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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ I ] / I was just thinking about you

I was just thinking about you traducir francés

448 traducción paralela
I was just thinking about you
Je pensais justement à toi.
I was just thinking about you.
Je pensais justement à toi.
I was just thinking about your problem. You certainly have a problem.
Je pensais à tes soucis, car tu en as.
Well, I was just thinking about you practicing all that time with your mother's embroidery hoops just to get even with somebody.
Je pensais à vous, vous entraînant avec des anneaux de broderie pour prendre votre revanche.
I was just thinking about you.
Je pensais à toi.
- I was just thinking about you and your millions.
- Je pensais à toi et tes millions.
I was just thinking about you getting scalped...
Que dirais-tu d'un joli scalp?
Well, I was just thinking about you, that's all.
Je pensais à toi, c'est tout.
Why, Cary, I was just thinking about you.
Je pensais justement à toi.
I was just thinking about you... imagining you in your expensive villa, enjoying life... while we work like idiots for a loaf of bread.
Non. Je vous imaginais... menant la grande vie, dans votre belle villa... pendant que nous trimons pour une bouchée de pain.
I was worried, Bill. I was just thinking about you.
Je ne pensais a rien d'autre qu'a toi.
I was just thinking about you.
Je pensais à vous.
I was just thinking about you.
Je pensais justement à vous.
- I was just thinking about you. It's about the future of my daughter.
- Je pensais justement à vous, à l'avenir de ma fille.
I was just thinking about you.
Je pensais à toi justement.
I was just thinking about you a couple of days ago, man!
Je pensais justement à toi!
God, that's so funny because, you know I was just thinking about you.
C'est drôle, tu sais parce que... je pensais à toi.
Hi, I was just thinking about you.
Justement, je pensais à toi.
I was just thinking about you, Paul.
Je pensais à toi. Paul.
I was just thinking about you, sir.
Je pensais justement à vous, monsieur.
I was just thinking about you
Je n'arrêtais pas de penser à toi
Vivian, I was just thinking about you.
Vivian, je pensais à toi.
I was just thinking about you. - You were?
- Je pensais justement à vous.
Gee whiz, I was just thinking about you.
Bon sang, je pensais justement à toi.
Tiron, I was just thinking about you.
Tiron, je pensais justement à vous.
I was just thinking about you two. I was thinking.
Je pensais justement à vous deux.
I was just sitting here thinking about you, and, you know, how amazing you've been during this painful, awful time.
J'étais en train de penser à toi, et combien tu as été super pendant cette horrible période.
Say, you know the funniest thing. I was thinking about you just this morning.
C'est drôle, je pensais à toi ce matin.
I was just thinking the same thing about you.
Je pensais la même chose de vous.
I was just thinking I didn't know anything about you before and...
Je ne sais rien de toi, et...
Then the war came, and just as I was thinking, like you... that all the things I'd been preaching about would have to wait until peacetime... a miracle happened.
Puis, la guerre a commencé. Et alors que je pensais, comme vous, ne pouvoir poursuivre ma tâche qu'après la guerre, un miracle se produisit.
I was thinking about what he said, about how you can learn so much about a person in just a little while.
Je pensais à ce qu'il disait. Qu'un instant pouvait suffire pour connaître quelqu'un.
You know what I was thinking about just then?
Vous savez à quoi je pensais à cet instant?
- I was just thinking. Thinking about you.
- Je réfléchissais.
I was just thinking how much you can tell about a person from such simple things.
C'est drôle ce qu'on peut apprendre sur quelqu'un à partir de tout petits trucs.
I was just thinking the same thing about you.
Je me disais la même chose à votre propos.
I was just thinking about how different it is when you're not in the Army.
Je me disais justement que c'était différent hors de l'armée.
- I was just thinking the same about you.
- Je pensais la même chose de vous.
I was just thinking about that when you came in.
Éh ben, j'étais justement en train d'y penser avant que t'arrive! ..
listen, I Was out jogging this Morning, and I just kept thinking about you.
Écoute, en faisant mon footing ce matin, je n'arrêtais pas de penser à toi.
I was thinking about you just before you came, so...
Je pensais justement à vous.
You know, it's funny. I Was just thinking about My wife.
Tu sais, c'est drôle, je pensais juste à ma femme.
I was thinking that now that Eddie's getting married, and he won't really be hanging out with the guys anymore I just wanted to say that we were never really that crazy about you.
Maintenant qu'Eddie est marié, il ne va plus traîner avec nous comme avant. Je voulais pas te dire avant que tu nous rasais, pour ne pas te vexer.
You know, I was thinking about him the other day, and it's just very good to hear that he's pretty fine.
Je pensais à lui l'autre jour. Je suis contente de savoir qu'il va bien.
This is so weird. I was just thinking about you and now here you are. " Say there, Sandy...
Je pensais justement à vous... et vous voilà. "Dites donc... vous portez une jolie robe ce soir." Merci. "Si vos parents sont d'accord... voudriez-vous aller dans une taverne manger un cheeseburger?" Oui.
I was just thinking about going by your place to see if you had any speed.
J'allais justement passer chez toi voir si t'avais pas un peu de speed.
I was just thinking about that funny thing that happened to you today.
Oh non, je pensais seulement à ce drôle de truc qui t'est arrivé aujourd'hui.
So I was just thinking, we should get together and talk about her, don't you think? - I think so.
Je me disais... qu'on pourrait se revoir... pour parler d'elle.
I was just sitting here with the hot air in my hand thinking about you.
Quelle coïncidence... J'étais assis là avec mon fer à souder à la main, et justement je pensais à toi.
I was just thinking it's so true what you were saying about critical thinking.
C'est si vrai, ce que vous dites sur l'esprit critique!
Do you know that I was thinking about you just the other day?
Saviez-vous que je pensais à vous l'autre jour?

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