I've heard of that traducir francés
749 traducción paralela
I'm going to leave my money to strangers - people I've never heard of, people that don't expect it.
Laisser ma fortune à des étrangers. À des gens que je ne connais pas. Et qui ne s'y attendent pas.
Listen, I've heard somewhere, and what's more I believe it that the pilot of a plane is exactly like the captain of a transatlantic liner.
Ecoutez, j'ai entendu quelque part qu'un pilote d'avion est comme Ie capitaine d'un paquebot.
I heard only today that they've passed a new law in France that the lives of all aristocrats who return to France are forfeit to the revolution.
- En danger? Une nouvelle loi vient de passer en France. Tout aristocrate qui rentre en France est condamné à mort.
I've never had that pleasure, but of course I've heard of him.
Non, j'en ai simplement entendu parler.
I've heard of cases like that.
J'ai entendu parler de cas comme celui-là.
That's the first lucid talk I've heard out of Hindley for weeks.
Il n'avait pas été aussi sensé depuis longtemps.
I've heard "no" in a lot of different Languages, but that tops them all.
Je me suis fait dire non dans bien des langues, mais ceci bat tout.
I've heard Mr. De Winter say that this is his favorite of all the paintings.
C'est le tableau préféré de M. de Winter.
C'est la question la plus bête que j'aie entendue d'un étudiant.
Your Honor, it seems to me that I've heard of something called a Lunacy Commission.
Monsieur le juge, j'ai entendu parler d'une commission qui jugeait de la folie.
Well, that's about as good a definition of America as any I've ever heard.
C'est une bonne définition de l'Amérique!
I've never heard of anything like that.
Je n'en ai jamais entendu parler.
Of course. I don't mean actually but I've been saying that ever since I saw you and heard you sing.
Pas dans ta loge, mais je le dis depuis que je t'ai vue chanter.
- I've never heard of a job like that.
- Jamais vu un boulot comme ça.
- Woodrow. That's as fine a political speech as I've heard since Bryan and the crown of thorns.
Je n'ai pas entendu discours politique si réussi depuis Bryan et la couronne d'épines.
I've heard of you being in Quebec and I'm turning to you, a stranger, and asking your help in the frantic hope that you'll not fail me.
Je sais que vous êtes à Québec. "Aidez-moi même si je ne vous connais pas. " J'espère que vous ne m'abandonnerez pas. "
I've heard that argument from a number of amorous psychiatrists who all wanted to make a better doctor of me.
J'ai entendu ça de la bouche de plusieurs psychiatres amoureux qui voulaient m'aider à devenir une meilleure médecin.
I've known people that when they heard the cry of the cock they trembled with fear.
J'ai connu des gens qui quand ils entendaient le cri du coq ils tremblaient de peur.
And without wishing to say anything offensive to you I must add that from what I've heard of her proclivities I should say you were not her type.
Sans vouloir vous vexer, je dois dire que d'après ce que je sais d'elle, vous n'étiez pas son genre.
That's something I've never heard of.
Je ne vois pas.
I've heard several versions of that.
J'ai entendu bien des versions.
I've heard of people that don't like certain kinds of cops.
Il y a des poulets qu'on n'aime pas non plus.
That's all i've heard so far, what kind of a joint is this?
On me l'a dit. Dans quelle galère suis-je ici?
Ah, yes, I've heard of that peculiar object you're peddling.
Vous êtes convoqué?
I've heard a rumor that people don't always get what they want, and that happiness isn't the natural state of man.
Je n'ai pas 19 ans. Il paraît qu'on n'a pas toujours ce qu'on veut et que le bonheur n'est pas inhérent à l'homme.
That's whiskey. ─ Aye, I've heard of it?
- C'est du whisky.
Oh, my. When I think of all the wonderful things that you know about... - that I've never even heard of...
Vous savez tant de choses que moi, j'ignore.
That's the bravest thing I've ever heard of.
Je trouve cela splendide.
I've heard that they know of a substance... which when it touches a spark... disappears in a blinding flash of light.
Ils ont une substance qui, quand elle entre en contact avec une étincelle, disparaît dans un aveuglant éclair.
I've heard of the Marshall Plan, but that's not enough.
Il y a le plan Marshall, mais ça ne suffit pas.
I've heard that one may tell how distant a storm is, by the number of seconds between the lightning and the thunder.
