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Joyner traducir francés

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Miss Joyner.
MIle Joyner.
Why did you tell him Joyner was coming?
Pourquoi tu lui as dit queJoyner viendrait?
Joyner hates my guts. I know.
Joyner me déteste.
- Congressman Joyner, how gracious of you to accept our invitation.
DéputéJoyner, comme c'est aimable d'avoir accepté notre invitation.
- Wait a minute, Joyner...
- Un instant, Joyner...
Congressman Joyner had a serious heart problem.
Le députéJoyner avait une grave maladie de coeur.
You've inherited a crackerjack staff from Congressman Joyner.
Vous avez hérité d'employés de premier ordre du députéJoyner.
Congressman Joyner was my friend.
Le députéJoyner était mon ami.
Well, in that case, Congressman Joyner's staff will do me just fine.
- Eh bien, dans ce cas... les employés du députéJoyner seront parfaits pour moi.
Congressman Joyner was going to vote against the measure.
Le députéJoyner voulait voter contre ce projet.
They think that Congressman Joyner did not die in his bed.
Ils croient que le députéJoyner n'est pas mort dans son lit.
Right. Only Congressman Joyner turned him down.
Mais le députéJoyner n'a pas accepté.
You know, he probably took those photographs too... the ones at the party when Congressman Joyner died.
Vous savez, il a probablement pris ces photos aussi... Celles de la fête où le députéJoyner est mort.
Hey, it's Jackie Joyner.
Tiens, mais c'est Jackie Joyner.
Joyner, for example.
Flo Jo, par exemple.
Dr Joyner.
Dr Joyner.
This is Lisa Joyner reporting from Chevy Chase, Maryland for WJLA.
C'était Lisa Joyner en direct de Chevy Chase, dans le Maryland pour WJLA.
Calvin Joyner.
Calvin Joyner.
Well, somebody tipped the gunman that Mr. Joyner was here in the E.R.
Quelqu'un a dit au tireur que M. Joyner était ici.
Why would he want to kill Calvin Joyner, Ramon?
Pourquoi vouloir tuer Calvin Joyner, Ramon?
Calvin Joyner in bay five.
Calvin Joyner au rideau cinq.
Great, you can terrify him with your wally joyner mini-bat.
Super, il va être terrifié avec ta mini-batte.
We go live now to reporter Lisa Joyner at the scene for the very latest.
Nous rejoignons Lisa Joyner, en direct sur place.
Kate Joyner heads up the New York field office.
Kate Joyner est à la tête du bureau de New York.
Kate's starting to butt heads with the lead detectives and wanted A fresh set of eyes.
Kate et les inspecteurs locaux commencent à tourner en rond et ils voulaient un regard frais. Joyner, je la connais.
Joyner, I know her.
Elle est anglaise, non?
This is my team. Kate joyner, This is David Rossi,
Kate Joyner, voici David Rossi,
Look, I know you don't Like SSA joyner. Fine. I get it.
Écoutez, vous n'aimez pas l'Agent Joyner, d'accord, j'ai compris.
We'd like you to study these and keep an eye out for anyone who looks suspicious. Joyner :
Étudiez ceci et gardez un oeil sur les gens qui vous paraissent louches.
This is kate joyner with the FBI.
Ici Kate Joyner, F.B.I.
the word is, they have An eye on you If SSA joyner gets canned.
Il paraît qu'ils pensent à vous pour remplacer Jayner.
Reverend Joyner, I just want to extend my apologies.
Révérend Joyner, je voulais juste vous présentez mes excuses.
Joyner! ( Florence Joyner, record mondial 100 et 200m )
Are you Robin Joyner?
Vous êtes Robin Joyner?
Robin Joyner?
Robin Joyner?
This is Robin Joyner.
- Voici Robin Joyner.
Miss Joyner, I hate to be the person to deliver bad news... but today D. N.A. paternity testing is extremely reliable.
Mlle Joyner, désolé d'être celui qui doit vous annoncer la mauvaise nouvelle... mais de nos jours, avec l'ADN, les tests de paternité sont extrêmement fiables.
I feel for you, Miss Joyner, but legally... I can't start another test without his consent.
Je compatis, Mlle Joyner... mais légalement, je ne peux pas faire d'autres analyses sans son consentement.
This is Robin Joyner.
Robin Joyner.
Joanie Benoit, Jackie Joyner Kersey, Babe Didrikson Zaharias, Mary Decker, Zola Budd...
Joanie Benoit, Jackie Joyner Kersey, Babe Didrikson Zaharias,
Florence Griffith-Joyner and Stephen Hawking.
Florence Griffith-Joyner et Stephen Hawking.
Karl and Trisha Joyner. Live out in Kahala.
à Kahala.
Print belongs to a former schoolteacher, Trisha Joyner.
Trisha Joyner.
Trisha Joyner- - that's Karl Joyner's wife.
la femme de Karl Joyner.
Hey. Scartelli rented a motel room for Trisha Joyner.
Scartelli a loué une chambre pour Trisha Joyner.
Well, according to the message we heard, Karl Joyner wasn't taking it too well.
il l'a plutôt mal pris.
Karl Joyner, let me see your hands right now.
Les mains en évidence.
He had to be about 600 feet from where Joyner was standing. At least. Plus there's wind.
Il était à près de 200 m de Joyner.
Whoever killed Joyner was a pro.
En plus du vent. Le tireur est un pro.
Right before he went down, Joyner said that somebody was after his wife. Who'd be after his wife?
il a dit qu'on recherchait sa femme.
Danny and I are going to go find Karl Joyner.
On va trouver Karl Joyner.

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