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I thought it was funny traducir francés

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I thought it was funny.
J'ai trouvé ça drôle.
I thought it was funny that we should happen to get this job all of a sudden.
Ça m'avait étonnée qu'on nous embauche si vite.
I thought it was funny you didn't show, but you've been busy the last three years.
Je t'attendais. Mais tu es très occupé depuis 3 ans.
I thought it was funny.
Je trouvais ça drôle.
I thought it was funny, too. Oh, my dear.
Il n'a pas trouvé ça drôle?
I thought it was funny that when they brought her in, she was out cold.
J'ai trouvé bizarre qu'elle soit inconsciente quand ils l'ont amenée.
And I thought it was funny.
Et je trouvais cela amusant.
I thought it was funny, you know.
Je pensais que c'était drôle, vous savez.
I thought it was funny, too.
Moi aussi, je pensais que c'était drôle.
So I pretended to laugh like I thought it was funny but inside I was dying.
J'ai fait semblant de trouver ça drôle, mais au fond, j'agonisais.
I thought it was funny... but I'm surprised you did because you got your asses kicked.
J'ai trouvé que c'était drôle... mais je suis surpris que vous aussi, car vous vous êtes fait botter le cul.
I thought it was funny.
J'avais trouvé ça drôle.
I thought it was funny.
J'ai trouvé ça bizarre
I thought it was funny.
Je pensais que c'était drôle.
- I thought it was funny.
- Moi. Ca m'a fait rire.
The funny thing was that when my wife found that in my pocket she thought that I was the one who bought it for you.
Ma femme l'a trouvé dans ma poche... et elle a cru que c'était moi qui l'avais acheté pour vous.
Yeah. I thought it was kind of funny. We'd been going together about a month or so, and then one afternoon, he came in and said he was leaving town just like that.
On sortait ensemble depuis un mois... et il me dit qu'il quitte la ville juste comme ça.
I'm talking to you. It ain't polite to get up when... I thought there was something funny about that shirt.
C'est impoli de se lever quand...
I thought it was kind of funny that old Sam would go off and leave Tom here alone.
Je trouvais ça drôle que le vieux Sam laisse Tom seul ici.
It's funny, though, you saying that it could be a picture of an actor... because when I was a kid I thought I'd give it a whirl.
C'est drôle, cependant, cette comparaison avec un acteur... parce qu'enfant, je pensais me laisser entraîner.
Funny, I thought I was doing it for her.
Moi qui avais fait ça pour elle!
I thought it was such a funny situation, the funniest part of my story.
Je croyais que ce serait drôle le plus drôle de mon histoire.
Funny, i thought it was rock, or maybe cary.
J'ai cru que c'était Rock ou Cary.
Well, I thought it was just too funny.
J'ai trouvé sa réaction très drôle.
How you thought high school romances were goofy and we started going together just because you thought I was kind of cute and funny, but then you suddenly realized you were in love with me, it was serious, and...
Tu trouves idiot l'amour entre ados et tu as commencé à sortir avec moi * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * puis tu as compris que tu étais amoureux de moi, que c'était sérieux et...
I thought it was pretty funny.
J'ai trouvé ça drôle.
That's funny, I thought it was later.
C'est drôle, j'aurais dit plus. On est partis plus tôt que prévu.
I thought it was pretty funny at the time,
Sur le moment, ça m'a amusé.
Funny, I thought it Was here.
je ne la trouve pas je pensais qu'elle était ici.
It's funny, when I was a young mother and you were a little girl I thought, "This is how it was meant to be."
C'est drôle. Quand tu étais petite, les choses me semblaient évidentes.
And then the chairs went all funny... and I thought it was kind of exciting.
Les chaises sont devenues bancales, je trouvais ça plutôt amusant.
- It's funny. When you called me, I thought I was coming home to see you.
C'est drôle, quand tu as appelé... je pensais que je rentrais pour te voir.
- I thought it was pretty funny.
- J'ai trouvé ça plutôt drôle.
It was the illness, when I was ill I thought I saw funny things.
Pendant ma maladie, je voyais des choses étranges.
It's funny, you know. When I... When I first got to know Judy, I thought she was flirting with me.
C'est drôle... quand j'ai rencontré Judy, j'ai eu l'impression qu'elle flirtait avec moi.
I thought it was incredibly funny.
Je l'ai trouvé super marrant.
I didn't know anything but just thought it was funny.
Je ne comprenais pas grand-chose, mais je pensais juste que c'était amusant.
- Come on, last night we were laughing about this. I just assumed you thought it was funny.
Je pensais que tu trouvais ça drôle.
I thought it was pretty funny when you ducked under the table.
C'était drôle de vous voir vous coucher sous la table.
Funny, I thought it was built by Bajoran slave labor.
Je croyais qu'elle avait été bâtie par les esclaves bajorans.
It's funny, but I thought Linda was the one that you liked at the ball.
Je croyais que Linda était celle que tu aimais au bal.
I bet you thought it was pretty damn funny, big metal foot on my face and all.
Ça vous amusait de faire feu des quatre pieds sur ma tête!
I'm sorry, George. We just thought it was funny.
Pardon, on trouvait ça drôle
It's funny. When I met you guys, I thought you were supergay and Oscar was straight.
C'est amusant, je vous avais pris pour SuperGay et Oscar pour un hétéro.
" Yeah, I can't quite understand it, I thought it was really funny.
" Ouais, je comprends pas, je trouvais ça marrant.
He thought it was funny... that I was so scared of the waterfall.
Cela l'amusait... de voir ma peur devant la chute d'eau.
It's funny, I always thought As Romeo and Juliet, That was typical of their problem.
C'est drôle, j'ai toujours pensé que Roméo et Juliette, c'était ça, leur problème.
Now, I came home, and I thought it was really funny... it was kind of a joke to me that... you stared down, over here because- -
En rentrant, j'ai trouvé ça vraiment drôle, c'était marrant que... que tu aies regardé là, parce que...
Yeah, well, I thought it was pretty funny.
Moi, je trouve ça plutôt amusant.
And at dinner she started to tell this joke, and I guess she thought it was pretty funny, but nobody else did and no one laughed.
On était en train de dîner et Joanne a raconté une blague. Elle pensait que ça ferait rire tout le monde et malheureusement, personne n'a ri.
I thought it was goofy, kind of funny.
J'ai trouvé que c'était un peu bizarre.

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