It won't be enough traducir francés
170 traducción paralela
Well, that won't be enough To feed the whole world, then, will it?
Il n'y a qu'une façon de nous convaincre.
You know it won't be enough.
Tu sais que ça suffira pas!
We shall find out soon enough. The moment the truth comes out that Kang Hyun Min's mother was faking her health problems, the DUI charge will be nothing compared to that. It won't be just Kang Hyun Min that falls, but Anthony as well will be doomed forever beyond hope in this field.
Nous le saurons bien assez tôt. l'accusation ne sera rien comparé à cela. mais Anthony aussi et il sera condamné à jamais au-delà de ses espoirs dans ce domaine.
- It won't be enough.
- C'est pas suffisant.
When I get though telling it to those babies they won't be able to buy enough oil to lubricate a kiddy car.
Quand j'en aurai fini avec ces bébés, ils n'auront plus assez de pétrole pour faire un plein.
The way you're gulping it up, there won't be enough left to go around.
Au rythme auquel vous l'aspirez il n'en restera bientôt plus du tout!
It won't work, and I'm dame enough to be glad of it. What do you think of that?
Ça ne marchera pas, et en tant que femme, j'en suis fort aise.
I won't be around long enough to repeat it.
Je ne resterai pas assez longtemps pour le répéter.
It's such a pity that I only have this life because it won't be enough for what I have programmed.
Quel dommage qu'il n'y en ait qu'une. Ça ne suffira pas pour mon programme.
You can't say there won't be time enough for you to love your baby... and, if you're a good mother, to have it love you.
Vous ne manquerez pas de temps pour l'aimer et, si vous êtes une bonne mère, pour qu'il vous aime.
You won't be here long enough to get tired of it.
Vous n'aurez pas le temps de vous en lasser.
There won't be any middle if you lose it fast enough.
Je ne serai pas impliqué si vous perdez vite.
By the time I get through with this demonstration, your front page won't be big enough to handle it.
Une fois qu'on en aura fini avec cette démonstration, Votre une ne sera pas assez grande pour tout mettre.
This time, it won't be a good enough reason.
Parce que je l'exige. Cette fois, ce ne sera pas une raison suffisante.
Oh, it won't be long until you'll be old enough.
- Vraiment? - Ça viendra.
You won't regret it. I hope you won't be foolish enough to cheat me.
Bien sûr que non, je vous dis que je l'ai.
It won't be enough.
Ça ne me suffirait pas.
Before long it'll burn so fast, I won't be able to chop enough even two-handed!
Bientôt, il brûlera si vite qu'avec deux mains, j'en couperai pas assez.
It's going to be necessary to mortgage Joncquières, but it won't be enough to pay your debts.
Il va falloir hypothéquer les Joncquières, mais ce ne sera pas suffisant pour payer vos dettes.
It won't be enough.
Ça ne sera pas suffisant.
It'll be so many that you won't have enough bullets for them.
Vous n'aurez pas assez de munitions.
Our force won't be enough to cope with it.
Nous n'y arriverons pas avec nos seules forces.
That won't be long enough either, but it'll have to do.
Le temps manque même pour cela, mais il faudra nous en contenter.
It won't be soon enough.
Il sera trop tard.
It's punishment enough that he won't be hired for next season.
Il suffira de ne pas renouveler son contrat la saison prochaine.
It won't be enough.
Ça ne suffira pas.
Well, if we stay down here long enough, I'll have to lay off the fuckin'booze, Steel,'cause there won't fuckin be any of it fuckin'left.
Si on reste ici assez longtemps je serai bien obligé d'arrêter car il n'y aura absolument plus rien à picoler.
There won't be enough of The Stuff in it to get a grip on anybody's mind.
Il n'y a pas assez de Stuff dedans pour contrôler l'esprit.
It will be covered today, but it won't be enough.
Aujourd'hui ce sera nuageux. Mais pas assez.
Soon there won't be enough of us left to call it group.
On ne sera bientôt plus assez pour appeler ça un groupe.
I have a family, it won't be enough.
J'ai une famille, ça ne suffira jamais.
If we're gradual enough, it won't be such a shock. Hopefully, it'll just lose interest.
Si nous le faisons en douceur, il devrait se détourner.
You won't be here long enough to make it worth the effort.
Tu ne resteras pas assez longtemps.
If something bad happens because of you it won't be enough for you to quit.
Si tu nous fous dans la merde cette fois encore, tu le paieras très cher!
It won't be enough.
Ce n'est pas assez.
My analysis of the phasers suggests you'd be able to open the rift but it won't be stable enough to transport more than one person.
L'énergie de notre phaseur indique que vous pourrez ouvrir la fissure, mais vous ne pourrez téléporter qu'une personne.
The field modulator is operational, but it won't be enough.
Le modulateur de champ est opérationnel, mais ce sera insuffisant.
You won't, because I'll be smart enough to pay someone to do it for me.
Non, car je payerai quelqu'un pour le faire.
It won't be enough. We have to move at once!
il faut déménager.
If it goes off within this area, there won't be enough left of Babylon 5 to fill a thimble.
Si elle explose, il ne restera plus une miette de Babylon 5.
I did my best, Kitty, but it won't be good enough.
J'ai fait de mon mieux, Kitty, mais ça ne suffira pas.
It's a long shot, I won't be able to establish contact but it might be enough for me to sense if he's alive or not.
Je ne pourrai peut-être pas établir un contact... mais je sentirai peut-être s'il est en vie ou non.
And even if we're lucky enough to get it here, it won't be around for long. We'll have a very short window of opportunity to get through.
Même si on parvient à le rouvrir ici, ce sera seulement pour un bref instant.
If you don't, Apostle EF won't be able to jack it up high enough to put the spare on.
Sinon, l'Apôtre E.F. Ne parviendra pas à le soulevez assez pour changer la roue.
Psych doesn't think she can handle the post-op regime and the mother won't be around long enough to get her through it.
La psy estime qu'elle est incapable de gérer son traitement et que la mère ne sera pas là assez longtemps pour l'aider à supporter ça.
It won't be enough.
- Ça ne suffira pas.
If you don't recant, it won't be enough.
Rétractez-vous ou ça ne suffira pas.
We won't be together long enough for it to matter what you call me.
On se quittera bientôt, alors...
And so inedible, You won't be able to get enough of it down to be bad for you.
Tellement infects qu'on est incapable d'en manger trop.
But if we start fighting each other there won't be enough pieces left to work it out.
Si nous nous combattons... il sera impossible de résoudre le problème
It won't be home, but we've been to a few that were close enough.
On en a visité quelques-uns semblables au nôtre.
it won't take long 230
it won't work 371
it won't matter 76
it won't happen again 518
it won't last 65
it won't last long 21
it won't start 41
it won't hurt you 22
it won't be easy 142
it won't open 58
it won't work 371
it won't matter 76
it won't happen again 518
it won't last 65
it won't last long 21
it won't start 41
it won't hurt you 22
it won't be easy 142
it won't open 58