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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ I ] / I wanted to talk to you about

I wanted to talk to you about traducir francés

1,308 traducción paralela
Oh, there's something I wanted to talk to you about. Um...
Je voulais vous parler.
I wanted to talk to you about that night that you asked me to dinner.
Je voulais revenir sur le soir où vous m'avez invitée à dîner.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
- Justement... C'est de ça que j'voulais te parler.
I wanted to talk to you about this matter.
Justement, j'allais vous parler de ça.
I asked you to come here because I wanted to talk to you about Lieutenant Fernandes'death.
Je vous ai demandé de venir pour vous parler... de la mort du lieutenant Fernandes.
I wanted to talk to you about the time you spent as footman, working for Lord Marham.
je voudrais que vous me parliez de la période où vous étiez un des valets de pied de lord Murrough.
Also, I wanted to talk to you about being picked on, but you talked to Gyung-soo instead.
Et aussi quand je voulais vous parler du harcèlement que je subissais, mais vous avez parlé à Gyung-soo à la place.
Uh, I wanted to talk to you about something, Uncle Tommy.
Je voudrais te parler de quelque chose, Oncle Tommy...
I wanted to talk to you about something before, but I didn't know if it was real.
Je voulais te parler de quelque chose, mais je n'étais pas sûr de mon coup.
Actually, that's sort of what I wanted to talk to you about.
En réalité, c'est un peu à propos de ça que je voulais te parler.
So, uh, I wanted to talk to you about Antoinette.
Je voudrais qu'on parle d'Antoinette.
There's something else I wanted to talk to you about. What was it?
Il y a une chose dont je voulais te parler, c'était quoi déjà?
Look, I wanted to talk to you about it.
Ecoute, je voulais t'en parler.
I wanted to talk to you about Lucas.
Je voulais te parler de Lucas.
It's Lauren. I wanted to talk to you about the other day.
C'est Lauren, je voulais te reparler de l'autre jour.
In fact, I wanted to talk to you about that.
En fait, je voulais te parler de ça.
I wanted to talk to you about what happened with jason.
Je voulais te parler à propos de ce qui est arrivé à Jason.
Right. I wanted to talk to you about that too.
Je voulais t'en parler, moi aussi.
That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about, home.
C'est de ce genre de choses dont je voulais vous parler, la maison.
I'm glad I ran into you, because I wanted to talk to you about something.
Content de te voir. Je voulais te parler de quelque chose, en personne
I wanted to talk to you about a patient of yours.
Je voulais vous parler d'un de vos patients.
- I wanted to talk to you about my editorial.
Je voulais te parler de mon édito.
I wanted to talk to you about Sam.
Je voudrais te parler de Sam.
I wanted to talk to you about the statue.
Je voulais te parler... à propos de la statue.
I wanted to talk to you about Gillian Anderson.
Super. Justement, je voulais te parler de Gillian Anderson.
I did see something else that I wanted to talk to you about.
J'ai vu un autre truc dont je voulais te parler.
Which I wanted to talk to you about.
{ \ q2 \ a2 \ cHffffff } { \ cH00ffff } Dont je voulais vous parler...
I wanted to talk to you about Mr. Singhania's murder.
L a voulu vous parler de Le meurtre de M. Singhania.
Actually, Agent Malone, that's what I wanted to talk with you about.
C'est précisément de ça que je voulais vous parler.
I wanted to talk to you... about one of them in particular.
Je voulais te parler d'un épisode en particulier.
And, uh... y'know, I just wanted to talk to you about that. And maybe, like, what the future of this band's situation and contract is going to be.
Voilà, je voulais juste te prévenir et parler de... l'avenir de ce mic-mac.
I thought you wanted to talk to me about something.
Je croyais que tu voulais me parler de quelque chose.
I don't know what happened between you two. You never wanted to talk about it.
- Comme ça, tu l'as aimé à la folie?
You know... how I feel about you... I didn't realize you wanted to talk to me... I want to say...
Tu sais comment je... Ah, qu'est-ce que je ressens pour toi, là, c'est... Vraiment, je savais pas que tu voulais me parler.
Yeah, but you didn't hear what I wanted to talk about... which was how Jackson is probably gonna have to... dislocate several of Davey's limbs... trying to pry him away from Patty and Babbette.
Oh ouais, mais tu n'as pas entendu ce dont je voulais parler, ce qui était... comment Jackson va devoir démettre plusieurs membres de Davey pour essayer de le soustraire à Patty et Babette
- I can get here pretty early... but I just wanted to talk about plans with you.
Je peux arriver tôt. Mais je voulais discuter de ce qu'on va faire.
No, I just wanted to talk about, you know, being Catholic.
Non, je veux juste parler du fait d'être catholique.
Uh, Howe. There's something I wanted to talk to you guys about. Um...
Howie... je souhaiterais vous annoncer quelque chose.
Y'know, Jenny, I know it's none of my business, but, I wanted to tell you that if you wanted to talk to someone... about anything... you can talk to me if you want to.
Tu sais Jenny, je sais que ce ne sont pas mes affaires mais je voulais te dire que si tu veux parler à quelqu'un... de quelque chose...
I got held up. Your message said you wanted to talk about Richard Sutton.
Vous avez dit vouloir parler de Richard Sutton.
I don't know, is there something you wanted to talk about?
Je ne sais pas, y a t-il quelque chose dont tu veux parler?
I also wanted to talk to you about something else.
Je voulais aussi te parler d'autre chose.
I just wanted to talk to you about your surgery.
Je voulais vous parler de votre opération.
In fact there's something I'd wanted to talk to you about.
Je voulais te parler de quelque chose.
I wanna talk what I wanted to talk about, which you don't wanna talk about!
Je veux parler de ce dont tu ne veux pas qu'on parle!
I wanted to talk to you and Grey about them building that subdivision back there? - Yeah?
Je voulais discuter avec toi et Grey à propos du lotissement, derrière.
I wanted to talk about that part... about you.
Voilà ce que je voulais évoquer. À ton sujet.
I just wanted to talk to you about us.
Je voulais parler un peu de nous.
You know, I wanted somebody here who doesn't know anything about the theater... so I could have somebody to talk to.
Je voulais quelqu'un qui ne connaisse rien au théâtre... - pour avoir une personne à qui parler.
Ria, I wanted to talk with you about the company policies.
Ria, l a voulu parler avec vous De la politique de société.
That's just what I wanted to talk with you about.
Justement, je voulais t'en parler.

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