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I know it was wrong traducir francés

259 traducción paralela
I know it was wrong for him to interfere.
Certes, il n'avait pas à intervenir.
I know it was wrong, but don't be mad.
Je sais que j'ai eu tort. Te fâche pas.
I know it was wrong.
Je sais que j'ai mal agi.
- I know it was wrong of me.
J'ai eu tort.
I know it was wrong but I was drunk.
C'était mal, mais j'avais bu.
Miss Hayes, I know it was wrong to sneak into your office and use it for our own, private....
Mlle Hayes, je sais que c'était mal de rentrer dans votre bureau et de l'utiliser pour notre...
- I know it was wrong, colonel.
- Je sais, c'est mal.
" I know it was wrong for me to help Uncle Louie get away, Pop...
" C'est mal d'avoir aidé oncle Louie à s'enfuir...
I know it was wrong... but you got to know I had a very good reason.
C'était pas bien, mais j'avais une bonne raison.
- Major, I know it was wrong.
Major, je sais que j'ai eu tort.
I know it was wrong.
J'ai eu tort, je sais.
I know it was wrong.
Je savais que c'était mal.
I know it was wrong... but Debra asked for my recipes and I panicked.
- Je sais. J'ai eu tort. Debra a demandé mes recettes et j'ai paniqué!
I'm sorry. I know it was wrong.
Je suis désolée, je sais que c'était mal.
This is wrong, I know, but I had to speak to you, and it was the only way.
Vous? - Je devais vous voir, c'était le seul moyen.
I didn't know it was wrong to ask questions.
Je ne savais pas que c'était mal de poser des questions.
Yes, I know, maybe I was wrong to speak so, but it was stronger than me.
Oui, je sais, peut-être j'ai eu tort de le dire, mais c'était plus fort que moi.
His brain was working. I don't know what happened to it, but it was working... at the wrong time.
Ses méninges travaillaient, et sûrement à l'envers!
It's taken me four years to find that out, but now I know I was wrong.
Ça m'a pris quatre ans pour le comprendre.
"Once I did something wrong." I don't know, but it was something a long time ago.
Ça s'est passé, il y a longtemps.
If this is wrong, then I'll always know it was wrong.
C'est une erreur. J'ai toujours pensé que c'était une erreur!
I don't know why I did it, I knew it was crazy wrong. I must have known that.
Pourquoi j'ai fait ça alors que je sais que c'était mal.
I didn't know it was wrong, sir... Honest I didn't! I wouldn't have done it if I'd known it was wrong!
Je ne savais pas, je vous jure!
Honest I didn't know it was wrong.
Je ne savais pas, je le jure!
I think you ought to know that it didn't take me long after we were married to realise what was wrong.
J'ai vite compris ce qui n'allait pas.
I don't know where you were brought up, kid but wherever it was, you were brought up wrong.
Je ne sais pas où tu as été élevé. Mais où que ce soit, on a fait du sale boulot.
I know he did it wrong, but he was so nice.
Je sais qu'il a fait du mal, mais il était si gentil.
If anything goes wrong, I want you to know it was my own idea.
Si ça tourne mal, souviens-toi que l'idée venait de moi.
I knowed there was somethin'wrong, but I didn't know what it was.
Je savais qu'y avait quelque chose qui clochait, mais je ne savais pas quoi.
I knew they would know that it was wrong for me to do so and that they would stop me.
J'étais sûr qu'elles sauraient que c'était un péché pour moi et qu'elles m'arrêteraient.
Doctor Crane, I'm sorry if I made a bad first impression, but I think, no, I know, it was a wrong impression.
Docteur Crane, je suis désolée si j'ai fait mauvaise impression, mais je crois, non, je sais que c'était une fausse impression.
I don't know what I could've done wrong... but whatever it was, I'm sorry.
J'ignore ce que j'ai fait de mal... mais, quoi que ce fut, je suis désolée.
I thought, you know, it must be the rent but I was wrong.
Alors j'ai pensé qu'ils n'avaient pas payé le loyer, mais ce n'était pas le cas.
I know it was wrong.
Je sais que c'est mal.
I know, in a way it was wrong, but I just have a feeling... that this is going to be really good.
Je n'aurais peut-être pas dû, mais j'ai le sentiment... que ça va être positif.
I don't know exactly what went wrong, but I know it's always my fault. Actually, Dad, this time I was wrong -
En fait, cette fois-ci, j'ai eu tort aussi.
What I did... I don't know if it was right or wrong.
Ce que j'ai fait, je ne sais pas si c'est bien ou mal.
I didn't know if it was right... but he would tell me that we were having fun... and what we were doing wasn't wrong... because he was my dad.
Je ne savais pas si c'était bien mais il me disait qu'on allait bien s'amuser et ce que nous faisions n'était pas mal parce qu'il était mon papa.
Look, I know what I did was wrong, but this isn't about me. It's about him.
J'ai très mal agi, mais oublie-moi, pense à lui.
And even if I did know you and we talked and you got to know me... and you asked me if I wanted to kiss, I might've been into it. But the way you did it was just wrong.
Même si je te connaissais qu'on avait parlé, et que tu m'avais demandé si je voulais, j'aurais peut-être accepté mais ce que tu as fait n'était... pas bien.
I don't know yet if it was wrong, what you did.
Je ne sais pas si tu as eu tort.
I know it was wrong, but I wasn't happy.
Je sais, ce n'était pas correct, mais j'étais malheureux.
I know it was the wrong thing to do.
C'était pas bien, je sais.
I wanted to find out what it was. I know it's wrong.
Je voulais savoir ce que c'était.
I don't know. I am working on it. I was on the wrong track.
J'y travaille, je me trompais.
And I know that it was wrong and
Je sais que c'était déplacé.
You know, I guess it was wrong, what I did with Laurie.
Je n'aurais pas dû coucher avec Laurie.
I know that it's wrong of me to say it, but I miss your father the way he was.
Je ne devrai pas le dire, mais... l'homme qu'il était me manque.
Pacey, if I was going to thank you for anything it would be for being yourself and, you know, not caring what anybody else thinks and for knowing in your heart what's right and wrong and for being there this year when I needed you the most.
Si je dois te remercier, c'est pour ton honnêteté, ta loyauté envers moi, ton appréciation du bien et du mal, et ta présence quand j'avais besoin de quelqu'un.
I know. That was so wrong of me. And I'll never do it again.
J'ai eu tort et je ne recommencerai plus.
I know how difficult it is to acknowledge your parents'faults, but what they did was wrong.
Je sais combien il est difficile de reconnaître les torts de nos parents, mais ce qu'ils ont fait était mal.

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