On dit que l'on peut savoir si l'orage est loin en comptant les secondes entre l'éclair et le tonnerre. Est-ce vrai?
I can't believe I've heard some of the things that have been said here. You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
Vous devriez avoir honte de parler ainsi!
It's good. It's one of the best that I've ever heard.
Une des meilleures qu'on m'ait proposée.
I've heard of affairs That are strictly platonic
Il y a des amours Strictement platoniques
That's one of the sweetest bedtime stories I've ever heard.
Charmante histoire...
Rocky, you've given me a lot of reasons why not but I still haven't heard the one thing that would convince me.
Tu m'as donné beaucoup de raisons pour ne pas t'épouser, mais je n'ai pas entendu la seule qui me convaincrait.
That's the biggest pack of lies I've ever heard.
C'est le mensonge le plus bête que j'aie entendu.
I tell you! - We've heard enough of that.
- C'était un petit homme vert!
I've heard enough of that!
Ça m'exaspère! Pardon.
That's the first I've heard of British raids on Denmark.
J'ignorais qu'il y avait des raids aériens britanniques au Danemark.
The reason you've never heard of me is that I succeeded.
La raison pour laquelle vous n'avez jamais entendu parler de moi c'est que j'ai réussi.
But I've heard of a young rabbi who says that forgiveness is greater and love more powerful than hatred.
Mais un jeune rabbin enseigne que le pardon est plus grand... et l'amour plus fort que la haine.
I've heard that the regiment suffers from a lot of foot injuries.
- On dit qu'au régiment, beaucoup blessent des pieds.
When I told her, she said "I've heard of that." She was Irish.
Elle m'a dit : "J'en ai entendu parler." Elle était irlandaise.
And I assure you that when you have heard the evidence of the two girls between them, you will see that you've no alternative but to find the accused guilty as charged.
Et je vous assure que lorsque vous aurez entendu le témoignage des deux filles, qui se recoupe vous verrez que vous n'aurez d'autre alternative que de trouver l'accusé coupable des faits qu'on lui reproche.
I've heard that you are of noble birth yourself.
On me dit que vous êtes vous-même de noble extraction.
I've heard of another man of that name.
Je connais un autre homme de ce nom.
I'm looking for a girl called Darleen. I've never heard of her. I was told that she worked here.
D'ici là, on saura peut-être comment elle est entrée ici...
I've heard it said that a samurai would choose death to avoid becoming a laughing stock of society.
Ne dit-on pas qu'un samouraï préfère la mort à la honte.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard through a set of earphones.
C'est la chose la plus idiote que j'aie entendue dans mes écouteurs.
I'd show you my new dress, but I don't want the others to see. It's Bonwit Tellers. You've heard of that, I imagine.
Quant à ma robe de ce soir elle vient carrément de chez Bonwit.
i've heard of him 57
i've heard 148
i've heard of it 63
i've heard it before 24
i've heard a lot about you 167
i've heard about it 20
i've heard that before 100
i've heard that one before 39
i've heard about you 63
i've heard of them 22
i've heard 148
i've heard of it 63
i've heard it before 24
i've heard a lot about you 167
i've heard about it 20
i've heard that before 100
i've heard that one before 39
i've heard about you 63
i've heard of them 22
i've heard that 58
i've heard so much about you 123
i've heard it both ways 18
i've heard of you 53
i've heard the name 17
i've heard enough 133
i've heard all about you 18
i've heard it 36
i've heard stories 20
i've heard it all before 22
i've heard so much about you 123
i've heard it both ways 18
i've heard of you 53
i've heard the name 17
i've heard enough 133
i've heard all about you 18
i've heard it 36
i've heard stories 20
i've heard it all before 22
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
i've never been there 72
i've got this 271
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i've got your back 60
i've got you covered 19
i've got you 463
i've got 661
i've got it 1049
of that 53
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i've got this 271
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i've got your back 60
i've got you covered 19
i've got you 463
i've got 661
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i've got an appointment 28
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i've got a headache 42
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i've got an idea 313
i've got to go 756
i've got your number 23
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i've been there 404
i've been watching you 106
i've been thinking 800
i've got a headache 42
i've got to 132
i've got an idea 313
i've got to go 756
i've got your number 23
i've been waiting for you 211