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I thought you knew that traducir francés

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I thought you knew that.
Je pensais que vous le saviez.
Oh, it's lovely, Mother, but I thought you knew that we had to take up the rug you gave us last year because the floor is just too highly polished.
II est superbe, maman, mais je croyais que tu savais que nous avions dû ramener celui de l'an dernier, c'est bien trop glissant.
I thought you knew that's what they call him. - Shunderson.
Tu ne savais pas que c'était le surnom de Shunderson?
I thought you knew that without me havin'to say it.
Je croyais que tu le savais sans que je le dise.
Well, I thought you knew that.
Je pensais que tu le savais.
I was just kidding. I thought you knew that.
Je plaisantais, je croyais que tu le savais.
I... I haven't had a migraine for many months now. I thought you knew that.
Je n'en ai pas eue depuis des mois, tu ne le savais pas?
- What do you mean? I thought you knew that stuff. No.
- Comment ça? Je croyais que tu savais.
It happens to fighters. I thought you knew that.
Je croyais que tu le savais.
I thought you knew that.
Je croyais que vous le saviez.
I thought you knew that I don't do this anymore.
Vous ne saviez pas? J'ai arrêté, je suis à la retraite.
Oh, I admit that once when... When I first knew you, the sight of you and your home stirred old shadows that I thought had died out of me.
Je reconnais qu'à un moment... quand je vous ai rencontrée, des choses que je croyais mortes se sont réveillées en moi.
I thought you and I were the only ones who knew about that.
Je croyais que nous étions les seuls à savoir cela...
You thought General Headquarters were the only ones in the know. I too knew that Surat Khan was with Volonoff at Balaklava.
Vous n'étiez pas les seuls à savoir que Surat Khan était avec Volonoff à Balaklava.
You'll never see the tapeworm that way. - I thought you knew better.
Comment avez-vous pu vous laisser berner par cette bande de...
I thought you knew about that, Applejack. Sure I know about that.
- Je croyais que tu savais, pourtant.
But since I knew that you were anxious to get rid of the property, and all the memories connected with it, I thought that in my position as Mayor, I would take the liberty of sending for you.
Mais comme je savais que vous désiriez vous débarrasser de la propriété... et de tous les souvenirs qui s'y rattachent... j'ai pensé qu'en tant que maire... je pouvais prendre la liberté de vous faire venir.
I thought that you'd completely forgotten the way to Carcassonne. If you only knew how sad it looked, a friendly house with closed shutters.
Mais je croyais que tu avais oublié le chemin de Carcassonne, si tu savais comme c'est triste, une maison amie qui a les volets fermés.
I thought I knew you better than that.
Je croyais te connaître mieux que ça, Jackson.
I thought you wasn't coming, yet I knew somehow that you would.
Je pensais que tu ne viendrais pas... mais espérais que tu le ferais.
I thought that you were the only one that would believe me, that you were the one that knew that I spoke the truth.
Je croyais que vous seriez le seul à me croire- - que vous saviez que je disais la vérité.
I thought maybe it might... ease your mind some about that gold... if you knew somethin'about me.
Ca pourrait vous rassurer a propos de l'or que je vous parle de moi.
Samarra, I thought that once I knew you, you would be a wonderful moment and no more.
Samarra, je pensais qu'une fois que je te connaîtrais, je passerais un bon moment avec toi et que ce serait tout.
I thought you knew me better than that.
Vous me connaissez mal.
I thought that if you knew they weren't coming till sundown, maybe you've got business in Bright City or something.
Quand ils viendront, tu pourrais te trouver à Bright's City... Je les attendrai ici.
The tank's on the roof, I thought you knew that.
Il y a une citerne sur le toit.
That's why I chose a magazine I knew you owned. I thought you'd be curious enough to see me when you knew I wasn't genuine.
Je vous ai laissé monter car vous avez 20 % des parts d'Anderson.
Well, there's no more to be said, is there? I thought you knew us better than that. Come along.
Ce n'est pas facile de rompre avec ses habitudes.
You do with it what you want. I just thought that you should know that I knew about the young man.
Faites ce que vous voulez, mais méfiez-vous des jeunes hommes...
Because I knew that whatever I should've thought about it, inevitably I would've been praying not to forget you,
Parce que je savais que malgré les pensées qui auraient dû m'animer, j'aurais fini par prier, non pas pour t'oublier,
If you knew that, why did you ask what I thought?
Alors pourquoi me demander mon avis?
Yes, I know, Mr. Morton, but when I heard that woman say she knew everything, I thought that the important thing was for me to come over here right away and tell you about it.
Je sais, mais quand j'ai entendu cette femme dire qu'elle savait tout, j'ai pensé que je devrais venir vous le dire tout de suite.
I thought you knew? It's my mother's will that arranged it this way,
C'est ma mère, dans son testament, qui l'a voulue,
Today when I first knew it was your ship that followed us, I thought of you and wondered what I would find.
Quand j'ai su que c'était ton vaisseau, j'ai pensé à toi en me demandant ce que je trouverais.
I thought you knew better than that.
Je te croyais malin.
I always thought that you knew.
J'ai toujours pensé que tu le savais.
But I thought that speaking about that with you wasn't the appropriate thing to do, you knew it too.
Mais je pensais que t'en parler... n'était pas approprié.
I feel that everything I thought about you before I really knew you is not what I feel anymore.
Il me semble que tout ce que je pensais sur vous... avant de vraiment vous connaître... était complètement faux.
I thought you knew, thought that's why you'd come.
Je pensais que vous le saviez. Que vous étiez venu pour ça.
You see, I knew something was wrong even before he tried to kill himself, but I thought that.
Ça n'allait pas avant qu'il tente de se tuer mais je pensais...
I thought you knew him better than that.
Je croyais que vous le connaissiez mieux.
What do you mean "unknown?" I thought you knew every drug known to mankind... three thousand or something like that. Unknown?
I think that he thought, just like you cops did, I knew where Charlotte Le Dantec was.
Je crois que tout comme vous, les policiers, il pensait que je savais où était Charlotte Le Dantec.
I knew you had that anger in you, Matt but... But I thought it would be the dealers and the junkies and the human garbage that you'd be cleaning the city of. Not all them poor people just minding their business.
Je comprends cette haine en toi, Matt mais... je pensais que tu t'en prendrais aux dealers, aux drogués, à toutes ces ordures qui font planer l'insécurité dans la ville, et non pas à des gens qui n'ont fait de mal à personne.
I thought you knew me better than that.
Je croyais que tu me connaissais mieux que ça.
- You blurted it out just like that? - I thought he knew.
C'est sorti comme ça?
I thought you knew how to rig that thing.
Je croyais que tu savais installer ce truc.
I thought that you knew the truth.
Je croyais que vous connaissiez la vérité.
I thought it was much more amusing this way also... since I knew that you knew.
Moi aussi j'ai trouvé ça bien plus amusant... parce que je savais que tu savais.
I thought you knew me better then that by now.
Je pensais que tu me connaissais mieux que ça.
I just never knew that you thought Robert was more attractive.
Mais j'ignorais que tu trouvais Robert plus séduisant.

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