It's about that time traducir francés
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That's right. And we thought it was about time... for us to make it more permanent.
Justement, nous pensons qu'il est temps de régulariser.
Yancey, our womenfolk think it's about time... that some contact be established between the town and Providence.
Yancey, les femmes pensent qu'il est temps qu'un contact soit établi entre la ville et la Providence.
Don't you think it's about time that you and I split 50-50 in something? I'd love to, Jack.
Tu as été touché toi?
It's just that one day I realized that I had stopped thinking about you for quite some time.
Un bon jour, je me suis rendu compte que j'avais arrêté de penser à toi.
Oh, well, it's about time that everybody gets introduced to everybody.
Il est temps de faire les présentations.
It's about time Grenock got down off that pole.
Il est à peu près temps que Grenock descende de ce poteau.
But when a whole town begins to talk about a connection between the missing bodies and whatever it is that goes on in this house well, I figure it's time I found out what is going on.
Mais quand toute une ville voit un lien... entre les cadavres disparus... et ce qui ce passe dans cette maison... je pense qu'il est temps d'en savoir davantage.
Would you kindly circle about and see to it that our guests have a gay time?
Veillez discrètement à ce que nos convives s'amusent.
It's about time you asked me that.
Il était temps que vous demandiez!
It was about the time that Micky rang Netta's doorbell... and found that she'd disappeared.
C'était au moment où Micky a sonné à la porte de Netta et a découvert qu'elle avait disparu.
Well, that's about it. Mrs. Pierce needs time to get started.
À peu près, Mme Pierce a besoin de démarrer.
Well, it's about time you were asking me that.
Il est temps que tu me le demandes.
Oh, that's right It's about time
- Ah oui, la réunion des locataires.
Crying about something that happened such a long time ago... something I can hardly remember. It's silly, isn't it?
C'est bête.
Yeah, it's about that time.
Il est bientôt l'heure.
That's the first time anyone said that about me and it's one of the few times when I am.
C'est la premiêre fois qu'on me dit ça et l'une des rares fois oû je le suis.
Then what about your time off for bad behavior? That's my business, isn't it?
Et ton mauvais comportement en dehors, ça pourrait me regarder, non?
Guess it's about that time.
C'est l'heure.
Come to think of it, it's about time that I fed you.
En fait, il est grand temps que ce soit moi qui te nourrisse.
It's possible that at this time, sister, you're about to pass the deciding test.
Il est possible que maintenant, ma Sœur, vous passiez un test décisif.
Well, it's just about that time, you night owls.
" C'est presque l'heure, mes chers insomniaques.
Mr. Aldrich, I think it's about time that you learn to enjoy water.
M. Aldrich, il est temps que vous appreniez à aimer l'eau.
That's the way it goes. There's a law about three-time losers. - Fourth conviction means life.
La loi est ainsi faite pour ceux qui ont été condamnés trois fois.
It's about time I told you more about that Sefton guy.
Il est temps de vous le présenter plus longuement.
I was away from you a long time, Mark. That's when I thought about it.
Je ne t'ai pas vu pendant longtemps.
It's about time you wore something besides that old black velvet.
Il était temps que tu portes autre chose que du noir.
Ever since I first set eyes on West Point... ever since I first saw the young men of the corps... Sure you told me I was a silly woman for talking about it, but... if our son should be born here... where you've worked so hard... After the time we've waited, after what the doctor told you... it's enough for me that we're having a child at all.
Depuis que j'ai vu West Point... dès que j'ai vu ces hommes jeunes... tu m'as dit que c'était idiot d'en parler, mais... si notre fils naît ici... où tu as travaillé si dur... après avoir tant patienté, après ce qu'a dit le docteur... attendre cet enfant me suffit.
It's just about time for the sun to hit that vacant lot. Come on.
A cette heure-ci, on doit pouvoir trouver un endroit
I don't know if you left a call with the desk,... but it's about that time. - It's morning?
Je sais pas si t'as laissé un appel au bureau, mais c'est l'heure.
It's about time you learned that girls want to do the same things as boys.
Sache que les filles veulent faire les mêmes choses que les garçons.
It's just all that nonsense you talk about every time we get together.
Mais il faut que tu arrêtes de dire des bêtises à chaque fois qu'on se voit.
Setsuko's happy too. It's about time that you approved.
Setsuko est heureuse d'avoir ton accord.
That's about the fourth time this summer it's broken loose.
Ça fait 4 fois que les amarres lâchent.
Is it possible that anyone can be silly enough to worry about a fur coat at a time like this?
C'est grotesque... de s'inquiéter d'une fourrure actuellement!
I built this factory from two little presses to what we've got now and, well, I think it's about time that I was getting out.
J'ai bâti toute cette usine à partir de deux petites presses. Il est peut-être temps que je me retire.
Aya, it's about that time.
Il est temps de nous en aller.
I think it's about time right now that you tell me about this woman.
Je crois qu'il est temps que tu me parles de cette femme.
You know, I bet that's the first time you've Joked about it.
C'est la première fois que vous en plaisantez?
It's about that time.
C'est l'heure.
If that's all you've got to tell us, it's about time Cade did take over - and shook some of you up... - Shame, sir!
Alors, il est temps que Cade vienne vous secouer!
And in our spare time we visit carnivals and look and look? That's about the size of it. I look, and look.
On reste avec Purdy jusqu "aux dates prévues, et pendant le temps libre on visite des cirques à la recherche d" artistes.
It's about time. That's the third day this week that paper's been late.
Ce type est un clochard qui depuis 20 ans fait commerce du nom de Picasso.
And it's about time that you remember that.
- Un instant...
After interrogating Masui about his connection to Takigawa Genba... it was found that Genba worked for li's vassal, Nagano Shuzen and he has been secretly talking to Masui for a long time.
On a cherché la nature des relations entre Masui et Takigawa. Takigawa, au service d'un conseiller de Ii, connaît Masui depuis longtemps.
I like that. I suppose it's about time I did some explaining.
Félicitations, je n'avais rien vu.
It's about time you found out there are some things in this world like talent, ability and hard work that will not be replaced by witchcraft.
Il est temps que tu te rendes compte qu'il y a certaines choses dans la vie, comme le talent, la compétence et le travail, que la sorcellerie ne peut pas remplacer.
It's about somethin that happened a long time ago, before you was even born.
C'est quelque chose qui est arrivé quand tu n'étais pas encore née.
I think it's probably about time that a Pollock involved himself in the future for a change.
Je pense qu'il est temps qu'un Pollock s'implique dans l'avenir, pour changer.
It's about time I visited that mountain that Sampson gave away.
Je vais faire un tour dans la montagne que Sampson a donnée.
And it's about time that you did. "
Et il est temps que ça change. "
- It's about time I knew why. - That's over and done with.
- Je veux enfin savoir pourquoi.
it's about damn time 34
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about money 31
it's about him 23
it's about us 42
it's about her 19
that time 73
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's about him 23
it's about us 42
it's about her 19
that time 73
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584