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It'll be all right traducir francés

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If that's right, it means there'll be no more private water at all.
Autrement dit, plus d'eau courante chez soi!
Take it easy, take it easy. You'll be all right.
- Doucement, tout ira bien.
It's all right, I'll be there.
C'est bon, j'arrive.
Leave it, or you'll start bleeding. - l'll be all right.
Ne le fais pas saigner encore.
Tighten it'll be all right.
- Plus fort. Cela ira. Je le sais.
It's all yours, Rip. All right, we're placing four men in the club. There'll be two on the upper floor, two on the lower floor.
Nous allons poster 4 hommes dans la boîte : deux en haut... et deux en bas.
It will take time, but she'll be all right.
Il lui faudra du temps, mais ça ira.
It's all right. I have a feeling he'll be back.
Mais j'ai la sensation qu'il va revenir.
It'll be all right!
Tout se passera bien.
It'll be all right.
Allons, levez-vous!
Oh yes, I know all about it just a moment, I'll be right back
Oui, merci, je suis au courant. Un moment, je reviens tout de suite.
And when it passes, we'll stop running, and i'll be all right.
Alors, nous nous arrêterons où nous serons et tout ira bien.
I'll be all right. I don't think he'll try it again.
Ça m'étonnerait qu'il retente le coup ce soir.
All right. It'll be ready in a minute.
Ce sera prêt dans une minute.
- It'll be all right.
Ça ne fait rien.
It'll be all right in a minute.
Tout ira bien dans un instant.
But I'm confident it'll be all right on the night.
- Mais ça ira.
When I'm done we'll throw her back. Then it'll be her own business again. That'll be all right, won't it
Eh bien, on la rejette au ruisseau, et cela redevient son affaire, voila.
Anyway, it'll be all right.
De toute façon, ça va aller.
Tout ira bien.
It's all right. I'll be through soon.
Prenez-la, je n'en ai pas besoin.
It'll be all right, jim. You've been working very hard and we appreciate it.
Vous avez travaillé dur et nous vous en remercions.
It'll be all right.
Tout ira bien.
It'll be all right, Cat.
Ça va aller Cat.
No, don't think about it now. She'll be all right.
Ne pensez pas à ça maintenant.
Come on. It's all right, son. You'll be all right, come on.
Tout va bien mon garçon, venez.
Just do what you've always done. It'll be all right.
Si tu continues à faire comme tu fais, tout finira bien.
But I think it'll be all right for us.
Mais je pense que ça ira.
It'll be all right.
Ça ira. Tu vois?
It'll be all right, just a minute.
Ça va aller, juste une minute.
It'll be all right.
Ça va aller.
It'll be all right.
- Ça va aller. Ne t'en fais pas.
Just sit down and take it easy. You'll be all right.
Asseyez-vous et reposez-vous.
It's nothing. I'll be all right.
Rien, je vais bien.
Oh, I think if I wrap up well it'll be all right.
Oh, je crois que si je me couvre bien, ça ira.
That'll be a little sore for a few days, but it'll be all right.
Ca va faire mal pendant quelques jours puis ça ira mieux.
Do you think it'll be all right?
Vous trouvez ça normal?
- Now it's gonna be all right, you'll see. - Yes.
Ça va aller, maintenant.
Well, maybe it'll be all right.
Ça ira peut-être.
And I don't really feel I have time to explain it all to you so just do as I say, and you'll stay healthy and everything will be all right.
Je n'ai pas le temps de vous expliquer alors faites ce que je vous dis et tout ira bien.
It'll be all right.
Que ça irait.
It'll be all right.
Tout va bien.
It'll all be all right.
Ça passera.
Well, I suppose it'll be all right.
Enfin, c'est pas grave.
It's nothing, I'll be all right
Il n'y a rien, je serai bien.
We have people all over the countryside looking for it so I'll be right back with you as soon as we can find it.
Mais des tas de gens la cherchent. Je reviendrai dès qu'on l'aura retrouvée.
Oh, he'll be all right if they do, but I can't see it meself.
S'ils gagnent, ce sera beau. Mais je n'y crois pas.
- It'll be all right, Ruddock.
- Ça ira, Ruddock.
He says, "Well, in a couple of years it'll be all right."
II a répondu : "Dans 2 ans."
Oh, it'll be all right.
Tout ira bien.
- It'll be all right.
- Ça va.

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