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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ I ] / I don't care about that

I don't care about that traducir francés

876 traducción paralela
I'll tell you something that will upset the rest of your day. - I don't care about Rodney Kent.
Je vais vous gâcher votre journée, mais je me fous de Rodney Kent.
I don't care nothing about that.
Je m'en fiche.
But that isn't why I'm here. I don't care anything about saving them.
Mais je ne suis pas venu ici pour eux.
You don't think I care anything about that, do you?
Vous ne croyez pas que je me soucie de ça?
Now that you're a capitalist, I don't know how you feel about working for a living, but if you'd care to have an office...
Maintenant que vous voilà capitaliste, j'ignore si vous avez envie de travailler, mais si vous vouliez un petit bureau ici...
- I don't care about that.
- Je m'en fiche.
- I don't care about that.
Ça, ça m'est égal.
I don't care about that. I ain't a-going.
Je n'irai pas.
I see now that you don't care one iota about them.
Je vois bien que vous n'avez que faire d'eux.
- I don't care anything about that.
- Peu m'importe. - Pas moi.
You don't think I care anything about that money, do you?
Tu crois que je me soucie de cet argent?
I don ´ t care about that.
Ça, je m'en fiche.
I don't care about that!
Je m'en fous!
But I guess the class of investors in the market today, don't care about that.
Mais je pense que les investisseurs s'en moquent
Ivy, I don't care about any of that.
Tout ça m'est égal.
You'll see that the gifts work I'm so nervous, I don't care about anything
J'ai le cœur qui bat la chamade.
I don't care about that.
Je me fiche de ça.
I perfectly understand that you don't care at all about it, but on the other hand, your unexpected arguments, which you sometimes push to the point of paradox, could eventually have rather unpleasant consequences.
Que vous vous en moquiez, je le conçois, mais vos arguments inattendus, poussés parfois jusqu'au paradoxe, pourraient avoir de fâcheuses conséquences.
I don't care anything about that but money.
Je me fiche de ça.
You don't care whether I'm with you or not, it's just that if I'm not there, you won't have anything to complain about.
Tu te fiches que je sois là ou pas. Si je ne suis pas là, tu ne pourras te plaindre de rien.
I don't care about that money.
Je me fiche de l'argent.
I don't care what you are talking about, just haul that saddle out of here.
Enlevez cette selle d'ici!
- I don't know. I know that if I didn't care about you, I wouldn't get in this state.
Si je tenais pas à toi, je me mettrais pas dans cet état-là.
- I don't care about that old witch!
- Ta directrice va être furieuse.
I don't care about Jett Rink, but you, Papa, that's different.
Je me moque de Jett Rink, mais toi, c'est différent.
Don't worry about that. I'll take care of him.
J'en fais mon affaire.
Look, Betty, I don't care about that.
Tu sais, ça m'est bien égal.
I don't care about any of that, Paddy.
Parle... je m'en fiche, Paddy.
I don't care that about Phuong's interest, you can have her interest. I want her.
Je me fous des intérêts de Phuong, vous pouvez les garder.
- I don't care about that! - The goods have to leave!
Le chargement partira sur un autre camion.
I don't care about things like that.
Ça ne m'intéresse pas.
I don't care about that.
Je n'y pense plus.
I don't care about that.
Je m'en fiche.
I don't care about that.
Ca ne m'intéresse pas.
I don't care about that old horse if it's gonna worry you.
Ne t'inquiète pas, pour ce cheval, ce n'est pas si grave.
I don't care what she does because, if I have to worry about every little thing every day that happens, for shame, I mean. have to worry about my chick cutting out on me or worry about this, worry about light and gas... If!
Si je devais m'inquiéter de tout ce qui se passe chaque jour, je serais malheureux..
I don't care about that.
Ça, je m'en fiche.
- I don't care about that. You, Nurse, what's your name?
Vous, l'infirmière, quel est votre nom...
- Don't worry about that stuff, sir. I'll bring it in just as soon as I've got him taken care of. Help!
Je monterai nos bagages dès qu'on se sera occupé des gosses.
Don't you understand, that I don't care about a brother stranded like you?
Que m'importe un frère qui refuse de se bouger.
Maybe after a month it will turn out that I don't care about you, but we must try.
Et peut-être que tout va aller mieux, je sais que tout ne dépend pas que de cela, mais... Il faut essayer!
He's maladjusted, neurotic, obsessive - and a hypochondriac. - I don't care about that.
La névrose caractérielle et obsessionnelle, symptômes hypocondriaques.
- and a hypochondriac. - I don't care about that.
mais ça, je m'en fous.
Sometimes I feel that you don't care about me at all, that you're using me in some odd way.
Parfois, j'ai l'impression que vous vous fichez de moi, que vous m'utilisez d'une manière bizarre.
Don't you care for me at all, Limpet? But I have an important job to do before we can talk about that anymore.
J'ai laissé Kyle pousser un cri de victoire comme au catch.
Listen, Thomas, you've had a quarrel with Amerio and you've killed him, but that isn't a reason to make this worse for yourself. I don't care about Amerio, you hear, I don't care.
- Thomas, tu t'es bagarré avec Amerio et tu l'as tué, OK, mais c'est pas une raison pour en remettre.
You might think that the dead don't care about these things, but it's not something I would do
Tu me diras qu'un mort se moque de son alliance, mais c'est pas une chose que je ferais.
Ce n'est pas très gentil...
I've thought a lot about it, and though i realize that you are what you are and it's not my place to judge you... oh, look, i don't care please, please.
J'ai compris que, qui que tu sois, ce n'est pas à moi de te juger. - Je me moque de ce que vous pensez. - S'il te plaît
Oh, I don't care about that now.
Oh, je me fiche de ça à présent.
I don't care about her past. She's told me about that.
Son passé, elle me l'a dit, et puis?

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