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Kingsport traducir francés

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Avonlea's public school teacher soon to become world famous Canadian author- -
Anne Shirley " " Collège de jeunes filles de Kingsport "
But I assure you, Mr. Wright, Diana will be the sweetest little homemaker in the world.
Les autres Pringle seraient enchantés de l'apprendre! et faire de notre famille, la risée de Kingsport!
Rachel will get over this.
Miss E.HARRIS Collège de Filles - Kingsport
You'll have more sense someday, I hope.
Il est vrai que Kingsport, abonde de cancannières flatteuses!
And apparently there's a position she's recommended for me, at a ladies'college in Kingsport.
NON! N'oublies pas la politesse!
Well, if you want my opinion, Miss Shirley, I'd write about places I knew something of and people that spoke everyday English.
qui expriment un grand courage! Il a été le plus bel homme de Kingsport!
Isn't Jane's millionaire ancient? He could be her father! Well, he certainly must have a lot of money.
établi au nom du Collège de jeunes filles de Kingsport d'un montant global et... appréciable, DE 2500 DOLLARS!
Just trying to be a gentleman.
"Le Conseil Scolaire de Kingsport, souhaite un prochain spectacle!"
I've given the minister the signal. Oh, my darling, I'm losing you forever. Now, now.
passer d'Avonlea à Kingsport a déjà été 1 aventure... vous ferez impression à Boston comme elle en fera sur vous!
Qu'es ce qui vous tient éloigné de Kingsport?
Perhaps I should accept Miss Stacey's offer in Kingsport.
"Et le capitaine Harris, découvre, en sa fille"
She is our new English teacher at Kingsport Ladies'College whom you will be boarding this year.
Nous avons été impressionnées par la mise en scène de "Mary Stuart"!
What is it, Miss Stacey? - Kingsport is full of Pringles and half-Pringles. They're the old money that rules the town.
Enfin ce dont je suis sûre, c'est que Moragn courtise Elvira Evans, la millionnaire du pétrole, à Boston!
They were written by Capt. Abraham Pringle, the founder of Kingsport. My dear Anne, if you want to win the game, you have to understand the players. I see.
je suis venue te demander, si tu voulais faire 1 belle promenade en forêt a.. vec toi, j'aime.. rai pou.. voir le fair... je t'ai apporté mon livre, j'ai fini par être publiée
However, I am told that most of the young Pringle girls in Kingsport have private lessons.
Au revoir, mesdemoiselles... Guilbert...
Yes, he was the handsomest man in Kingsport.
"qui encourage, notre entreprise"
- Miss Shirley, on behalf of the Kings County Board of Education, it gives me very great pleasure to present you with this check, the proceeds of this evening's exciting events, made out to the Kingsport Ladies'College,
après réflexion, j'ai aussi mes torts! j'ai été dure avec Anne je sais reconnaître mes erreurs! je tiens à te présenter mes excuses!
It was with great trepidation that I began my year here at Kingsport Ladies'College, and I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to my fellow teachers and to the parents of my students who all tried to make me feel so at home during my first few weeks in Kingsport.
Finis ta sieste au frais... nous ne sommes pas loin je suis venu vous faire 1 aveu, en réalité, Mme Lindt à propos de la jersey
Hmm, I don't know if Boston is large enough for two sophisticated ladies. Going from Avonlea to Kingsport was an adventure, Captain.
je finirai par en être malheureuse et nous le serions tous les deux!
I'm surprised you've put up with all this Kingsport nonsense as well as you have.
What is it that keeps you away from Kingsport?
oui.. mais, je ne suis pas catholique!
I hope we shall see you often when I return to Kingsport.
Je rêve ou quoi? je croyais, qu'entre vous...
You guys are fighting.
Roanoke, Kingsport, Lexington, Danesboro, voie 23. Vous vous disputer.
Roanoke, Kingsport, Lexington, Danesboro, track 23.
Entrant : C'est nous.
I'm going to my sister's wedding in Kingsport.
Sissy : Je vais au mariage de ma soeur à Kingsport.
Kingsport, Tennessee.
Kingsport, Tennessee.
Mr and Mrs Gardiner from Kingsport, Massachusetts, an American couple.
M. et Mme Gardiner de Kingsport, Massachusetts, un couple d'américains.
Mrs. Tom Pringle is on the alumni, she's been boarding teachers from Kingsport Ladies'College for 30 years now. Miss Stacey, how delightful to see you.
Mesdames, Miss Shirley va s'occuper de votre table
I guess there are only two kinds of people in Kingsport : those who are Pringles and those who aren't.
Maman à parlé de vous, avant de mourir
Kingsport Ladies'College does not tolerate tardiness, nor do I. Take out your dictionary and copy out the entire "A" section.
La vie ne vous effraie jamais!
Mrs. Stanton, our librarian, and I are preparing a history of Kingsport and we literally stumbled accross those in the archives.
An.. ne
Do what you can, Miss Brooke.
Je ne retourne pas à Kingsport je reste ici, pour écrire... tes jeunes donzelles t'ont donné du fil à retordre?
I gave explicit orders that my daughter was to have no further association with Kingsport Ladies'College.
Le mien le serait en effet!
Kingsport Ladies'College, Miss Brooke speaking...
The Kingsport Examiner eagerly awaits their next production.

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