It's still all mixed up.
Moi, je ne gagne que 65 $ par semaine, et je n'arrive pas à produire ma déclaration.
I've been working on that, but I can't find out.
Je n'arrive pas à le savoir.
These layouts I've been working on are going to knock the client's eyes out.
Ces publicités que j'ai créées vont à coup sûr émerveiller le client.
I've been working out there for over a month.
BANQUE DE LAS RINAS J'y travaille depuis un mois.
I've been working my guts out and they're spending it all.
J'ai trimé pendant 4 mois. Ils vont le dépenser.
You know, I've been working out a little bit.
Tu sais, j'ai fait un peu de sport.
I've been working out.
Je me suis... entraîné.
Hey, watch it, I've been working out with weights.
Attention! J'ai fait des haltères!
I've been working out.
Je fais de l " exercice.
I've been working out.
J'ai fait du sport.
I mean, especially since I've been working out!
Comment elle peut partir avec lui? Surtout depuis qu'on se connaît!
I hope you're not cultured out, kiddies, because the next part of our program is a little pas dedie I've been working on.
J'espère que vous êtes avides de culture, car le programme qui suit est un petit pas de "feu" de mon invention.
I've been working out.
Je fais de la musculation.
I've been working out.
Je suis balèze!
But I've been told before, "We're working it out."
- Oui, mais on me l'a souvent raconté.
Don't make me restrain you, because I've been working out, see?
Ne m'obligez pas à user de la force. Je fais de la gym.
I've been working out.
Je fais de l'exercice.
If that's the lovely Agent Scully, let her know I've been working out.
Si c'estla superbe Scully, dis-lui queje m'entraîne.
I've been working out.
J'ai fait de la muscu.
All these years, I should've been working on my act... but I was too busy selling out.
Où avais-je la tête? J'aurais mieux fait de préparer mon show.
Check it out, guys. I've been working on this regurgitation thing.
Et regardez, je me suis exercé à régurgiter.
I've been working all day, you have to help out.
J'ai travaillé toute Ia journée. Tu dois m'aider, d'accord?
Thanks, I've been working out.
Merci, je me suis entraîné.
Donna, check it out. I've been working on this all morning, and I'm pretty proud.
J'ai passé la matinée à bricoler ça, je suis assez content.
We've been dating for about a year, and I don't think it's working out.
On sort ensemble depuis un an mais j'ai l'impression que ça ne marche pas.
But I have to stay in the city, so I drive out there, and I've been working the restaurant, so I drive back every night.
Si oui, bravo, vous pouvez vous faire construire un manoir en Floride.
Sometimes people, on occasion I've been one of them, get so used to things not working out they become more comfortable with failure than they are with success.
Parfois, les gens... J'en fais partie. On s'habitue tellement à l'échec...
I've been working out, learning some new tricks, honing my... instincts.
Je me suis entraînée et j'ai aussi peaufiné... mes réflexes.
I've been working so hard to finish Rory's dress... I haven't been able to get out.
J'ai tant travaillé pour finir la robe de Rory, que je n'ai pas pu sortir.
I've been working out a lot since the baby and I've been working too.
Je fais de la gym depuis qu'il est né, je travaille, et voilà.
Well, I've been working my way through your checkbook trying to figure out who you are by how you spend Who is she?
Tu peux pas me haïr toute ta vie. Je suis ta mère. Tu as tout de moi.
I've been working out.
Je fais de la muscu.
I've been sent here to find out who you were working for.
Ma mission est de découvrir pour qui vous travaillez.
Yeah, I've been there for a few years now, seems to be working out.
Ouais, j'y suis depuis quelques années maintenant, ça a l'air de marcher
I've been working out so much, these things are choking off my pythons.
Je fais tellement de muscu qu'elles me serrent les biceps.
[Grunts] My wallet gets stuck,'cause I've been working out.
Mon portefeuille est coincé, à cause de la muscu.
I've been working since I was 10, I want to find out why.
Je veux savoir pourquoi je travaille.
Oh, yeah, I've been working out, too.
Moi aussi.
No, I've been working out.
Non, j'ai fait de l'exercice.
I see you've been working out again.
Je vois que vous avez encore fait de la muscu.
Hell, yeah, I've been working out in there.
Ouais, j'ai fait du sport en taule.
Yeah, I've been working out...
regarde là-bas AWESOM-O!
I had always told myself that I would set out on a journey, but I never had the courage, so I've been working and living at uncle's teahouse.
On dirait un journal. Un journal? Elle doit bien parler de lui quelque part.
Oh, thank you. I've been working out.
I mean... you know, I've been stressed out with the kids, and you've been working really hard...
Je veux dire, j'ai été stressée avec les gosses, et tu travaillais vraiment dur.

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