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Junction traducir francés

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We continued on his track, down the Coca to its junction with the Napo,
Nous avons continué notre chemin, descendant le Coca jusqu ´ à sa jonction avec le Napo,
The place is... There is an accident at Route # 7, Kangreung junction, near the ramp toward Yeongdong Highway.
L'endroit est... à proximité de la bretelle en direction de l'autoroute Yeongdong.
And right over here where the road forks, that's Cocoanut Junction.
Ici, à la fourche, c'est Cocoanut Junction.
Now, uh, we strike tomorrow at the junction of the British and French armies.
Demain, nous allons attaquer la jonction des armées françaises et britanniques.
Newark, Elizabeth, Princeton Junction, Trenton and Atlantic City.
Newark, Elizabeth, Princeton Junction, Trenton et Atlantic City.
There's no Sunday west ofJunction City, no law west of Hays City and no God west of Carson City.
Il n'y a pas de dimanche à l'ouest de Junction City... pas de loi à l'ouest de Hays City et pas de Dieu à l'ouest de Carson City.
I'II have you in Junction City in no time at all, my friend.
Oui. Vous serez à Junction City en un rien de temps, mon ami.
He's at Millhampton Junction.
Il est à Millhampton Junction.
- Yeah. It means driving to Mill's Junction to catch the 4 : 40.
Je prendrai le train de 16 h 40.
That's the Junction 63.
C'est le croisement de la 63.
Blasted junction's engaged by the military.
Les lignes sont occupées par les militaires.
Allow yourself plenty of time. The train stops at the junction on signal, but they don't like to wait.
Prenez votre temps... le train s'arrête à la halte, mais ils n'aiment pas attendre.
We're moving on Manassas Junction, attacking at 4 a. m.
Nous attaquons Manassas à 4h.
Jimmy Metcalfe, the fella that played Clifton Junction with you?
Jimmy Metcalfe, ton ex-partenaire.
Well, we won't go on to Canford. We'll get out at Swinton Junction.
On va descendre avant, à Swinton.
Talking of missing trains reminds me of the bridge at Broadham junction.
Ça me rappelle la passerelle de l'embranchement de Broadham.
The Refreshment Room at Milford Junction.
Le buffet de la gare de Milford.
As soon as we reach the junction of these two rivers... we cross this small range of hills here.
A la jonction des deux rivières on traversera ces collines.
The junction must be coming up.
On devrait être près du croisement.
Which way at the junction, Hintze?
Et au croisement, de quel côté, Hintze?
Highway 12 covered. State route to Florence covered. Also Cripple Creek junction covered.
Nationale 12 couverte, aussi route de Florence, carrefour de Cripple Creek... nationale 66...
RADIO : Patrol car three, reporting Captain Fields, At the road block Carter Creek junction.
Voiture 3 au capitaine Fields, du barrage de Carter Creek.
Phone the Indio check. Have them set up a roadblock at Mecca Junction.
Il faut un barrage routier à l'intersection de Mecca.
That's the junction.
C'est une jonction.
That rube'll get his pockets picked Before he gets to the junction.
Ce paysan va se faire dévaliser avant d'arriver à destination.
Transfer to Harvey Junction, Missouri, to CGG and O.
Changement à Harvey Junction, Missouri.
And then one day, Mama, who had broken her glasses and could not afford to have them mended, was knocked down by a tram near Clapham Junction and fatally injured.
Puis, un jour, maman qui n'avait pas de quoi remplacer ses lunettes, fut renversée par un tram et mortellement blessée.
When his car dropped him off at Apache Junction, I was waiting.
Quand sa voiture le déposa à Apache Junction, j'attendais.
Let's get back to Apache Junction and some cold beer.
Retournons à Apache Junction pour boire une bière.
She spent her childhood in Florence Junction.
Elle a passé son enfance à Florence Junction.
When I was a girl in Florence Junction, he frightened me.
Quand j'étais jeune à Florence Junction, il m'avait fait peur.
When we go back, lets go to Phoenix instead by way of Florence Junction.
Au retour, allons à Phoenix au lieu de retourner à Florence Junction.
Now, look, put one of the intercoms here. That'll take care of this end. Put another down here at the junction.
Mettez un interphone ici, pour cette section.
- What if we met him by the junction?
Allons à sa rencontre.
Both U5 and U6 are in that area. Tell them to cut them off at Junction Road. Hello.
U 5 et U 6 sont dans le coin, qu'ils coupent par Junction Road.
Stolen police car proceeding westalong Portobello Road. Intercept at Junction Road.
interceptez la voiture volée à Junction Road.
Stolen police car proceeding west along Portobello Road. Intercept at Junction Road.
interceptez la voiture volée à Junction Road.
Am proceeding west towards Junction Road. Over.
Allons à Junction par l'ouest.
Am now proceeding north towards Junction Road. Over.
Allons à Junction par le nord.
Am proceeding south towards Junction Road.
Allons à Junction par le sud.
However, our report said he managed to right the machine and balance it down to a landing in a town called Grovers Junction, where he has been hospitalized.
Cependant, le rapport précise qu'il a pu redresser sa machine et réussit à la faire atterrir près d'une ville nommée Grover's Junction, où il a été hospitalisé.
Car used by three escaped convicts who held up gas station and shot an officer has been found abandoned at the junction of Glenwood and Highland.
La voiture utilisée par les trois évadés qui ont braqué la station-service et tué un policier a été abandonnée au carrefour de Glenwood et de Highland.
On Tuxedo Junction, we'll have a wax right after lunch.
Pour "Tuxedo Junction", on aura un disque après le déjeuner.
Last seen in Route 61 heading toward North Junction, Stopped at gas station, corner of Ridgewood and Mills Road. Acknowledge.
Docteur Douglas Paul Martin, vu pour la dernière fois sur la route 61, se dirigeant vers la jonction nord, s'est arrêté à la station service au coin des rues Ridgewood et Mills Road.
At the junction, we alter course.
Au croisement, nous changerons de cap.
Five tanks attacking near eastern junction!
Cinq tanks attaquent au carrefour de l'est!
When were you detailed to Bhowani Junction?
Lors de la mutinerie de la Marine Indienne.
I was detailed to Bhowani Junction with a battalion of batons
" sur le centre de triage de Bhowani.
Junction falls next.
Junction Falls.
... about 60 feet of armored cable between the main panel and junction box.
J'ai dormi comme une buche!
Am proceeding east towards Junction Road. Over.
Allons à Junction par l'est.

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